>betrayed the us
>lost the war
>white people get offended when it gets taken down
NOTHING. There is NOT A DAMN THING you can say that is a good reason why this flag should still be around besides "im a rural retard who hates dem darkies!!!". The confederate flag is a symbol of losers and treason. Anyone who was a confederate was a traitor. Commies are not allowed to have their flag flown on govermment buildingas, neither nazis, etc. They are all losers, traitors, and subhuman scum. Taking down every confederate flag and statue is the most American thing that can be done. Feeling sorry for them is equivalent to feeling bad for illegals.
Betrayed the us
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Nice cuck shit, even as a non american I can understand the non-racial relationship to this flag
I'll use the same argument them darkies do. Freedom of speech. It's just a cloth
>having pride in a cesspool run by yankees and jews
No thank you. I'll keep on flying my rebel colors
>op thinks someone cares
That isn't the flag of the Confederacy.
That is the Virginia Battle Flag
It represents standing up for a cause against all odds. It has nothing to do with secession politics.
But the (((kikes))) want to dismantle all American culture so it has been rebranded as a hate symbol
I hate niggers and it's a symbol of Southern culture.
The only people who get triggered by it are coons, urban Marxists, and yankees who live 1500 miles away.
That isn't the Confederate Flag. Your entire premise is flawed.
Give me the Alabama wojak plz
We're all traitors to the British Empire faggot get over it.
Without watching your vid. it almost completely white with the "confederate flag" in them top left corner right?
Were your hands shaking why you typed that in the secrecy of mommies basement?
It is hilarious how you keyboard warriors act like you are tough on the internet. When in reality, if you were in a rural area around those retards, you'd be pissing you pants.
>most American
Fuck off you yankee nigger-lover
reminder that the confederacy consisted of
>poor white farmers who didn't own slaves and needed them to feel better about themselves
>rich white plantation owners as leaders who didn't even fight in the war and just wanted to keep making their money
confederates weren't attempting secession because of "dem darkies".
Confederates were attempting secession because the rights of the state to decide their own laws were being violated by the federal government.
The US civil war was the starting point for the increasingly centralised shitstain that is the US federal system.
The good guys lost the US civil war, and the bad guys rewrote history so most would never realise that.
(((poor white farmers))) rite?
>Not even American
Please go back to your rape island faggot you're not wanted.
Also taking down Confederate monuments, flags, etc is some of the most anti-American shit you can do. Confederates were our countrymen, brothers in arms, something you don't understand you fucking faggot. Yankee here I would die for a Southern brother cause I could give less of a damn, as long as they're American/
>inb4 "wut bout niggers n spics"
African Americans and Mexican Americans aren't niggers and spics the difference being the average nigger doesn't have freedom and is an animal and the average African American is a God fearing tax paying red blooded American.
no sorry, you are the traitors for violating the constitutional rights of southerners, and also for siding with niggers over white americans.
The concept of honouring a defeated enemy is a fundamentally white one. We have become so Judaised that that white concept has been replaced with the Jewish concept of despising your enemies and their descendants and seeking to destroy them forever and ever (picture related)
>rebel against the uk
And the union consisted of money grubbing kikes who only came south after the war to steal anything that wasn't destroyed and a horde of fresh off the boat immigrants shoved into service to kill fellow whites all to grow the federal leviathan.
It looks cool.
Confederates kicked out the kikes so they're solid in my book
Look at how much it causes total pussy failures like you to rage. That's one very good reason to keep it flying high
Sage. There is no hope for you if you really believe this and you know about what went diwn in those four short years that was the civil war.