The Russia state is too dangerous to be allowed to exist
Once Europe has been cleansed, we need a new Generalplan Ost
What do you think?
The Russia state is too dangerous to be allowed to exist
Why? Just fucking unite with them and America to make a Northern Hemisphere White area.
I rather nuke Israel and keep Russia.
Russia is a threat to Europe, they are waiting for the moment to bite, just like in '20 and '39
Also, the russians, as they are, will never be economically successful and have general welfare among the population as long as they are ruled by a "russian leader". It has been tradition since Ivan IV that rulers must be well off and the people serfs, tied to the land they work on.
Visited Russia in the summer again, truly a backward place, seems things have only gone downhill since the early 2000's
Both finns and russians are mongols, you guys are comrade brothers.
Most russians in NW-Russia do have finnish genes, as does Putin and as did Molotov, which however doesn't translate to any sort of kinship politic
Russia is a huge multicultural experiment which, for the sake of the Russian citizens, must be brought to an end as soon as possible
I have a better idea. Once Europe has gone to shit completely Russia annexes Estonia and Finland. Estonians and Finns assimilate into Russians in two generations just like Izhorians, Tver Karelians and Karelians did recently and Volga Finnics do right now.
Seriosuly though, I do believe that Russia will have to let go of its colonies sooner or later but it will be nothing like what you envision.
>Estonians and Finns assimilate into Russians in two generations
That's what Bobrikov thought :-)
>I do believe that Russia will have to let go of its colonies sooner or later
how do you see this happening? Does the separation start from the east or the west?
reunite Kievan Rus and throw the Gopniks into Siberian protectorate
>less saunas in Siberia than European Russia
Funny, I was just thinking about this today. The only way for the US could eliminate the threat of Russia on the European continent is for Russia's balkinization. The question is how do we get there?
We sure need to balkanize Russia. One way or another.
Russians were once elves, but their tortured slavic souls made them into orcs. They have the genetic material to become good, but being born into Russian culture, they become wretched, vile bydlos.
Rev up the CIA and feed separatism inside Russia, basically what Russia is doing to EU by sponsoring separatist political parties
There need to be skilled agitators who cannot be traced to the west; it must seem completely honest, and in many cases there is already fertile ground. In Sakha there is an independence movement, Karelians have spread papers calling for an independence referendum or to join Finland etc.
Actually, just look what you guys did with the Arab spring, just once the popular revolt has started, the neighboring forces must take control of the situation so it doesn't escalate to the shitfest that's till going on there
I'm really not sure there would be enough people to make these national movements possible. There are some exceptions but there isn't that underlining national or religious movement that something like the Arab Spring could rise. The Arab Spring at least have the Sunni fundamentalism behind it.
That's true, but if the state crumbles and breaks apart, not much is needed for people to set up their own camps
I always hit my head to the wall when I think of what a chance the world missed in the 90s. We were so cautious due to ignorance of what was going on and didn't milk the moment to it's full extent
Putin might be the critical piece that needs to be removed for anything to happend. He's ex-KGB and knows his subversions, he won't let separatism happend. He was also a smart man when he banned Pride homofestivals.
I've mixed feels on Russians balkanization. On one hand Russia poses as a danger to us, but on a global level they are part of the Sino-Persian-Russian anti-NWO force. EU might be even greater threat to us, because our sheeps are too fucking dumb to see the dangers in federalization. How exactly does EU-integration differ from a scenario with us being in a union with Russia and getting ''tighter integration''? Our independence is threatened from all corners.
We would be fucked if we didn't have nukes.
Commies supported regional identities when they didn't get asshurt about some random thing. They actually wanted to create an autonomous SSR for Karelians at one point. They would be fine with Suomi Finland as long as it's red. It's the only reason Finno-Ugrics in Russia even exist today. Once cultural affirmative action ended they started assimilating real fast even without any incentives.
