Fuck Globalism

Fuck Globalism.
Fuck nationalism.
Go tribalism.

Human beings are made for being in groups of 30-200 people where you actually know and care about the people you share resources with.

The person who pushes for war should be the first one to lead the charge. The leader who decides to deny the weak members of the tribe food should have to see them die. Everybody should have the chance to become the best known person in the world at something, be it shooting an arrow, running or playing drums, if they really decide to work on it. This is life. This is what we're supposed to do. Everything we're building now is just bullshit.

agreed swedebro

nationalism is really just proto-globalism.

What's to stop the leaders of two counties from having the wonderful idea of waking up one day and saying "Hey, let's consolidate power by merging our two countries and screw over the the people" and you end up with things like the EU. It's not like it hasn't happened before in history.

The problem really arises when you forcibly start moving rescources between people who don't even know each other and when the decision makers know like 0.2% of the ones affected by their descisions.


Makes sense.

Let's go back, 2000 years in time

Good luck with that one Achmed

>fuck tribalism
>the ideal human group is 30-200 people
are you completely retarded?

My ideal society is one of small towns of 250 people max. No jew gold involved, the towns food, homes, roads ,trash, etc are maintained with modern tech/design by a few volunteers throughout the year. People spend their time pursuing knowledge, hobbies, learning how the community is ran and maintained, learning how to be self sufficient in case of an emergency (weather, danger of other people/animals, etc)

If population starts to grow over the limit, a new community is build in another location or abstinence is enforced. Strong family and community values are taught with a bit of spiritually to ease the idea of death of love ones. A very strong push for advancing tech to rid ourselves of unnecessary manual labor. Again, NO JEW SHIT. No, banks, no corporations, no hording of finite resources.

I'm still working on the idea but I believe humanity would like this better than what we do now.

People think it's a good idea to have guys with zero stake in the game making decisions, and to move resources forcibly between people who don't even know each other. And they think this will not be misused.

Communism and capitalism is just two sides of the same stinking coin. You're still sending money away to the other side of the globe. Who cares if it's through taxes or a debt payoff. Literally just an implementation detail.

"But muh Playstation and T-shirts."
Shut the fuck up and get a life. You get to have orgies, people around you who care and a sense of mystery and unexploredness around you instead.

I prefer techno-feudalism.

that's clanism and traditionalism. The first dirty steps to nationalism.