Antifa. They’re becoming a growing threat to the entire right wing. That includes us. So, what are we going to do about it?
They are no threat to anyone, just a bunch of annoying kids. Notice how antifa activity drops massively when its half term
Laugh in their faces. Leftist paramilitaries attacking random people does wonders for electing and keeping right wing governments in power.
pussy. go kill some if they bother you that much.
Turns out they've been working for Russia, it's amazing. Russia even managed to hack CNN and Obama in order to make them support Black Lives Matter, which is a black Antifa related organization with heavy funding and leadership ties. Ties which lead straight to Russia.
Actually nvm I’ll look it up
The more they chimpout the more moderates they drive away from Democrats. Let them keep being idiots.
Enough with this Russia shill goys. The same Jews run Russia that run america.
They're just a bunch of skin n bone, brainwashed, college cucks user. They've already been labeled as domestic terrorists, and have been infiltrated several times. What they don't realize is the fact that even the msm has turned against them so basically everyone hates them now. They will fizzle back out into their basement dwellings rather sooner than later.
Keep goading them into more violent action and redpill people while the kike media ignores it
Obviously you're working for Russia if you think this.
Russian shill detected, trying to make the Internet anti-Semitic. Why won't you Russian shills stop?
Are you implying the Russian revolution wasn't done by Jews or are you being sarcastic?
Let the FBI and cops handle it, you dumb fuck.
Why do you think ANTIFA exists? To break shit and act like assholes so that dumb asses take matters into their own hands, and when that happens, the leftist media can say "see! We told you so! Those evil violent right wingers!".
ANTIFA are nothing but USEFUL IDIOTS being completely exploited by their leftist overlords.
>not sitting back and waiting for the huge disappointment Nov. 4th will be
I'm willing to bet that their anticipated "largest shit show" of the year demonstration is just gonna be Berkeley 2.0
Nothing they do is worth more than a few news articles and some riot police making arrests, which is always fun to watch.
Just let the police handle it like always. Even if they do something extremely stupid, like set off a bomb, they're only gonna dig themselves a deeper hole. Nobody with half a brain cell wants to be part of their pathetic group of revolutionary LARPers.
It's amazing to see how Russia has hacked your brains.
Antifa are pussys, no threat. All talk, talk, talk.
Fuck with them any chance we get.
Tomorrow 10,000 Antifa will attack 1,000 natsocs in Gothenburg at 11 CET.
We have their email and phone lines for medical/legal support. All will be posted tomorrow.