Flat tax

Does anyone have any arguments against instituting a flat tax rate?

It is incredibly unfair for the rich to pay 50% of their income simply because they are rich.

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All taxation is theft the amount of theft is arbitrary

Flat tax is retarded. A rich cunt who is taxed 50% still has far more disposable income than a poor cunt who isn't taxed at all.

What about capital gains how would that work

r u stupid?
of course he has more income, he has produced more, invested, created jobs, etc.
a poor cunt is normally a low IQ cunt who can't create a product, a company or a job.
We're not equals, there are smarter productive people and dependent low IQ ones.

Not all rich people are productive.

The richest of the rich inherit their money.

The 10% is professional class
The 1% is Rockefeller style heirs and heiresses who blow their money on global social engineering projects that gets us involved in wars and makes foreigners hate us enough to terror our lands.

We’re not a feudal aristocracy. I’m sorry.

This. There's different measures of "fairness". At one point during the height of the recession, some 40% of my disposable income was going to gas just to get to work every day. Even if a rich guy was driving as much as I was, their fuel bill wouldn't cut into their disposable income nearly as much as mine did. Taxes work the same way. And, we'd need a 25% flat tax to run the country.

>what about capital gains?
...you tax the gains.

>Does anyone have any arguments against instituting a flat tax rate?

Yeah. When you're poor and 90% of your income goes to "staying alive" a 20% tax is unfair.

When you're rich, and 0.01% of your income goes to staying alive, and 99.9% goes to buying new houses and private jets, even 50% is basically nothing.

All income tax should be abolished. Just have a flat consumption tax of 20% on all goods and services. The frugal will be pay less than the stupid.