Pic related. Check mate alt-righters, picking facts like they are cherries

Pic related. Check mate alt-righters, picking facts like they are cherries.

Any non-LARPing come backs based on facts and logics or nah?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because more blacks are killed by blacks than whites by whites though blacks are a substantially smaller minority.

numbers nigger. i want numbers

¨% are irrelevant without numbers to back it up

we white don't fucking run around burning shit down, crying , living off welfare, blaming everything on others

I don't think that's the case in South Africa.

OP said facts and logics, not nigger-logics

>whites live around whites
>whites kill whites more
I wonder why that would be.

Is this because Doctors are white?

Now in relation to that percentage, what's the populations of whites and blacks in america?

>This white apparently don't grammar
Nigger confirmed

You do realize when you take into account how many blacks and whites there are this makes black look bad. This is why blacks should never use math


Unlikely to be true.
Regardless, there's this:

How the fuck does that prove anything tardo? People knew this shit already. Why don't you explain why blacks commit 53%of violent crime in this country but are only 13% of our 300,000,000+ population?

Also, does this "white" include hispanic? What's the non-hispanic white statistics?

its because white people aren't protesting black on white crime

Because the other white is hispanic

A negro trying to formulate a pro black statement
Using the Obamashit "folks" term

fuck him

There it is.

This. Blacks cant into basic logic and statistics. Its pretty funny that any of them actually think this means anything.

White on white crime used to just be "crime"

Someone somewhere needs to make a white only country.

It wouldn't be perfect but it would be better than most.

I find it sad that they're so stupid they stump themselves when attempting maths. They have the minds of children

How about percentage of white people who have killed someone vs percentage of black people who have killed someone?

I highly doubt he'd be interested in seeing that statistic though.

Because most of them were born into poverty, in the hoods, with careless parents, or no parents at all, with weak public schools as their only way out.

Structural variables matter. This doesn't mean that whites are all racist, just that class, money and resources matter. Middle class blacks has the same success rate as middle class whites, but there are not that many middle class blacks.



Not sure what you're trying to say. Whites don't protest everytime a white person is killed in a justified police shooting. Blacks on the other hand...


Most crime is intraracial. In fact, black americans are significant in that they have the highest interracial crime rate of any group. They are more likely to attack other races than any other race. However, the majority of black crime is still intraracial, it's simply a matter of opportunity. However, blacks also have the highest crime rate per capita of any race, meaning that although they have more interracial crime than other races, the sheer volume of crime that they commit means that the majority of crimes are black on black violence. Hence why it's a topic of discussion. Also, because when people complain about black on white violence, they are called racist. Then again, so it is to talk about black on black violence, apparently. You can't point out the fact that blacks commit violence at a higher rate across the board without being racist. You can't say anything negative about blacks or any individual black and not be racist. They're a sacred cow due to privilege mathemagical rankings.

Barking dogs of the Jew.

The poorest white neighborhood in the U.S. actually has less gun crime than the richest black neighborhood.

We don't blame other people for it. We know we kill eachother and we think it's terrible. We don't say "Oh they did nothing" if a white man commits a murder, we question what's wrong with them, we hope they rot in jail.

Blacks, when they kill eachother, they blame it on living in poor conditions thanks to white people supposedly destroying their lives. "we had to"
The blacks who kill eachother are usually killing eachother over a stupid reason. Not a robbery or a mugging, but "he was tryna step to me so i had to blastem" is the mentality they have. It's all about fighting and being gangsta is cool

-clears throat- ahem, if you actually cared to look into the science it is pretty obvious that blacks have a lesser IQ zero to do with class. I know your liberal mind will find this hard to accept but it is necessary to free yourself from delusional ideas and see the truth if you just cared enough to actually look at actual research that studied this in depth and takes into account class and all that stuff

we've got your numbers you stupid fucking nigger
refer to and fuck off

White nations dont have a murder problem unless they share nations with black people

Yes. Most poor white areas are rural or suburban, while blacks tend to end up and being born in urban ghettos where crime levels are and has always been higher, even in Ancient Rome.

