Big meme war happening in Russia. Navalny sectants are marching on the streets.
Big meme war happening in Russia
Hope they happen upon some anti-Matilda protestors on the way back to the metro and get set on a fire.
kek that dude face's sums the other one looks pretty much
is this what intelligentsia looks like in Russia?
Jesus feucking Russian christ. Who is going to be the first to write a paper on political physiognomy?
KFC be low key advertising
What's the deal with Navalny? I read his Wikipedia article and it seems like he's a bit of a nationalist who is more open to separatism, in one case outright supporting removal of Georgians. Then at the same time a lot of Russians think he is a spook and his supporters look like faggots.
>meme war
Navalny is a literal psyop.
A discontent was growing in new generation so they had to invent the candidate for them that will never win. Old fucks already have their commie controlled position to vote and lose for and radicals got Zhirik.
we call them "creakl" - "creative class".
They want Putin out and Navalny in maidan style.
He's mostly pro-western shill, policy a kind of lite-libertarianism and west dick sucking. However he occasionally says some edgy about muslims thing now and then o try and court nationalist bloc
>there are people like this even in russian cities
cities were a mistake
this pretty much.
nipples protruding
No, this is what paid shills look like in russia. And don't think they are even paid. Putins gonna win anyway so who cares
> Я c нeй
fucking sjw faggots infecting everything
Crush the urbanite. We need a right wing Pol Pot like yesterday.
This isn't the 90s anymore, half of Moscow and St Petersburg some kind of numale or girl with purple hair. This is probably the most spoiled, middle class generation in all of Russia's history coming up.
i wouldnt say half of Moscow, maybe like 1/4. But Peter im not sure.
caling the pro-freedom ppl sectants, and the pro-slavery Putin shills the good guys.
Fucking ruskies man, they want to be slaves, its in their blood.
Yes with 116% voted for him, right?
I don't know what SPB you saw but certainly not mine.
I'd believe you if you said that half of it is from Kazahstan though.
So, besides Putin, creakls and liberals, are there any other groups in Russia? Are there any radical groups?
peter is the epitome of fuckin creakl city, been there 2 weeks ago, never saw so many drunk and sjw degenerates in russia like there.
This whole thing is a joke. Navalny isnt that bad , but he works with (((liberal))) faggots and their followers and also may be a plant. It is also well known fact that Putin just draws himself any percentage of votes he sees fit and nobody even knows why whole "election" thing even exists here.
posting to kill /sg/
Very disrespectful