/leftypol/ vs Sup Forums it's on
/leftypol/ vs Sup Forums it's on
How about the fact that the definition of communism by Marx and Engels, (a stateless classless and money-less society), is impossible to achieve because it's impossible to indoctrinate people to suppress their own biological greed, making it impossible for socialism to phase into communism.
Like 4 people post on /leftypol/. This is like how the Browns still think they're "rivals" with the Steelers
How about the FACT that my DICK is in your MOUTH you FAGGOT
communism goes against natural law. without robust ai/automation landscape there can only be darwin. commies have 17 extra x chromosomes
/Leftypol/ is not a real board.
Helo Cumrads. Thiz generol is for discuss of Marxinism, the idolorgy of revalutiory socalsm and cummushitsm.
Cummunism iz duh death stage of humanty followin the ebil nahtzee!!!! stage.
Wut exakly is cum according to Marksist-Lenonsts:
>we suk
>we iz dum
>we wuz soviet union n sheet
I recomend yuo reed the workz of marksizm leonism
This, they dont deserve the name recognition, so I wont even be mentioning them.
Not even about suppressing greed. Communism takes all incentive to work away at all and inevitably needs to replace the carrot with a stick (gulags) until that fails and mass starvation sets in. Nobody wants to work for the benefit of everyone except themselves.
8 chin board with 12 posts per day
Leftism is rising
I'm sure you'll agree as to why, too. I think the reason Sup Forums is so popular and /leftypol/ is relatively slow is because of how generally unpopular the topics discussed on Sup Forums are irl.
Nazis are retarded at best, and violent sociopaths at worst, and people generally find the ideologies posted about here morally repugnant irl. So without anyone to talk about this stuff with in the real world the couple hundred thousand or so people this shit resonates with across the globe post here 24/7. And a lot of them have the time to do it because they're autistic shut-ins.
Compare that with socialism/communism- ideas that don't involve ethnic cleansing or conspiracy theories- folks can talk about that any ol' where. They don't need a /leftypol/ as bad as altright fags need a Sup Forums.
Why don't communists bathe? Marx was a disgusting man who stunk of waste matter and had boils all over his body and a near necrotic penis due to said boil outbreak. It was also reported that when he raised his voice and caused a scene people were inclined to pretend to take him seriously so that he would stop talking as soon as possible due to his rank stank bref that would fill the room with noxious drafts of air whenever Marx went off into one of his angsty tirades.
>We need Communism
I used to be lefty pol, until I saw the number of genocidal Israeli LARPers on this board. I hope they all fucking burn.
Communism has never worked property & never will
>when you start a revolution to kill the 1% but you end up killing 50%
>when you people are starving but its OK you sent a dog to space before the Americans
>when you build a wall to keep people in
>soviet meme ball.jpg
It's on and it's time to Gas the Fucking shit out of /leftypol/
>put new memes down
>build walls
>spam the site with nazi porn
>leftypol can't meme
>leftpol gets made fun of.
>leftypol gets terrorized by all of them faggots.
>i am for a leftypol getting intellictually ass cracked
>raid possibly?
>any possible solution
Should we spam Nazi Porn or Rainbow Nazi Flags?
since the great shillbots invasion, there has been a shortage in jew memes.
captcha is have mercedes
Wait a second....that guy is a Jew
We need to make leftypol pissed off. What's the best way flagging them or jewish memes, besides they probally can't appreciate are sosphication.
Fascinating. Have you more where that came from?
Nope he's an Italian, an attractive one at that ;)
Let's go after leftypol kekistanis.
>leftypol dares Sup Forums
>Sup Forums spams flags first
>leftypol is triggered
>leftypol cries tears
>Sup Forums is thirsty and regenerates health by drinking Marxist tears
>pol throws a jew meme bomb.
>leftypol sighs with normies.
>Sup Forums wins with having the topkek.