Pretty shit checkmate


Even when niggers are adopted by affluent white people they still come up short when compared to human beings.



rome didn't have blacks, are you retarded

That's not even true

>84% of white people are killed by other white people
That's fucking terrifying. How will we save the white race?


Hello there. I am a Professor and I am familiar with a lot of publications of this topic (even though it is not my field of inquiry). I am not liberal, but moderately conservative.

Now, give me the sources of the research you are talking about. And no, YouTube-links to "documentaries" does not count as such.

Fucking revised history, god damn jews

>most crime is intraracial.


I'm pretty sure most white people die of natural causes... I don't think 84% are murdered by anyone...


We never complain about anyone oppressing us, being unjustly incarcerated, or blame other ethnic groups for our extreme social dysfunction. (inb4 what about the Jews? That's different.) We don't commit a disproportionate amount of murder and other violent crime, and since we form the background of functional American society, talking about "white on white" anything is like talking about how much water is in your water.

I never said that, I said that the lower classes populating urban areas has strong correlations to crime, and that this is so even in Ancient Rome.

On the contrary. Math is what makes niggers stop being niggers. Math makes a man think logical and rational instead of impulsive and reckless.

Then they would be black citizens of a white dominate culture welcomed with open arms by any proper white folk without a racist degenerate trailer trash home.

Be like Cartman. Reach those keeeids. Teach em math and how to cheat on taxes and sheeeit like Rich Whitey Trump.

That seems wildly unlikely.

I do, actually. I talk about all types of crime.
it's just when you compare them, one is much greater than the other.

Niggers gonna nig.

you never hear whites complain about anything, because were not niggers.

>burning shit down
Literally on a far right safe space containment board
>living off welfare
There are a shitton of whites on welfare. I know compared to blacks percentage wise it's embarrassing for blacks, but that doesn't excuse how embarrassing it is for whites too considering the supremist standard you hold for them
>not blaming people


>we white don't fucking run around burning shit down, crying , living off welfare, blaming everything on others
Reminder: We have Antifa wings in this country.

This guy gets it


but they weren't as bad as blacks
in our lower class areas, the blacks are worse than lower class whites. by a VERY wide margin. We have the statistics, on this very page, to prove it.
Read some of them.

This is first of all a study from the 1970s about IQ (which is a concept that has been developed a lot since then). Second, it does not really show what you claimed earlier.

This is not a source that in any ways will support your initial argument. Also, the link was provided by someone else. You are beginning to seem dumb.

You're correct, but there is no such movement as "#whitelivesmatter" trying to imply otherwise.

still, we've got the statistics to prove that blacks are 1000% worse.

If you pick any victim there is 72% chance that it is killed by white regardless of victim's race even if you pick up the killer completely randomly.

Hold up, you can't state facts YOU RACIST

Except the worst poorest white neighborhoods are peaceful utopias compared to most poor black neighborhoods, even some of the rich ones.

>meme flag

Can't deny those statistics. I'm an academic and work with these numbers every day - they are factual. At the same time, however, they do not provide any insight into 'why' or 'who' this is so (the strength of qualitative studies). The debate should include both these perspectives to reach a conclusion.

I think 'niggers' are 'niggin' because they have limited options. I don't think liberal government programs will solve this. I still think concluding with 'niggers' being inferior as a race is absurd based on the data we possess.

intersting article that will not be read by anyone who needs to read it

I'm not a professor, I don't keep a catalogue of links to studies in a briefcase. When I deem something as fact I move on. Most of science agrees on racial IQ differences. Anyone worthy of the title of scientist will agree IQ is heriditarry, simple biology and evolution

All the statistical and anecdotal evidence of many people over hundreds of years points to blacks are being notoriously dumber than everyone else on average.

In what way do poor black kids have less options than poor white ones? When I went to my sister's graduation there was an hour long parade of niggers being given black only scholarships, I don't recall seeing any white or asian scholarships being given. Then you have affirmative action all over higher education and the workforce. Limited options my ass.


