>Americans actually forced to do this every morning
According to the First Amendment, they don't have to, but if a student refuses to, they get immediately ostracized by fellow classmates and sometimes even the teacher. Literally brainwashing
>Americans actually forced to do this every morning
According to the First Amendment, they don't have to, but if a student refuses to, they get immediately ostracized by fellow classmates and sometimes even the teacher. Literally brainwashing
I always wanted to do it.
I have no problem with this
oh say can you see
>According to the First Amendment, they don't have to, but if a student refuses to, they get immediately ostracized by fellow classmates and sometimes even the teacher.
Huh, it's almost like the First Amendment doesn't protect you from being ostracized for being an edgy little cunt.
I live next to a school, and instead of the pledge of allegiance, they blare katy perry on the loud speakers as a progressive way for kids to express themselves
And they have absolutely no problem with this and think it's perfectly fine, all while bitching about commies being indoctrinated.
I literally never saluted the flag one time in school and never got shit for it.
Guys, OP is right. Americans should be forced to suck BBC every morning instead. Think about the kind of bonding of citizens it would produce, not to mention reducing discrimination and promoting diversity and multiculturalism.
You are completely right. Instead of reciting the pledge of Allegiance, every morning they should be taught how transgendered black disabled retards starving in Africa should be respected for their AIDS.
>Not loving your country will ostracized you from your peers.
We know kike.
I usually did, but after one time being literally told to do so by a teacher, I have refused to everyday since then. >m-muh papa was in da army show some respect son
>he hates his country
>u r le edgelord for not wanting to pledge your loyalty to a flag that represents the military-industrial complex
Fucking hell, the best way to control your slaves really is to tell them they're free...
Not forced, I was an edgy kid and was permitted to just sit and work so long as I didn't cause a disturbance. Stopped pledging in like 5th grade.
>According to the First Amendment, they don't have to, but if a student refuses to, they get immediately ostracized by fellow classmates
As the leftists say, the Bill of Rights only protects you from the government stopping you. If you want to be an asshole, you will face the consequences.
Aw... too bad. If youre an edgy loser who sits during the pledge because youre protesting something that isnt even a problem, youre gonna get treated like an edgy loser.
>he's so brainwashed he thinks not wanting to recite propaganda means you don't love your country
The indoctrination levels just keep on rising.
Only 2 niggers and one mutt in this class, not bad. Girl at the far right may be a hapa or asian though.
If your me, you didnt care what others thought. I am 28 and have literally never said the pledge of allegiance once in my life. I was raised as a kid not to say it
>do not question the propaganda rituals
Most classrooms are sadly not like this anymore
Don't like it? Then gtfo user. You're free to leave any time you want
Were you raised by communists?
This. Explain to me how not reciting the pledge of allegiance means you hate your country
Back when I was in school they stopped doing it around 05-06
I wish they hadn't.
It creates respect for the rights their country has given them.
Top kek
>He doesn't dance for his flag.
No wonder you have problems with immigration.
bullshit we had a Jehovah's Witness who wouldn't Pledge Allegiance to the Flag and she just sat there and no one cared or said anything.
Which part of the pledge does that exactly?
>the absolute state of texas
You have to think of the pledge and apply it to a white nation, as we should be.
The flag is a representation of the ideas that we have.
Also literally the last line of the pledge.
Oh, I didn't know that one class you took is representative of all the classrooms in the entire United States
not anymore - black students now have the option to take a knee instead
Amerikkka the beautiful
Just fucking say the pledge. You're not special, faggot
My experience as well:
At first the requested I stand silently, but I refused and they buckled so long as I don't make a distraction of it.
Why are you so obsessed with this fictional portrayal of mandatory pledges?
How racist of you.
So there isn't actually a line about respecting the people who dictated policy then?
>Just fucking say the pledge.
Maintain the propaganda ritual!
We know what we are doing sweden.
>National Athem
>Pledge of allegiance
Actual Socialist Propaganda
by the dawn's early light
Its a way to weed out commie spies.
and it works great
Of course you are correct, but you won't see Jordan Peterson talk about 'muh indoctrination' when it comes to this shit. The so called intellectual right is so full of hypocrisy, you'll see the same in this thread with people defending this shit and then go cry in another thread about cultural Marxists at universities.
Act of edgy non conformity, and is a complete non issue to patriots
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences, you anti-American traitor.
that's how america works, force people to worship the country or they get shamed
I work for the military industrial complex, so...
In my high school hardly anyone said the pledge, and that was a couple years ago so I doubt the kids now are
And what exactly is wrong with pledging allegiance to your country?
>If a student refuses to, they get immediately ostracized by fellow classmates and sometimes even the teacher
Almost every psuedo intellectual edgelord (including myself) went through a phase in my schools where they wouldn't do the pledge. Nobody cared.
yeah when someone tells me i have to do something or think a certain way i refuse. its the same with all this leftist bullshit.
Creed on Sunday.
Pledge on weekdays.
Saturday they can say, I don't know, Captain Kirk's monologue from Star Trek. Something fun.
>it's not an issue to people who have blindly accepted their indoctrination and do not want this questioned
It's not questioned, I'm just not an asshole
Veterans who demand I do it because they got PTSD when the base vending machine was out of Twix I don't like, the pledge I do not
No one is forcing me to do it, I do it cause I'm not a liberal bent of destroying traditions
(and suck my dick while your at it)
the people defending the OP in this thread are literally nigger tier
Nobody does it at my school
>weird, autistic aside about veterans and twix
>no question, please
>mumble mumble muh traditions
They aren't forced to do it. You said it yourself faggot.
