Friendly reminder that Sup Forums vote against their own economic interests
We don't want on the Democrat's welfare plantation, we've seen what it's done to others.
>your Medicare
So. Get job and pay for your own healthcare, faggot.
Dont tease me OP
>Your interests
Nothing pisses me off more than a bunch if self entitled pricks who decide for others what's good for them.
>Obama never took away your right to bear arms
>But these assholes wanna take away your right to free healthcare!
nb4 200 replies
Based Jew?
Its bad when the kike gets it more than op desu. Can we at least agree to communist holocaust?
I dont have and will never have medicare. Take it. IDGAF.
I dont have medicare
Premiums going up 18%.
When do I get to keep my doctor?
That whole no fly no buy and that crying speech followed by dems getting btfo by conservatives after sandy hook never happened?
>Obama never came after your guns
Fucker tried to.
>These guys are after your medicare
No, they are after ACA bullshit that negatively affected almost 80% of Americans by raising their premiums who already had insurance to begin with. Of course, unlike others, I am not stupid enough to think this will lower insurance premiums back to previous levels.
>Obama never came after your guns
What a load of horseshit. Did you faggots conveniently forget that Obongo and the Obongo Administration were pushing for heavy gun control after Sandy Hoax? Not to mention, healthcare is a privilege, not a constitutional right. Destroy Obongocare and bring back private healthcare.
'your medicare'
its some else's cash you thief
Drumpfuhrer can't even repeal Based Obamacare lmao
It will be repealed soon or we'll become Saul Alinsky's wet dream of a socialist shithole
Conservatives are natural born submissive slaves and the most low iq population of any race.
That guy was dishonorably discharged and fucked up his military career
its not in my economoc interest to pay 600$ per month for ObongoCare that has a 6000$ deductible and a cap of 7000$ so that Laquesha can have 13 keeds and get free healthcare on my dime...
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How is paying for obese diabetic niggers and old piece for shit boomers who ruined america in my economic interest?
> angry at boomers
Boomers voted for Drumpfuhrer you imbecile. They are the most dull and Conservashits generation we have
Price to have my first kid: $728
Price to have my second (after obamacare): $6900
Same job, same insurance, same fucking hospital, only difference is a couple years apart.
Fuck obama.
Obama sure as fuck tried.
>Boomers voted for Drumpfuhrer you imbecile
They also voted for a bunch of other bozos like McCain for decades. Trump was too little too late.
I'm fine with it. My young, comfortably paid ass is benefitting from most of these programs, and I don't have to feel particularly bad for all these sob stories about programs for poor people that Trump is gutting, because I get to take the stance of "well who am I to tell them what is best for them? I'm sure they knew what their vote was for."
>obama never came after guns
Yeah just ignore all those false flags and fake tears he spewed on TV.
Commie can't meme or tell the truth ever.
Obama has threatened to push more gun control multiple times dipshit and I don't give a fuck about medicare.
Sorry but there's no constitutional right to medicare.