Why is this so hard for liberals to see?
Why is this so hard for liberals to see?
because they are mostly young middle/upper class white people from the burbs who do not interact with your average inner city nig and who are indoctrinated with liberal pc culture bullshit from very early ages
it's amazing that this guy had a representative come out days after the footage got released that effectively exonerated the cop saying "we are legally required to release this"
blacks are so fucking stupid and easy to manipulate emotionally, though, they fucked his store up first. JUST FOR COMPLYING with the court and providing the video footage of this robbery.
Every young white cuck should be forced to spend an immersion month living in a nigger nest low income housing block
liberals tend to see things which aren't there
nothing new really
because blacks vote democrat
Also liberals listen to and love rap music and think they're GHETTO POETS and like to imagine themselves as a "brother from another mother" - but at the same time, they think they're cooler than the Vanilla Ice wigger types.
he was just a lovable teddy bear. He loved xbox and america
Hell just let them roam the streets of Chicago for an hour. Half of them wouldn't even make it back alive.
They're wearing different shirts...
But I (OP) went to a city school with mostly blacks from 1st to 12th grade and I never put it together, and I defended blacks against race-realism that whole time (even though there was one black person in my top 20, and the top boy and girl were jews) Even after doing a BS in biology I still didn't quite get it. Honestly, it took my brother explaining it to me a few years ago to begin even looking into it.
>different shirts on pajeet
That isnt the same store
that is youtube compression
Schools are highly controlled environments.
Unless your school was majority black (like in Oakland), you really were never exposed to niggerdom outside of isolated incidents.
Also, you got to go back to your clean white suburban home every day.
No, ever liberal needs to spend a year in East Oakland, with only public transit available to them, and them only able to work in a retail position within Oakland itself.
They need a 1 bed apartment on East 14th and to have barred shutters on their window, and be woken up at 3 AM to a shotgun blasting twice less than a block away.
They need to step over a dead body every 4 months. Nothing will make you realize how incompatible blacks are to modern society like seeing them in an environment that isn't controlled through threat of violence by a far superior force.
Different days.
left side is the day Mike Brown died.
Right side is the "peaceful protests" a couple of weeks later.
Same store, same guy.
not everybody is wearing the same clothes every day UN larping bum
I was raised upper class but during elementary years I went to an all black school. I was bullied for being white. So I became racist. My sister became a nigger lover.
could be the plot line of "Sup Forums The Movie"
They know OP, they know. They just don't want to admit the truth. Their virtues are more important than the truth.
It's beaten wife syndrome. They keep getting hit, but they just know their abuser will change.
See his striped shirt under sweater faggot? Poojit just added a layer you fucking retard. Niggermike Brown danced with the devil and got what he deserved. Justified shooting worthy of a commendation
i wonder what it's like to hate niggers that much and still just be a poo yourself.