Hugh Hefner the most Degenerate Man that Ever Lived

This man spread more degeneracy and ruined the lives of more youth than any other man in the history of civilization. Hugh Hefner paved the road for pornography which I find disgusting and degrading and degenerate.

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Always faultless aren't you?

Nope not a whores fault for wanting money.
Nope not your fault for having no self control and needing to fap.
Nope not themensdault for buying and supplying demand.

And the best part? You're still jerking yourself off.

Porn is just a representation of how top tier alpha males have sex. Just because no girl finds you attractive enough to do all that slutty stuff porn girls do doesn't mean you have to be a little bitch about it.

I would never ever want women to do "slutty" stuff with me

I am NOFAP actually. And by that logic drug users aren't degenerate since people willingly bought the drugs.

Agreed 100%
Class, take note. This is the nigger brain in action!
It is processing the only thing it is capable of and that is "muh dick".

>Hugh Hefner
>most Degenerate Man that Ever Lived

what did he do

> no girl finds you attractive enough to do all that slutty stuff porn girls do
Like get gangbanged by a bunch of niggers while others watch? Guess I should be grateful

Second only to Muhhame.... oh wait saying that is racist now :/

He was a faggot who killed other faggots and tried to make zombies out of people.

>Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer, also known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, was an American serial killer and sex offender, who committed the rape, murder, and dismemberment of seventeen men and boys between 1978 and 1991.

>Fucking blonde twin sisters at the same time

You're just jelly.

ok never mind he's messed up

no i am not saying that, im saying he infected the youth with lust.

Well who is worse OP - Hugh or the masses, which were the ones who enabled his business? Stop absolving the consumer of blame, if nobody paid for his shit he wouldn't have fucked 1/100th of those girls in his lifetime.

>no i am not saying that, im saying he infected the youth with lust.

Plato already complained about that.

How's 7th grade so far for you?

He also said this:
>"The fight for gay marriage is, in reality, a fight for all of our rights. Without it, we will turn back the sexual revolution and return to an earlier, puritanical time."

The bastard helped ruin women for everyone. I hope the motherfucker is burning in hell for this.

This is true. I was first exposed to pornography when I found my dad's 1970s Playboys at age 11.

Now I'm 26 and I only get hard if I'm watching bukkake, IR cuck, or bestiality porn.

I have no desire to go outside except for work and even then I call in sick when I want to jerk off.


Everyone was posting on kikebook right after it happened and I was scrolling my phone in bed, everyone saying "RIP Hugh Hefner the legend"

Some girls I know from back in the day even posted pictures they had took with him.

A lot of these same people bitch about womens rights feminism sjw shit too. The cognitive dissonance was unreal.

>which I find disgusting and degrading and degenerate
Awww, did he hurt your feefees? Kill yourself.

Wow no fap made you pedestalise women and make everyone faultless? Great placebo shit you got going on.

He needed to watch gay porn to get hard for them. Look it up.

i've got news for you, pal, most women you have sex with aren't going to do all that slutty porn stuff no matter how attractive you are.

It's really not his fault you were shit fathers, that made your daughters need to seek out attention from other men.

>died because the easy supply of child blood and adrenachrome ran dry

thanks Sessions


He's a member of the tribe
Fucked every Playboy model, gotta sleep with Hef to be a centerfold
Pretty much sabotaged healthy gender relations the most outside of feminism and dating apps

Rest in peace Hef. F

Fucked around and caught a double-double.

And true!

Neon Nettle says he was killed for being about to reveal Hollywood pedophiles.

least his legacy dies with the gay son

You know looking back it's ridiculous how sleazy and pathetic the whole Playboy brand was.
>Dude Playboy Mansion bro!
>Man it would be awesome if we could go hang out in High Hefner's STD soup hot-tub with some random interchangeable """"blonde"""" with bolt on tits who makes her living sucking an old man's balls!

Seriously what the fuck were we thinking? America was and is so Jewed it's ridiculous.

I think it's because you suddenly offer people a new sense of "freedom" to do what cultural norms didn't allow them in the past (and for good reason).

He is jewish

He was an agent in the normalization of degeneracy.

the normalization of porn in mass media and entertainment is one way I rationalize hard right political views. What's worse honestly, a sexual revolution or a Fascist revolution?

he was a lot of things but he wasn't Jewish

>we should be able to sell heroin and meth since it's the masses choice to cunsume

Hugh Hefner literally invented pornography

Playboy is to porn what Coca-Cola is to soft drinks

serial killers were more of a pre-9/11 thing

Evil man

It's not a placebo. I see through degeneracy

AWWWWWW did my facts hurt your feeling


>ugh Hefner paved the road for pornography which I find disgusting and degrading and degenerate.
Who cares if you find it those things? why should i or other people on here give a shit?

nah, pedos are worse

18. I am the head of the anti-premartial sex group at school, it's a Catholic school and they tried to stop it but the religious community pressured them to allow it.

Virgin detected.

Because we care about society.

cool story bro

nofap also implies heavy heavy fap at some point

stop projecting, stop looking for bogeymen, burning them will make you feel a mild high now, but youll just need more fuel later.

#sage pussy

>what is consenting adults
>what is barely evolved primates
>what is sex is not as shameful as u think, u creep

please, please, please tell me you are attempting irony or sarcasm or whatever goofy shit you kids are into these days

I think the swedes got him beat.

Yeah, im not a degenerate sex driven freak

>sex isn't shamful lol just do whatever you want
Creep, disgusting rat

>he infected the youth with lust.
yeah you're right, young men never would have thought of scantily clad women is sexy poses before playboy... oh wait

bruh the west has been increasingly hyper sexualized since the sexual revolution.
how's being 16 and super into abstinence like your youth leader taught you?

