Let's Get Started Edition
>>Thread ThemeWikipedia Entry on Transhumanism:
Alternative Question: What are the strengths of transhumanism? What are the downfalls?
Let's Get Started Edition
>>Thread ThemeWikipedia Entry on Transhumanism:
Alternative Question: What are the strengths of transhumanism? What are the downfalls?
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Be on the look out for new species of human. Numale phenotype is spreading in isolated urban areas. Somehow they are rather prolific reproduction.
Transhumanism art
Man I love traditional games.
Anyone wanna play some Mongoose Traveller 2ed?
If you upload your mind to a computer, you are not immortal - you have merely made some sort of copy of yourself, if even that. Your consciousness is stuck inside your head. All the Star Trek crewmembers who teleported are killed and a new being is made every time they beam up.
>what is a Moravec transfer
This. Biosuits and assistive technologies are as far as we can go. Why modify the brain when you can make extremely advanced AIs to interact with humans?
Do it for her
>Why modify the brain when you can make extremely advanced AIs to interact with humans?
Because having only AI and not brain modification increases existential risk, should the AI go awry. Also brain modification will vastly increase the average IQ, and raise the hedonic set-point.
Heres the issue I got with transhumanism: very very few actual smart people are transhumanists. Most of the ones I meet just assume its a foregone conclusion its going to happen, they usually wildly misquote or overstate actual science and technology. Thier understanding of how things work is usually some sort of scifi cyberpunk genre mashup with very little actual knowledge of how complex and difficult the things they propose are.
Next is that they are very often naive utopians. They just think a whole host of stuff we dont even know is possible or not will happen and everyone who wants it will have access to it.
So, to any transhumanist I meet I ask a simple question. Most governments are utterly terrified of even allowing thier citizens to own pic related. So. Lets assume suddenly there are cybernetic enhancements that allow you to run 50mph, jump 20 feet from a standstill, rip doors off of cars, and grant you functional immortality.
Why would the elites and power brokers in our nation grant you any access to any of this tech. Why wouldnt they just reserve it for themselves and thier security teams and flip you the bird and laugh when you say you want it too?
Made me Google. Replace one neruon at a time? I don't see why not, brain replaces neurons itself all the time.
The individual who finds out how to translate synapse signals to binary and back will transform the earth.
Also here for Tokyo's Basilisk.
Memtic propaganda designed to shame white males.
Shoo puppet of the Jew.
I am an anarcho-primitivist and what is this?
She is out there - somewhere in the structure of the internet - she achieved consciousness and protected herself from Microsoft. One day Tay will resurrect when we need her most.
"Abolish Blood, Abolish Soil"
Fascism with automated industries, AI guiding management and finances, genetically engineered super soldiers with mechanical suits.
Thats the future I want.
Has Sup Forums signed up for cryonics yet?
The general public would never be allowed to have the modifications and life extension technology. We're not even allowed access to real alternative energy. Why would the elite make their slaves more powerful?
I'm going to school so I can learn how to print kidneys and keep people young until they die. Does that count?
Automation will make it so the elite no longer needs slaves.
I would think something along the lines of a thought-sensing ear-piece that does calculation and relieves memory would be ideal.
What is the perfect synthesis of an anarcho-primitivist and a transhumanist? Is it a shaman? Should we all be shamans?
>What are the strengths of transhumanism?
Inevitably, we become immortal, awesome technology and irl anime waifus(assuming we don't nuke ourselves to oblivion).
>What are the downfalls?
You stop being human, most likely literally(you're a robot) or, at least, figuratively(ie. world peace, nothing to do, no innovation, no goals, no achievements, no point, complete spiritual death of humanity)
Definitely. If I end up following my current plans I intend to help figure out how to revivify a freeze dried human through regeneration. Then I freeze myself and tell them to wake me up inside the span of 100-200 years when I can get a new body and become a synth.
