Is there such thing as a redpilled Serb? Why do you guys let turk sand niggers, cigani, cetnici represent your county...

Is there such thing as a redpilled Serb? Why do you guys let turk sand niggers, cigani, cetnici represent your county? If I was a Serb I would honestly feel like shit knowing half of the population are non-white hairy filthy dumbfucks who don't care about your history or traditions. You would sell all of that for more people and a bigger counry? First you tried to accomplish such retarded illogical idea with war but losing to Croatian police was tough so now you use filthy kike tricks and lies to do it, literally balkan kikes. But I know there is at least some of you that are redpilled, I know about the protests in Beograd in attempt to stop sand nigger cetnike attacking Croatia.

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Serbia isn't a real country, they're Slavic Hungarians


They are slavs cucked by turks, mixed for hundreds of years.

Yeah we rescued them, if it weren't for us they would be Muslims

>croat talking shit about surbs
Nigga you cunts are the same exact shit.

We are literally not though.


In Serbian they call themselves like srbja or something retarded

We really shouldn't talk about retarded,considering you believe Hungary liberated Serbia.