>if a student refuses to, they get immediately ostracized by fellow classmates and sometimes even the teacher.
Obviously they have the choice. Imagine if Kids were used to not stand up or even recite it & those that do are shit on by their fellows - oh wait that happens too.
I pledge allegiance to the Jew
to the sovereign state of Greater Israel
and the white genocide for which it stands:
one Nation under Netanyahu
With Central Banks and Shekels only for the Jew
Not an arguement
what so proudly we hailed?
>it's totally voluntary guys
>we'll just treat you like shit if you don't participate
Perfectly normal, perfectly healthy...
Nigger kneed during the pledge at my college today. Two other niggers jumped him once class was finished.
It turns out that from 2011-2014, the Department of Defense spent $5.4 million in contracts with 14 NFL teams for flag ceremonies.
The National Guard got in on the action too, and gave $6.7 million to the NFL for the same kind of thing from 2013 to 2015
Department of Defense and the National Guard got involved. They began to pay the NFL millions of dollars to have ostentatious flag ceremonies before games.
If the waste of taxpayer money isn’t gross enough, grab your barf bag as you learn about the motivation behind the expenditure.
In 2015, Senator John McCain and the Senate Oversight Committee issued a statement
and corresponding report condemning practice of “paid patriotism,” as charades,
“conducted not out of a sense of patriotism, but rather done
“for profit in the form of millions in taxpayer dollars going from the Department of Defense to wealthy pro sports franchises.”
Ultimately, the Senate was pretty clear in its conclusion that “paid patriotism” was not only distasteful, but also a gross misuse of taxpayer money
Obama spoke at a health care conference sponsored by brokerage firm Cantor-Fitzgerald,
for which he was paid $400,000. While his prepared remarks centered on health care,
the New York Times noted that at the end of his speech, he alluded to the controversy embroiling the NFL
>Fucking Obama Started this NFL Bullshit
>thinks he presented an argument!
NONE and I mean NONE of the niggers stand saying they dont support our country and now with this NFL thing they kneel during it
>edgy DEUS VULT fag
>not even a real Soldier of Christ
>actually thinks they can penetrate my perfect & sound argument that OP is a faggot who made the mistake of saying that kids are literally forced into it like they're slaves when the reality is that this does not occur in the classroom & in fact it is so insignificant of an action that it is often forgotten
Guess what fella, I got some info from hours of hard work. With my knowledge of Physics, Chemstry, and other Sciences along with the Bureau of Earthly Nominical International Science (BENIS) we have concluded that (you) are the son of the Whore of Babylon in a very literal meaning.
Nigga u gay.
I stood but refused to cover my heart because of my (then) religion. No one ever gave me shit about it.
Same. They can move to Venezuela if they don't like imperialist America.
I would probably do it if we had an equivalent because im not a complete faggot and am actually loyal to my country because im not a commie or edgy 12 year old, but if it someone tried to force me to do it I, and most people, probably wouldnt want to, I assume its the same in america.
no one forces people to do it, they choose to because they arent complete niggers who hate their own country
>only 2 blacks
>implying thats america
>resorting to inane lashing out
You seem like a reasonable fellow.
Go fuck yourself and your (((them))) religion
>those nigger children that aren't even paying attention
>being loyal to a country that has been sold out from under you to the highest bidders
>It's okay though, just watch the rugby
das rite. in 10 years u wite bois will be knealin, suckin on sum bbc!
lmao russia hacked kindergärten
>13 posts by this ID
>being tis triggered by the fact that some people arent traitorous commie faggots
>resorting to GAY
>actually thinking Sup Forums was a breeding ground for "reason"
>actually thinks what I am doing isn't apart of Rationalism
Fuck off gay britbong.
>yeah we're totally clean and green guys just ignore the effluent run off polluting our already giardia infested rivers
>did you see the game over the weekend, yeah, totally made me forget about never being able to afford a house and having to rent a poorly insulated shithole all through my adulthood
>I'll count the number of posts that guy made as if it means anything as I pay my $600 a month power bill
Pledging to uphold American standards... the question is why would someone not want to and what does it mean for the nation that they don't?
>more inane rambling
>le u r le gay middle school tier insults
lol are you a kiwi? this shit is too accurate. cucks love to feel like they belong to a team even when its not real. there is no real thing called a 'new zealander' we dont have a culture yet. We are just like a sponge soaking up US brainwashing through the kike tv.
>being such an autist that you can't even bother fulfilling even the slightest social custom from your own country
Just pretend it's like you're saying "itadakimasu" at dinner time in your favorite Chinese cartoons. You don't technically have to do it, but you're a cunt if you don't.
Yeah. I actually love NZ and wish living there was viable, but having left and see how the rest of the west isn't nearly as happily cucked by how utterly decimated the country is upsets me too much to return.
It's weird getting old and realising Winston was right.
>you're a cunt for not boot licking and questioning
Collective identity is necessary, and Americans aren't ethnically homogeneous. Did you think the founding fathers were deified by accident? Did you think cultural imperialism was an accident? The flag--what it stands for--is our blood.
Why are you such a self hating cuck?
>The President of the United States wanted private business owners to compel their employees to stand for the National Anthem, otherwise be publically shamed and fired
t. small government party of free speech and personal liberty
If you don't pledge allegiance to the U.S. then which country do you pledge allegiance to? None? If none, are you a Jew?
But the pledge was invented by a socialist.
Frances Bellamy's socialist loyalty oath is carefully crafted to say nothing of substance because it's statist virtue signalling.
The Founders required no oath, and they understood what the word OATH really means.
>he thinks all countries have pledges
>they get immediately ostracized by fellow classmates and sometimes even the teacher
kek bullshit, fuck off