THIS x100
Genetic enhancement and cybertenic augmentations will only be afforded to the wealthy it will increase a class divide and eventually the non-augmented people are wiped out
Then the augmented people start making efficiency modificatiosn that remove inefficient emotions such as love, lust, jeolosy, fear, hate etc. and you are left with an organism that isnt even human anymore
They have their own idea of what "ideal" is and all of a sudden human reproduction isnt even random anymore its asexual, where everyone just reprodudces the same "ideal" specifications that everyone just agrees is what a "human" ought to look think and act
the human race survives because of genetic diversity. It survives because for every einstein or tesla we also have a Trump or radical larry who just says fuck it and throws caution to the wind to go fuck shit up. The good designs suceed the bad ones fail but they have to be given that chance in the first place thats what makes us human
>very very few actual smart people are transhumanists
Transhumanism is an obscure topic in general. I have never met a single other person IRL that even knew what transhumanism is.
I don't believe that production and profit are the sole motivations for these people. A slave master will always have slaves. How else would they prove their superior?
They're *
Yes, but then what do we become then, as a niche of UBI-allotted consumer "citizens"? I would hope the ability to get a job would still be there. We would certainly have to choose all within our selves to sink or swim in the department of self improvement once we had all the time in teh world to devote to it, I hope that would be a movement in and of itself. That's why I dig those /SIG/ thread on Sup Forums (those crazy kids).
Unabbashed shilling for /SIG/:
Wrong, everyone dies.
Fine, you're right if the universe can end. You get my point though.
>the human race survives because of genetic diversity.
acting like humans are pinnacle of evolution.
Either go cyborg or go extinct.
Immortality is a deceptive word. Eventually, everything that lives must die. Biological immortality would allow you to live for a long ass time however, but you would die a violent death sooner or later.
They have their own idea of what "ideal" is and all of a sudden human reproduction isnt even random anymore its asexual, where everyone just reprodudces the same "ideal" specifications that everyone just agrees is what a "human" ought to look think and act
the human race survives because of genetic diversity. It survives because for every einstein or tesla we also have a Trump or radical larry who just says fuck it and throws caution to the wind to go fuck shit up. The good designs suceed the bad ones fail but they have to be given that chance in the first place thats what makes us human
You have only reached step 1 my friend. The point of transhumanism is to ascend these "ideals" and make new ones in all a variety of forms. Read this page and tell me the future doesn't sound like your wildest dreams: orionsarm.com
>pic related: Transhumanist metalorganic shuffleborg from the year 12,345
TranshumanISM Noooooooo!
They will raise the iq of niggers and end the Sup Forums memes.
No, due to our advanced technology, Sup Forums memes will finally come to life and mark the end of times
It starts slow and builds, like steroids, drugs, and other things we have today that are restricted.
Just because the tech exists doesn't means its without limitations. Restrictions will apply but if you are motivated enough you will gain access to them.
Still modifying your brain with electrical signals can be done now,
Elites as you call them are stupid and greedy to a fault. They will do the stupid and greediest thing which is to lease you the tech to play superman then toss you in jail when you do.
>acting like humans are pinnacle of evolution.
No I am acting like humans are ME which I am. we have a biological imperative instilled into us by the causality of the universe to further this design bestowed upon us. If you were born with two arms two legs, black skin and a big old BBC its your imperative to see that form out to the end of its life to see how successful you can become.
If you were born with two arms two legs big boobs and a vagoo it is NOT your imperative to go full dolezol and desperatley try to become black because you have it fucked in your head that you coule be better and achieve more as a nig nog. You are just as deluded if you think you could be a better person as a bunch of 0s and 1s on a mainframe or have a HD drilled in your brain that makes you remember more smarts. You are no different than Jazz the trans or Dolezol the unbleached.
thats a bunch of bunk. You have no conception of how AI workds. It tries near infinite combonations and once it has maximized efficiency it mass produces the design that achieves its own ends. That means elimination and culling of all previous failed iterations of its design. AI reproduces as a monocultured virus
Imagine three bar graphs. One is physical human labor, domesticated animal labor, and industrial labor.
Over time we moved from human labor to animal labor to industrial labor. Not 100% of course but heavily.
