After watching Kiznaiver, I decided to watch Kino's Journey episode one...

After watching Kiznaiver, I decided to watch Kino's Journey episode one, which covers a similar topic of trying to connect everyone so people would understand each other's pain. I have concluded that a single episode of Kino's Journey is better than the entire show Kiznaiver.

While I share your sentiment that Kino is a better show than Kiznaiver, your reasoning and your conclusion are faulty.
Kiznaiver is about more than just teaching you a simple morale about sharing emotions.

Yes, Kino is a master piece. No, you don't just go off and compare to very different shows.

Do tell.

Reading minds != sharing emotional and physical pains

Seriously, are we not going to talk about the ending to kiznaiver? Holy fuck

That's because Kiznaiver is terrible. Luluco is the thing saving anime.

I'd rather we talk about Kino no Tabi and why exactly it's better than Kiznaiver in general.

I'd say it's because it doesn't shove any moral or message down the viewer's throat.

Kino is nice if you like being a boring objectivist who doesn't want to take a stance on anything.

Don't be a faggot.

You don't need the anime to moralfag you into taking a position on something.

Kino just shows you the world and its setting and you decide to take a stance on something.

For example:
was the two countries that had a strange way of "war" a good idea? Was the historian correct
imo I think so, your own people matter more than another race/country

Was kinos decision at the Colosseum a good one?

What the fuck is the Three men on the rail supposed to be talking about?

and etc.

I do.

The anime would've benefited if it got to Master's and Shizu's stories too, as they provide a nice contrast to Kino's neutral standpoint.

The best pairing in Kiznaiver is Luluco and Nova

>What the fuck is the Three men on the rail supposed to be talking about?
Presenting the endless and cyclical nature of work where everything one does ultimately is undone and then done again by others, who are all motivated by their own goals, which was then contrasted by another story questioning the point of work and why one actively pursues it in a philosophical sense.

>Kino was raised by Snyder's Pa Kent.

>"Maybe you should just let some people die."

Shizu a shit

Which is everything that can ever happen badly will happen.
>find a place to settle down with his dog and loli
>country literally destroys itself in an earthquake
>help free a village from the oppression of bandits by slaying all of them with his katana
>get kicked out because they didn't ask for his help and now the village is covered in dead bodies and blood
>try to force a super ship go to shore because it's slowly fucking sinking and everyone on it will die in a couple decades
>end up getting his ass kicked by Kino again, then getting shanked by the loli he was trying to help, killed the "crew" of the ship, and everyone else who was on board living on the boat went back to sea anyway
Reality just fucking hates his guts.

All those were dopey plot contrivances. He was in the right. He got fucked by plot events that should never have happened.

>he was right
This is what happens to tabibito that meddle. He's like a gypsy except he has a katana

He's meddling wrong. Master and her companion do it right. Same for Kino on the rare occasion she does.
>Kino doesn't even remember Shizu when they do meet again, but remembers his fluffy dog Riku

Kino meddles when she's forced into a situation. She doesn't needlessly involve herself with others affairs even if she has the perfect opportunity.

She's not wholly neutral asshole. She'd help others in need when they need help, after all. Be they a caravan of travelers with a baby or stranded slavers trapped in the ass-end of the forest near the end of winter. She didn't NEED to help either group but she did anyway because that's just the humane thing to do.

>stranded slavers trapped in the ass-end of the forest near the end of winter
Almost ended up with a Shizu end for that one.

I agree Kino's Journey is way better. It doesn't really hold you through an entire season though. The plots are independent of each other.

Also it'd be nice if there was a sci-fi anime like kino's journey. Anime could do it well I think if it's the type of artstyle kino's journey uses.

Isn't KnT sci-fi? It's basically early 20th century juxtaposed with sci-fi shit like robots, hovercars, brain surgeries with 100% success rates, etc.

It's more fantasy than sci-fi imo.

I'm talking about an anime with space travel, like star trek type stuff.

Kaiba when he was in that girl's body? Probably why I enjoyed the show up until the final arc. It scratched the same philosophical itch KnT did until it tried wrapping itself up.

Sci-fi doesn't mean "space and wacky guns", sci-fi means "take an interesting premise, usually about technology, and think about how it would change the world." Kino's Journey is much better sci-fi than almost every other "sci-fi" anime we get these days. Shows like Knights of Sidonia are just long-suffering boyhood journeys with the ostensible setting of "space". It completely fails to explore the actual interesting conclusions of its premise and instead focuses on boring fantasy cliches.

God, don't remind me of Sidonia no Kishi. I'm still salty about the ending.

>I'm still salty about the ending.

lucky you. i'm salty about everything past episode 7.

i mean holy fuck how is it possible that the white haired little shit gets away with that shit? don't they have black boxes monitoring all incoming and outgoing communications? i mean shit we have such functionality today and have had it since the '60s. or do they mean to tell me that they're able to live in a giant steel box in space and construct and upgrade fucking space battle suits but storage media was just too fucking much for them?
white haired fuck should've taken the fall and been fucking incinerated in their giant burner thingy

and don't even get me started on the second season

jesus fuck i go on that rant every single time Sidonia no Kishi is mentioned. what is wrong with me.

There was an ending? I saw season two and it seemed as much of a non-ending as season one.

Hah, any decade now they'll make something that tops Bebop.

well i guess you'll just have to READ THE MANGA AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I've learned the ancient art of cutting my losses. Also, does anyone remember how great Denno Coil was? Now THAT was a sci-fi anime I could get behind. I think both Denno Coil and Kino's Journey really captured the experience of exploring a strange, kind of sci-fi world through a child's eyes.

Ooh yeah, Dennou Coil. I wish Google Glasses were as cool as the glasses in that show, but maybe someday in the future, maybe. Also, I really like how many exhibitionism doujinshi and images there are of the show. It did a fantastic job blending together that childlike wonder concerning superstition, supernatural mystery, and the departure from childhood innocence with them finishing the school year.

Wouldn't say Kino's a child though. She's at least 15 though the LN does cover some parts of her time with Master (i.e. her being a dick while training and pulling a gun at Master during CQC training, Kino going to school for a semester to learn something "practical", Kino's first kill, etc.