Why can't niggers support themselves?
Why can't niggers support themselves?
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Literal animals.
>lol nigga why cant my dog drive lol
Laziness and lack of forward thinking, stemming primarily from an underdeveloped brain.
Anyone got the pic where the guy is talking about their shitty language and culture?
theyre dumb
Lack of self-control and inability to delay gratification.
holy fuck i havent laughed so hard in a while
Melanin interrupts neural synapses
It's an IQ dilemma
Story? Because there must be one.
The theory is they evolved in an area with abundant resources and no winter so they never had to learn to plan ahead for the future.
All I can say about blacks is that IQ data answers every question about outcomes socially and individually.
rhetorical much?
>at Walmart recently with my 5 y/o daughter
>she loses her wallet with $33 in it
>convinced it's gone forever because I live in niggerville now
>it actually turns up at the lost and found
thank fuck a white person must have found it lol
>implying a fucking nigger wouldn't have just kept it even though it's a fucking minnie mouse wallet that obviously belongs to a little girl
guy films some mexican retard who doesnt understand that the shitter is occupied. closest conscious living being to being braindead
Maybe she lost it at the lost and found
Namefagging = newfagging
Leave leaf
lack of abstract thought due to lack of language skills which leads to a lack of morals. niggers btfo
also iq in single digits
Go bounce on a sandpaper dildo you fucking faggot
i dunno man
>went to dog park today
>its a bit of a drive in an all white neighborhood
>absolutely packed
>probably 30 dogs at one point
>hear someone yelling near entrance
>get a little closer
>"we found someone's Volkswagen keys..."
>people seem to relay the message to each other
>"did anyone lose their keys?!"
>"do you have a white VW??"
>about 30 minutes later lady comes to gates
>everyone immediately says yes
>"oh yes we found them, they're on the leash wall"
thank god for white people
if it was a black neighborhood, you know the headline would read "robbers hit 7-11, get away in stolen vehicle"
i would have kept the 1500 too desu
fuck off Chang.
>also a leaf
literally worse than a nigger
>first day of having my first smartphone (used b/c i'm poor)
>fucking around with it shopping at god damn walmart
>check out something on the shelf i like in sporting goods
>move on to grocery section across the store
oh fuck where's my phone
>ask the nearest people around me if i can call it b/c i thought i left it nearby and i might hear it ring
>they're clearly poor, they describe my phone and say they turned it in to a manager, i left it in sporting goods and they just happened to come across it behind me
>give them $25 b/c again, i'm poor
>they didn't expect anything and i had to really convince them it's ok, take it, you did the right thing and should be rewarded
thank god i'm living in white america
Ape brain.
Nigger brains don't spontaneously understand the concept of shame, hardwork/achievement, wellbeing, empathy.
They are ANIMALS with humanoid shape, apes.
Why does a 5 year old have 33$
When you're finished feverishly pounding your own asshole with aforementioned dildo be sure to top off the evening with a stiff glass of bleach.
post pics of her pls
read the bell curve
this nigger is right
I would have took all the cash and and returned the rest
>he gets closer at the end
>5 year old with $33
>saying thank fuck over $33
>at Walmart
how white trash are you Cletus?
Whoa, hey. Cool it with the racism, pal.
>tipping random people for not being niggers
The state of burgerstan
>implying not being a nigger isn't tipworthy
Fucking bogans, I swear to god.
It was technically a reward not a tip
Are you an abo
kek. based slavs
Because they are far from the homeland, discrimination and lack of identity makes people less productive.
It's not exclusive to whites. Actually even poor poojets are more moral than most white eastern Europeans.
This kid does this and steals phones. He goes into bathroom stalls, opens the door and grabs the phone of the person sitting there. The victim mostly will have to get his pants up, before running behind the child, at this point the kid is gone for good and the phone sold/given to some asshole forcing kids to steal. A grown person doesnt fit underneath most bathroom doors.
> First they come into your country, then into your bathroom stall.