They would think it's "sexy" but they wouldn't have lusted over it because it's degenerate.

I am the Youth Leader of the anti-sex coalition at school.

The average polster ladies and gent

Women need to be sexually entertained.
It's not her fault if you have a small dick and it makes you feel sad when you fuck wymyn

>anti sex collation
but user, sex makes new humans

Roman Emperor Caligula

I should have clarified. Anti-premarital sex but we call it the anti-sex coalition because while your in high-school you aren't having children.

What's even more sickening is Liberal media is hailing him as a hero.

i agree with you for the most part, i really do.
however, sex is a natural part of life, im christian and even i know you're gonna break the rules.
arm them with appropriate and accurate knowledge, not fear.

masturbation will come naturally, it did for me at around 12.

though it's not something that should be taught but discovered on one's own terms.

Hefner literally did nothing wrong.

He most likely has a Jew in recent family line. Just look at that nose.

Playboy had a lot of links with Jews and Israel.

>kekistani flag
You're also infected with degeneracy

> even i know you're gonna break the rules.
I'm 18, I've never drank, done any drugs, skipped class, or anything like that. I think im pretty pure and will be for my life

You are just jealous because he was having more sex in his eighties than you ever had in your entire life. The degenerate sayers are merely virgin beta cucks.

and you're also probably one of the most boring people to live, i know a few people liek you, total kill joys

21 m8, no point in living if you can't have fun.

Except you can't have fun in life if you are emotionally broken, and if you drink, party, have sex, do drugs, skip class, you will be morally and emotionally broken and never have fun.

>"being a liberal may give you short-term fun, but short-term fun is inversely correlated to long term happiness

You're just jealous you fucked someone and then regretted it. Only degenerate sinful morally bankrupt scum call people "virgins" as an insult.

PragerU said that btw. A conservative channel.

>actually believing this
do you also believe high school matters?

oh no i've smoked, drank, done drugs, and had premarital sex, i'm emotionally broken, call a therapist, i'm fucken done with life.

it's gonna take a lot more than the occasional controlled substance to break me.

liberals aren't fun.

> 1) Banish God from the heavens and Christianity from the earth.
> 3) Abolish marriage, family and home. Encourage sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication.
> 7) Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the schools and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex.
> sexual revolution, feminism, social media, etc.

t. (2017)
New York Times (from CDC Report) - “110 Million Americans Have An S.T.D.”

I heard a story on the radio today honoring hefner as an activist and sexual liberator.

good for you user. I wish I had the patience to do the same.

He was based and only puritanical morons would disagree.

Have you ever considered not being such a whiny little cuckold?
>only get hard if I'm watching bukkake, IR cuck, or bestiality porn
Laughin @ you

How is he a degenerate? You're a degenerate for reading Playboy. He's making money off you.

hefner tried to legalise beastiality

no wonder this furry board loves him.

>herderp I consider erotica bad because that's the only way I can deal with the lack of skin contact

jihadi material

High-school does matter. I need certain grades to get into a decent school. Literally my age 18 and in my grade 12 is the most important time in my life.

Thanks man

Only degenerate morons would say he was based

Stop whining

I don't watch or read degeneracy

yeah man! you get those good grades! you get into a "good" college! you get a dead end job!

Fucking baby! I cried when I found out and woke my elderly Mother in the middle of the night and informed her that we lost one of the greatest Americans of all time. A true American treasure is Hugh Hefner. He full exercised his right of freedom of speech. Playboy is classy and promotes sexual liberation with pleasure. What a wonderful life he lived. R.I.P. sweet prince. Fuck you sissy.

>kek flag
>calling anyone else a moron
Laughing at a moron with no impulse control is not whining.
based abu dhabibro


you have no impulse control that's why you have sex

You only consider him great because you're a sissy, he was an evil man who promoted sexual liberation. You moronic baby.

>promotes sexual liberation with pleasure

show my pussy fo some money.

Everybody laugh at this faggot.

Actually it was the NYC and BERLIN connections that were the 'Filth' in the early 1900's....

you know.....when the camera was invented and used throughout these areas.

there were godless men and women all over the earth in those days....

it mattered not to the hedonist seeking satisfaction when there were no wives for the single men, as they found the cabarets quite relaxing and even more enjoyable than married life sometimes. this was the primary reason that these slurs are thrown at the peas and corn industry.

so many tried to keep the 'serpent' in their pants but couldn't resist the first sight of a blonde with freckles naked....

hugh was a fact these were the only sources of political discourse and investigative journalism on the planet when the cabal began taking over and changing the forums back over to their psych warfare strategies that were corrupting these standards.

He never showed "PENETRATION" as that word was taught in schools as a form of "Sex Education" that was geared at convincing men that it was natural to "BREAK" a woman's hymen at a young age.

he always showed the more mature looking sides of women, and when younger their innocent states of mind were shown in wonder of their sexuality as if to be used as a creative allure.

pure photos and the essences of women.

SOME women are so neurotic that will try to explain the natural instincts of others as an influence of the cognitive mind.

YET these are primarily still coming from women who have no libido, are approaching menopause or are there already, and have surrounded themselves with their own versions of the story and blame the naked, as if their ability to get off was more intimidating that their political defense arguing for the castration of society.

In fact he was so in demand that the fabled DB COOPER used the PLAYBOY magazine for one of his Zodiac Attacks......

>browse 4chin

I'm here to learn