This is rascist propaganda to the left

>This is rascist propaganda to the left

Other urls found in this thread:


Not Racist...

Liberals have lost their minds..

What a cunt.

Cambridgeport Elementary School librarian Liz Phipps Soiero

Oh the Places You'll Go...

Twitter for school: @Cport_School

Not surprised, Cambridge is the most liberal place here in Massachusetts.

Big Mike pushing the racial narrative.

She didnt reject it for being racist, she rejected it because its a huge library with loads of books and resources and "Green eggs and ham" isnt a real contribution.

>tfw the actual racists don't even need to make their own propaganda because the left does it for them

It's because she's being a caddy cunt. This is female bitchmode 101. Rather than outright saying "I don't like you" she's just flinging bullshit like that and being indirectly insulting. She's not insulting her in a way that outright is like "fuck you" but in a way that is meant to hurt Melania in a sneering holier-than-thou by saying her choice of book was "a bit of a cliche" and "tired and worn ambassador for children's literature". Wymen dood.

Is Dr. Seuss /ourguy/?

I guess she's pretty racist....

A perfect microcosm of your typical leftard. Will go to almost any length to bash a president who says mean things, even go against their own past actions.

Reminds me of the most recent South Park episode.

On that note, that episode was shit. But i laughed uncontrollably for a bit when Garrison was tweeting about Tweak.

No, it's not racist propaganda to the left. They're just being triggered, grasping at any straw they can grab.

I thought Cat in the Hat was about being introduced to chaos and anti-authoritarianism. When did race start having to do with it?

If they think that is bad, they should try reading "Annie goes to Auschwitz" or "The poo in the loo" or "The Jew in the Canoe(that never tips)" or "Dyke on a bike"...

I was just about to post this but you beat me to it

No, it really isn't. But then, details aren't really important to your typical Sup Forumsack.


that cat is hu-white af

Irony not big in Portugal, I guess.