They're not exactly any better off in their homelands.
you seem to know what youre talking about felipe
cool homestuck name im a bard of time myself
I would seriously consider smearing shit on any retard who did that while I was taking a shit
Not exaggerating. Been thinking about that vid a lot lately
I'm a mage of rage
Jesus fuck Europe is doomed. How can you do even worse than fucking NYC?
exactly this
and I have witnessed suburban whites do this several times
>be me with friends in a downtown mall before killing time before going to a football game
>mall packed as fuck, full of blacks mostly
>friend had his wallet out for some reason
>drops a one dollar bill
>teenaged nog literally grabs it off my friends shoe and runs
>he's a pusillanimous hard-left lib so he does nothing
>Living up to your reputation I see
And not an African country tested
*smacks lips*
I guess it would have been a foregone conclusion or started a civil war.
Are you a retard ? do you understand the basics of adult interaction ?
You dont reward a man with 25$ you fucking inbred.
It says they dropped $50 in the local currency. How do you "misplace" a 50 lbs sack of rice?
Read it again bitch
>2 years ago
>day before thanks giving
>going shopping with family at wally world
>after we leave we pass a car with a nigger, and at least 3 nigglets romping in the car
>the nigger yell out ot my brother in law "Yo gimme dat pizza"
>brother in law tells him that he can go inside to get some
>last night
>going to wally world to get toilet paper and a light bulb
>out in the parking lot, nigger tries to sell me a 37$ gift card for 20$
>know about the credit card/ gift card scam
>i don't have cash anyway
>tell him i don't have any cash, and he should ask the cashiers for help
>gets super pissed
>A hitchhiking robot that successfully traveled around Germany, Canada and the Netherlands was destroyed Saturday in Philadelphia, just a few weeks into its U.S. journey."Sometimes bad things happen to good robots," the Canadian research team that created "hitchBOT" said in a statement.
The team received an image of the destroyed robot Saturday, but do not know who vandalized it, the Associated Press reported. The robot's battery is dead and the team cannot locate it.
The robot, which wore yellow wellies and had "San Francisco or Bust" written across its head, was the size of a small child. It had a GPS tracker, could carry a limited conversation and took a photo every 20 minutes, the AP reported.
hitchBOT had GPS tracking and could carry limited conversation
a helpless hitchhiking robot that relied on human kindness traveled all over canada and parts of europe and couldn't survive more than three weeks in on the US east coast
>Not exaggerating. Been thinking about that vid a lot lately
fucking lel
Don't take it personally. There's been a lot of Moroccan shitposters/shills/morons on this board tonight.
I suppose you've got a point there.
Sneaky yankee.
Many of them probably CAN support themselves in a modest way, but they are encouraged not to.
ur a nigger kys
Interacting with niggs will cause robots to eradicate all humanity[spoiler], or just niggs[/spoiler]
My son earns an allowance and he's 4. Takes out the dog, helps with laundry and dishes, works hard on homeschooling, etc. Usually has between 20 and 40 saved before he decides to buy something.
Had it reached Africa I have no doubt in my mind some fucking nigger would've tried molesting it. Or the local witch doctor castin a spell.
Spot the nigger in yellow wellies I guess.
I did the same thing one time. Left my phone on a shelf in a discount store, except it was in Baltimore. I got back to it just in the knick of time. There was a nigger in the same aisle I left it and twelve seconds later it would have been in his pocket and I’d never see it again.
>"AIs aren't racist!"
>Send robot through Philly
>"Why are AIs becoming racist?!"
>Defending nigger culture
Oh wait, you're a shithole, of course you wouldn't recognize civil interactions.
Great parenting tbqh.You're not a nog are you?
It's very gratifying, right?
T. Father to a 4 y/o
I once mowed my neighbors yard for free and my nigger neighbor acted like I should beat him up for not paying me. He couldn't grasp the idea that I did it free just because my neighbor old as shit and his yard is small. Makes me laugh thinking he thought I would beat an elderly person over mowing a yard even he had intentionally ripped me off.
im traveling, and stop at a ARByS. eating meal fellow travelers older come in sit close by. all of us white.
other couple finish meal and get up to go to bathroom AT SAME TIME. ok but they leave 2 phones and her purse on the table.