Because relatively few white on white murders occur when taking into account population size, where as black on black crime is an epidemic which destroys low income communities

Are apples inferior to pears? No, that's absurd, just as absurd as thinking whites and nigs are the same.

The only way to even try to remedy it on the governmental level is to reward being married, which the new tax plan does with the doubled standard deduction. It also helps the prospect of increasing families with a stay-at-home parent by reducing the tax burden.

Yeah but white people didn't start some massive movement white lives matter

isnt stating this fact kind of counter-productive to his ideology? maybe im dumb


Whites kill whites PROportionately to their population.

Blacks kill blacks DISproportionately to their population.

How fucking hard is that to understand?

(*more or less not being exact here)



WTF is the point here exactly?

But there is a such thing as “white on white crime”. Who else cares if it’s called that? We don’t care because murders happen. If black lives matter, they would care about black-on-black crime the most.

Does this nigger want black people to kill themselves? What an Uncle Tom he is.


Maybe because unlike nigs, whites aren't claiming some racial conspiracy.

Niggers can't understand the concept of a rate, it is too abstract for them.

maybe because white people deal with their white on white crime with police, courts, and prisons.

what a mystery it is.

Here's your answer:
Yes, you're right, because white people aren't complaining about black people killing them even know we kill each other more.

OP sounds like a computer programmed to sound like a millennial... or nah? kek

I blame liberals, I think they've convinced some of them they're actually darker version of whites

2% of black murders are white on black
16% of white murders are black on white

The murder rate (in terms of frequency) also applies here.

For every 1 time a black person is killed by a white guy, 9 white guys are killed back black guys.

Blacks are just MUCH MORE frequently killers.

Why don't you worry about the rape and crime epidemics in certain European cities that has resulted from your mass importation of third world shitskins before you come in here with your nigger apologist bullshit, Eurofag?

No matter how hard you wish for all peoples and cultures to be equal, they simply aren't, and they likely never will be. Why do you think it's illegal to track crime statistics by race in many countries, especially ones in the EU? Because when you do, this magical thing happens where - almost invariably - the browner someone is, the more crime they commit. We don't hate people here because of the way they look. At least not that alone. We hate them because of the things they do.

If you want stats and sources, check every thread like this you find here and they'll be there. It's pretty much what pol is. Why do you suppose there aren't any infamous message boards that overtly discuss how equal everyone is? Why don't people make charts and funny infographics that outline how terrible white people are, or how we disproportionately do the most of pretty much every negative thing a person in a society can do?

People like you are why Europe is doomed.

He's right stupid, but his comment is irrelevant because white people don't complain about blacks murdering whites.

>u mad wite boi

You fail miserably on understanding scientific enterprise. Any scientist, be it a physicist, a biologist, a psychologist or an anthropologist -- will all agree that being critical is what drives the scientific project forward. What was understood as facts just decades ago has been falsified today. It is a fluid, large and interdisciplinary field of disciplines working together. You wouldn't know this as a novice.

Whenever you deem something a fact is therefore rather uninteresting (even more so since you are unqualified to uncover facts). Even higher than facts, according to Plato, is 'truth'. This is the goal of all scientific activity. Even though it might be unattainable, it remains to be the goal for all of us.

Most sciences does not agree on racial IQ differences, however, some notable studies do claim this to be the case. These studies was published in the 70s and the 80s, and most of them (around 90%) by two very well known academics (psychologists). These studies has been under severe criticism from scientists from a broad range of disciplines, and has today been discarded as 'truth'. Does that mean that is it necessarily untrue? Not at all. There might be racial differences in IQ levels, but remember: the whole IQ scale is highly disputed and has recently been questioned by evolutionary psychologists (!).

Basically, there are many steps to consider here: race, into IQ, from IQ to crime, and many of these links are dubious at best.


White on white crime is a problem, but it's more negligible. Most criminals are black people. If your neighborhood starts getting a large influx of black people, they're going to be committing crimes.