DICh(Dagestan, Ingushetia, Chechnya) and Tuva obviously have to go. They just aren't Russian in any way and share of Russian population there is dropping. It just isn't possible to keep them in the federation in the long run. Maybe the rest of North Caucasus republics will have to go too. Sakha is kind of a problem but the thing about them is they look huge on the map but only a small part of it is populated at all and even smaller part is populated by Yakuts, they have like one Yakut city there and it's in the middle of bumfucknowhere. Their villagers have to use helicopters to get around. Diamond rich regions in the south are more than 80% Russian.
I doubt that Russian majority regions will split, Russian identity is pretty strong and uniform. There might be calls for more regional rights inside the federation in the future. I personally think it would be a good idea but as of right now it's more popular in Moscow and Petersburg than anywhere else, people just don't give a shit.
For whatever reason stereotypical Russian culture was always more North than Central-South Russian. I guess people who were born and raised outside of European part of Russia just do what is considered "Russian".
Putin seems to be a man that's holding things together
We can hope tat once he dies, there will be a power struggle which is won by a powerhungry and incompetent man who will do something stupid and thus bring forth the destruction of Russia
How likely that is; not very. But still
>after the Teutons, Prussians, Swedes, Napoleon and Hitler westcucks still dreaming of conquering US
When will they learn, I guess only when there is noone to learn left in the nuclear winter
Get it to your thick sculls westspastics
Were the only unconquered people for the longest time in history since Christ's birth
We still to this day retain our empire minus the butthurt belt, while everyone lost theirs after ww1 and 2
Come on try us motherfuckers
>Inb4 flag
I'm not a German or immigrant so STFU fgt
>German flag
You might have kept your land, but your dignity...
Also, mongols, swedes and poles have marched in Moscow (Napoleon too but that doesn't count), I don't know if that's unconquered
that's exactly what an immigrant would say
Tru.Russia is eternal, but you guys would have better lives under greater finland. We are the better russia.
Seigneur Napoleon, back from the grave!
caucasion union when
>that doesn't count
also nazis too
The city was abandoned and burned when the french marched in, the Nazis never even got there
>Once Europe has been cleansed, we need a new Generalplan Ost
It won't be cleansed. It will be even more cucked. Euros are gutless, nutless and STATIST by nature. They can never change, and they are incapable of caring who runs the state so long as they are propagandized correctly.
Witness former Nazi Germany. The Eastern half became best Communist state because Germans take naturally to statism. Now DDR functionary Merkel runs Germany.
All these plans from proles with no influence, status or leverage are jokes. If you are not personally engaged in violent revolution you are larping.
If you wait for someone else to make a revolution for you to join so you don't have to think, you are cucked.
Your best bet for growing the backbone you lost is Islam. Muslims fight. The least of my brothers who fights the kuffar is more man than you feeble faggot weebs.
That's probably CIA's bet too. Maybe they have tried and deemed any attempt a failure due to Putin's competence to handling subversive attempts.
I believe that Putin was originally a NWO-guy, or he let the globalists think that, and that's why the West went initially soft with Russia. Then at some point Putin showed his true colors and the anti-Russian sentiment begun.
He's an alternative to Russian balkanization:
>fund Finnish right-wing nationalism with billions of rubles (not those fags like Bäckmann, Ilja Janitskin, i.e guys currently on your payroll)
>get them to power and make us leave EU
>give back Karelia and some extra (gesture that will eliminate anti-Russian suspicion that your airspace violations have caused)
>make Finland your ally
>The city was abandoned
it was abandonned by fear of the french troups , I think that should count as much as the city taken
the nazis got close that should count too but I guess I can't really argue for this one
Nice try, CNN.
>just like in '20
When kike bolsheviks sponsored by american kike bankers were killing off actual Russians?
Your empire is so full of Muslims you have to bribe Kadyrov to keep Chechnya stable.
Like Burgers, you won't lose to external enemies, you'll lose to enemies you pretend don't exist. Vatniks and Burgers are remarkably similar creatures. All you need is an external enemy to distract you from the fat Kike penis balls deep in your arse.
