one thing i have learned you can't teach idiots, they will never learn...the only way is to increase average iq in society i propose we start a system where you need a license to have children people breaking this law will be imprisoned, the requirement for this license will be a high IQ i don't know what people will agree on but i propose it be as high as possible to secure a better future for humanity once we get the ball rolling people will be smart enough to realize how important eugenics is and will willing continue it if we don't do this we will remain foolish scientifically illiterate and a danger to ourselves
Eugenics is the only way!
The first imposition will lead to stricter ones. Or rather than strict, some perversions will ensue:
"Sorry, too many whites :) "
the only perverse impositions there are are caused by ignorance
Awesome. But what muh disperate impact? You'll quickly find that many large swathes of certain "humans" can not make the cut?
Intelligence is a great adaptation but it doesn't solve everything.
after a few generations everyone will be smart enough to understand its for the best
if it weren't for intelligence you wouldn't have been able to write that
Then there's a new cutoff. You're just under the line, even if you're only slightly lower IQ than the top. No babies for you
Yeah, intelligence and technology are very similar in that they can be beneficial or detrimental.
I guess you're arguing that there are too many stupid people in society? I'm convinced that the number of stupid people is just about right.
Intelligence isn't always beneficial. It can lead to smarter criminals, deadlier weapons and more effective forms of tyranny.
i don't want to have babies if i had it my way only the smartest people would be allowed to reproduce
intelligence is the only trait of value and humans are lacking in it among us their are people who deny climate change, beleive in god, and are scientifically illiterate, if we had smarter people everything would be better technology would advance farther everything would be more efficient and there could be a democracy without people voting against carbon taxes and education in science, things are terrible as they are now
If intelligence is the only trait of value, empathy by virtue is not.
So what's an intelligent person without empathy to do? Why would that person make things "better" as you say, for someone like you? The intelligent would serve themselves, and eventually they'd realize that the most intelligent thing to do is create a mass of unintelligent underlings to meet their own individualistic desires. Kind of like what we have right now.
im guessing it would be the same distribution in the population like it is now there would still be philanthropists and people that are only interested
in selfishness and gaining wealth
The most intelligent way to accrue wealth is to abuse the less intelligent, unfortunately.
Easy. Require long term birth control for any long term dole use. Govt could deal cheap drugs with sterilizing chemicals in them. Or govt could offer $1000 cash to anyone who wants to get fixed.
No fascism required. Note that these eugenics programs are all voluntary. Even taxpayers would probably approve of the last one.
but user, carbon tax will not work like at all
why are people so god damn obsessed with their
success and not our future success i think being very smart can often change that
Not so easy. Some highly intelligent individual's belong to poorer families. The $1000 could be their ticket to a future.
Transhumanism > eugenics
The stupid are culling themselves already, voluntarily.
We just require patience and the natural order will be restored.
Selling genes? Prostitution? :^)
If only it were based on pure Intelligence Rating...
i think this can be achieved ethically, it has to be...
I think vetting and border control is the ethical way, not tying tubes. Not really sure though.
Not how it works. It is difficult to raise IQ, actually impossible beyond a certain average level. Instead what is required is the creation of myths which are easily learned and deepen the natural wisdom of a people who do not have intelligence, and perhaps the disposition of being a good person.
That is the other problem with IQ. High intelligence does not mean a disposition towards right or truth, it may tend more to trickery and deeply layered falsehoods. An intelligent and wise people would create myths based upon what is good for each class of people and allow a natural depth allowing both intelligence and wisdom. It is much more important to develop a leadership focused on virtue and justice, if these have divine levels of leadership than the average person will naturally follow.
As it stands, the leadership promotes philistinism and much of academia - on the Left and Right - is just deeply layered foolishness drawing citizens into a cult of ignorance. There is also a problem of power from below, one aspect of laws of equality is a myth of undermining power and leadership's acceptance of this. Liberalism extends the cult of ignorance which comes with lineal authority. People now treat children in much the same way as late monarchy and child kings. The authority of the future is written into the present.
iq actually isn't that hard to increase over a short period of time look at the ashkenazim in 1000 years their verbal iq rose 25.6 points, i would argue there is no such thing as too smart that's just my opinion but i know that we need to improve the majority of many countries is still religious
Not really about the difficulty, its about the inherent usefulness of such a venture. As was said, the line is blurred between those who are empathetic and intelligent and those who are devious and intelligent. You risk a lot by only selecting for one human trait.
Asimov was a kike.
And you write like a nigger, OP.
empathy is not genetic though it's more of your philosophy it can change alot throughout your life, while intelligence cannot be increased that much
here are some genius philanthropists who were very empathetic
2 kid limit on welfare babies..less kids parents can teach them better