Its just me all alone, no cams and im 3 foot from door.
I do the right thing, I watch the table and try to see if they "left" left or were really in the bathroom.
Im about to tell managment about said purse and phones when realize all staff are niggers. and I stop myself go start to head to bathroom, old guy comes out.
I tell him all his stuff is stil on the table but he better scoot back asap to make sure it stays there. Nigger busboy is about to make roundds.
old guy thanks me. nigger sees me talking to old guy, nigger looks at table, nigger KNEW, nigs pissed. I lol at him because im 2000mi from home will never eat there again.
went sat back down old guy and wife talking and they say a quick thanks and offf they go. I clean up my table and leave to nigger stands in window and glares.
I feel good for quite some time. well worth it.
I'd take the money but return the wallet/cards. No sense in someone needing to stress about their bank numbers and such.
>he has to PAY his own son to do chores around the house instead of his son doing it out of love, loyalty, and respect to his parents
Gentlemen, the state of burger parenting
Because he was there to steal his phone.
Who the fuck walks around with $1500 in their wallet?
The Indian numbers are surely wrong.
teaches kids the link between work and income dumb ass,
You underestimate the value of establishing early in a child's life that hard work means good things.
me sometimes just under 9999, I buy cars cash.
>worked at a entry level job
>everyone i work with has families so they are on the poorer side of society
>found $100 bill with no indication of whoever found it
>literally guilt ridden knowing a family that would already have it hard is now $100 less
I dont understand how humans can even take shit from others in the first place. I mean if you're super poor maybe i can understand but fuck me it feels dirty.
>Lack of self-control and inability to delay gratification
Ever seen "bait Bike" videos?
holy shit
my btc makes my phone worth about $13k... hmm thanks user should probably get a hard wallet, then I'm going to rob nerds at my local bitcoin atm haha
And I bet the polish numbers are too
Every dumb polock I've ever met was retardedly overhonorable and honest
>my btc makes my phone worth about $13k
>keeping a btc wallet on your phone
>using any financial shit on you phone
You sir, are insane. You have too much trust user
>be Baltimore firefighter
>have to do ACLS recert at one of the many horrible hospitals in the city
>get out of car, phone falls out of stupid uniform pants pockets onto garage floor
>go inside, get halfway to room class is in and
>oh shit, where's my phone?
>walk back to parking garage
>no fucking phone
>attend class
>return home
>find my iphone
>phone is in super shitty 1000% nigger apartment complex in my first due area
>resign myself that if there is ever a fire there, i will refuse to put it out
>mfw there was a fire after i left for a different, less terrible city and the building was so damaged it was condemned :3
I was gone for about 90 seconds, only people nearby was a young black mother with 4 niglet kids. Around blacks, never relax desu.
I saw this while taking a shit and thought of transforming the idea into a nog castration program
>weld an appropriately placed spike facing the front seat
>place bike in local city park
>mfw Tyrone flies over the handlebars and turns his BBC into a Big Bloody Cunt
So lazy spics and porkchops will rob you if given the chance. Gotcha.
mexican illegally crossing the border
>Have a black friend
>We go to some party
>Go leave our coats in a locked coat room
>He immediately starts looking through the pockets of coats for money
>He's from a well off family and in college
who the fuck walks around with that much cash. I would of taken it, straight up, and put it right back where I found it.
>Here is the key to the bedroom, go put your coats in there and lock it up
We had a maid, gardeners, a cook and everything growing up. I was simply given my allowance without being subjected to chores because that's how a good, carefree childhood is supposed to be. Teaching your children to be worker drones just destroys their creativity.
>looking through the pockets of coats for money
Nice """friend""" do you tell people about the """good ones""" you know and how racist you aren't?
As opposed to teaching them to expect others to give them things for free?
If you want your child to be creative, get them some paints and an easel, have them learn an instrument. If you want your child to be a functioning member of society, have them learn that they need to work for what they want.
How about actually provide for you children. That's what my parents did for me including helping me in my career through their connections. That's the definition of good parenting not raising mini workers to help around the house and wipe your ass when you're 90 because you were too stupid to save for retirement.