So where are we in current year? Anyone have an updated map...

So where are we in current year? Anyone have an updated map? Do I even WANT to know how damaging the Hart-Cellar was to America?

I know where Europe's at. Makes me sad :(

I hate that my family/in-laws all live in either the south or way too expensive areas. I just want to live somewhere white when I decide on where to settle down for the long haul. It doesn't even have to be hugely white as long as there are no blacks. It doesn't seem like there's anywhere in the south where you can escape blacks.

what ridiculous things do blacks get away with?

Besides acting like literal retards?

>Miami was 80% white

so, i have a thought did the grim reaper switch out a sythe for a bomb vest?? it seems more productive.

I thought I was looking at D.C. for a minute there. Multiculturalism isn't the great thing that liberals make it out to be.

holy shit thanks for making me aware :(

yeah I'm actually working on a uni project and just mining pictures and statistical memes. Please feel free to dump things relevant to white genocide. I'm going to start by playing "guess the country"

Every time i see this map it makes me want to

but do you have the updated version? I want to demonstrate the devastation the 1965 immigration act caused

Maybe this?

So maybe there are places in the south that I can move to one day that are white within county lines.

Yeah Tennessee or Kentucky seem like your best bets


Maine, although the whites there are probably pretty cucked. But I prefer the cooler weather.

thanks, I'll use this. Sorry but yours isn't as dramatic and it's all about the optics

Puerto Rico was a mistake

He said in the South

kek, Harris County TX will be the lightest shade of pink very soon.

The oil and gas industry is struggling and many whites are giving up and moving away.

Don't forget diversity is our strength

Just stay out of Portland, our only cucked population center

Could be a blue state soon

I just want it back. I hate what we've become. I fucking hate that we abandoned our Founders, I hate how I am powerless to fucking stop this and have to sit by and watch my nation turn into Latin America. I hate having to know that this continent will never be the fucking same and will possibly never be united again. All I wish is that I had even an ounce of power to at least hold it off just a little bit longer. I better get a gun.

Is that snake I am seeing?

It will be by 2024 at this rate. There is no more hope. We are simply outnumbered. I'm thinking about finishing my degree here and moving to Tennessee



I know right.

we did what germany is doing now, we let in the tar monsters.

I claim the 1960's ruined the USA.
Civil rights and opened the boarders to every country.
I'm 3rd generation dutch. from my closest European ancestor.

What do we do? My wife and I are expecting our first, and we will have some white children that will be raised right. I live in a cuck metropolis, and I want to get away to a small white town. However, every white family like mine that moves out of the metropolis makes it more and more nonwhite. What am I to do? Raise my white children in a place where it's only a matter of time until the next chimpout and then hope we aren't caught in it? Do we just continue to retreat until they own all the cities?

I live on the Jersey shore now, it's white by NJ standards. I stay here because of the local economy. If I was on a fixed income, rural Maine might be my first choice to move to

>being white in the city
You are asking for it. Leave while you still can, the cities are lost.

Cities are the worst. I'd rather live among minorities than traitorous cucked whites in a "white city" like Seattle

>live among minorities

You must ask yourself, who are the minorities?

Sad stuff. White Texans are some of the best people to come out of these 50 states, and they are getting replaced by fucking Mexicans.

>tfw I live in the only yellow dot in Kentucky


Southwestern Virginia is pretty nice and white, beautiful countryside.

I live in a white area but over the past five years (((land developers))) have starting to ramroad in poorly built deathtrap "low income housing" all around us to cash in on free government money.

the western edge of the midwest is white man's mecca, fwiw

My general outline for the presentation will go as follows:
>write "EBBA AKERLUND" on the board
>play "Name that Country"
>use pic related and discuss the FF's intent in making great America
>use then to illustrate the dramatic change
>ask what happened and maybe couple the text with that sad pic of the veteran and the mulatto kids (I'd rather not get in trouble though so idk)
>wind the clock back to Weimer germany
>explain the origins of the Frankfurt School
>teach how they fled to NYC
>enlighten the class that Critical theory comes from them and why it was invented
>point out our entire textbook is based on their ideas
>list all the Frankfurt School """intellectuals""" who are cited in the book
>then go in to discussing the theories I'm actually supposed to discuss
>but only to shut it down
>explain how multiculturalism is hurting the world
>show some "With Open Gates"
>talk about Rotterham
>highlight the hypocrysoy of the left that proves their intentins arent to help victims but to further Marxist agendas
>expose the fake news by showing the Syrian Boy hoax then all of the pics about 0 stories on Ebba Akerlund
>get expelled

>Los Angeles was 90+% white
>the fucking beaner capital of America was almost entirely white at one point

What is the yellow dot around Reno? What the hell was going on there in 1940.


Yep, Founders only granted citizenship to "free white persons of good moral character" per the 1790 Naturalization Act. Sadly enough most conservatives (who say they praise the Founders) would probably denounce such a law today as racist.

Truth is, Israel Zangwill ended up having a much bigger say in our national identity than George Washington. Most Americans believe the Founders wanted us to be a melting pot with people all around the world living here. But they didn't.

Alpine County, CA

Had a good portion of Native Americans living there. It's one of the few counties in America that is whiter today than it was in 1940.

is Kentucky nice? It certainly looks pretty.

We should just hand over the city to Mexico at this point

Yeah, and back then we didn't have the CRA, so you could set up all white neighborhoods and DC wouldn't bother you about it.

Look up some of the old housing covenants, there were some LA neighborhoods that banned negroes, Jews, Chinese and Mexicans from living there.

Lots of farmland and wide open space and lots of wildlife. It's great so long as you don't live in an area with blacks unless those blacks happen to be reasonably civilized.
>mfw one of my best friends is black

96% here but I can go weeks without seeing a single nigger. If they're up here I don't know where they're hiding.

Aint no going back mayonnaise face. Soon you will be holding some mulatto grandbabies.

It's true. A little bit of diversity isn't a problem. But once they become in such high numbers that they overwhelm the majority so that the old culture dissipates, that's when you have the problem.

I'm originally from Virginia, live in Texas now, and the truth is over the long term Texas is toast. Even if we assimilate the Mexicans there's going to be huge consequences for the population replacement here.

Man. I always though Minnesota was all white. The only blacks I saw, I assumed were related to the Minnesota Vikings.

Your fine if your not in the southwest part of the state
>I live there