Burgers do not reject the Jew. Russians do not reject the Jew except for poor tokens they chase off as a gesture.
Only Muslims reject the Jew. Despite centuries of Jewish plots and machinations, we still understand the Jew as he is, an enemy of all freedom. The Jew hates Burger secularism, Vatnik nationalism, and Muslim piety.
Those not Jewish have one thing in common we cannot erase until we erase the Jew. That is the Jewish threat to our cultures and lives.
The Jew would have you believe all Muslims are not secular, so the Jew is enemy to secular Muslims! The Jew got Qaddafi and Saddam Hussein (peace be upon them) and he wants to kill Bashir Assad. You should ask yourselves why.
Ignore me but fucking THINK for yourselves.
it wasn't really fear, but an essential part of the Russian scorched earth strategy
If it wasn't abandoned, the grand armé would've been supplied and could've camped there for the winter
The capture of ruins really can't be considered a conquerement of a nation, especially when the capture is a death blow to you?
I'm not even sure if they put the french flag over the city
>muh russians the post
The whole region is such a clusterfuck that I seriously doubt that it's possible. "Ingushetia Stronk North Ossetia We War You" is a part of Republic of Ingushetia constitution. It would be an even worse mess than it already is without federal forces.
Moscow was an irrelevant village back in Mongol invasion days. Both Swedes and Poles were a part of a Russian civil war. Id' say Napoleon was the closest to conquering Moscow even though it amounted to nothing.
When the kikes organized russians to march to europe, unsuccessfully; though they succeeded in '45 and spread russian language and culture to the conquered areas
>the only white country that doesn't run a debt-based economy and can actually sustain itself without ethnic replacement
Damnit it perkelle. I thought you guys weren't cucked by Soros yet.
Russia has shitloads of immigrants though.
The only reason I am still alive is the hope that I will witness the balkanization of Russia, China and possibly the USA, and the end of the Superstates Era.
They spread communism. Where did they spread russian language and culture to?
Ukraine and Belarus were russian speaking before the revolution. And in the baltics it didn't stick.
I'll have to agree with that
although at that point if they hadn't flee they would have been taken for good
they more or less sacked the city sadly
Imagine a world
>USA: balkanized!
>EU: balkanized!
>China: balkanized!
>Russia: balkanized!
>India: balkanized!
I can't get any harder.
pls stop it finnbro
Next thing you know, city-states will be back and my dick will fucking explode.
What happened to Honduran charter cities anyway? I remeber reading about those in 2010 or 2011.
>the only white country that doesn't run a debt-based economy and can actually sustain itself without ethnic replacement
Streets that look like swiss cheese and shitloads of immigrants combined with the largest muslim population in europe
Visited Kaliningrad this summer, it's like half of them were Uzbeks
But that's not why I call them dangerous; why I call them dangerous is the fervent militarism combined with imperial daydreams which manifests itself in the war in eastern Ukraine
>And in the baltics it didn't stick
Estonian population: 24% russian
Latvian population: 26% russian
Remainder that N-Korea is also dangerous; if you want an anti-NWO country that is based, you look at Bhutan
Not doing well at all because of already-existing corruption in the hondurian authorities which delayed the experiments, foreign investors having cold feet, and ridiculously ambitious infrastructure projects, apparently.
Cant wait
excellent post my friend, can i save it?
You do realize that the caucauses are an extremely important defensive geographical position for the existence of Russia, right? You'll never be rid of it. Since stalin days are over, and population displacement isn't in fashion, the only way to keep those roaches from coming more and more into Russia is by incentivising their economy (i.e. gibs). They'll stay there and not go looking yonder beyond the caucauses
Russia is multiethnic so it's easy to get the same movement going there. Their nationalists are just itching to kick out churkas and Central Asians. We shouldn't forget they have millions of whites there any more than the fact there are whites in South Africa.