Why are people shitposting about him and saying that he's going to be killed or kidnapped or face some similar fate? He's going to be discharged at most.
Why are people shitposting about him and saying that he's going to be killed or kidnapped or face some similar fate...
why does anyone give a fuck? like youve never seen a degenerate commie before.
Imagine what actual veterans that don't serve the military anymore would do to him. I'm pretty sure this has blown up big enough to where someone would want to find him IRL and beat his ass. The discharge is just icing on the cake.
they're talking about what his fellow service members will do to him
idk the fact that some commie fag can get into west point and not some nu-Sup Forums trump tard doesn't scream degeneracy
he's a commie and had no place in the military, but i can't help but feel bad for a stupid kid who got into commiposting while not understanding the gravity of actively plotting against the interests of the government while enrolled at west point.
our military is full of trannies and pinkos. nothing will happen to him
>Why do you care that a communist who vowed he would subvert the military was on his way to becoming a military officer.
i would whoop that faggot in a no holds barred fight. the military hasn't produced anything but cucks since the 1990's and he is no exception.
did he ever say anything about subversion?