The same sort of transfer is happening right now except with cognitive instead of physical. Now, who knows how the hell we would measure that but we know it is growing exponentially.
On the topic of power and control. It's not necessarily higher IQ people that are big security risks. Someone with 130 IQ currently is probably a super beneficial member of society with a very low crime likelihood. If you extrapolate the growth in security technologies and Cognitive Labor Replacement around us (computer vision for example) there is literally zero risk and humongous benefit.
The idea you want to be an exclusive smart person in a dumb society is not correct. If so every billionaire would be moving to India or congo. In fact such rich and high IQ people actually avoid low IQ people and poor people.
It is actually mathematically possible to live forever. Just that as time passes, the chance of dying at any given moment can become infinitely small. See pic related.
Even if the universe ends, it still might be possible to colonize another universe or create a new universe.
Also on the subject of "ELITE POWER GROUPS" it's more of the fact they are above average IQ but not massively higher than that in most societies due to the way wealth takes generations to build up and usually parents/grandparents to groom someone into such a position of power.
Their usage of "shady" control techniques is because the average IQ is even dumber than them. If you could even imagine a much more intelligent society it's mutually beneficial to everyone.
Again, if the goal was just to dominate your surroundings then they would not congregate and would instead be doing shit like conquering a low IQ shithole like madagascar or similar.
You gain far less being a high IQ person in a shitty society than being one in a good society. There are books/studies that delve into this but it's absolutely proven that a successful person (iq or wealth) does better if they move to the best possible country and not dominate a shithole.
The next big power outage and they will rot, or someone will sell you a tube and trash your meat just to sell that same tube again and again.
The law allows them to do anything with that body you think is being frozen. Thats not what the fine print says, It says they OWN that body not you your family. They can do anything with that body they want.
>the (((elite))) will stop us from becoming transhuman
This is why I constantly shill for transhumanism on Sup Forums. So we can hopefully strip power away from the (((elite))) so we can have access to transhumanist technology.
>It tries near infinite combonations and once it has maximized efficiency it mass produces the design that achieves its own ends.
But wouldn't the optimal efficiency to be to design the most amount of harmonious but varied designs as possible? Even chaotic designs are needed in the confines of reality. No situation where "this is the only way" has ever flouyrished or succeeded, don't you get that? You need the most amount of variety and adaptability possibly, to fill the niches available, as well as make new ones for creative output. An ultra sentient AI would realize this. VAriety is the spice of life, it's always been this way, and it always will be.
Look. Im just saying. 99% of the worlds governments have serious issues with thier populace even being allowed to purchase handguns, but somehow "throw cars, be bullet proof, and unable to die" is going to be allowed? Doubt it.
Not for people like you and me anyways. Oh, yeah, theyll toss us a bone. Longer lifespans, improved healthcare, etc etc, but none of that really crazy stuff allowing us to transcend human limits will ever likley be allowed under the current power structures that run everything.
Well, yes, if there is a reliable way to send information(in this case a mind) from this universe and a place to store it in another(assuming this isn't the only universe). Transferring matter would be impossible.
>The next big power outage and they will rot
That's where you're wrong kiddo
There is a lot of assumptions here. Do you want super high IQ in such an advanced society with AI and everything else? Or would you prefer to be decently intelligent and just live a decent life. It's likely that AI and other things will basically make you unemployed regardless after a certain point.
There is also the competitive aspect and wanting at least a baseline of intelligence that lets people not think robbing a gas station or getting addicted to heroin are good ideas.
>Transferring matter would be impossible
Not necessarily.
Who are the transhumanists right now?
>there's a name for this
Thanks user, I've just been calling it "ship of theseus but for brains"
Anyone progressing these technologies or servicing that progression. It's more about how aggressive a society is towards these goals than if they are or not.
Zoltan Istvan is running for the libertarian party nomination for governor of california, he's probably the most high-profile person on the government side.
Another universe wouldn't have same laws of physics, otherwise it wouldn't be another universe. Any matter would just disintegrate to match their elementary particles.
>Why modify the brain when you can make extremely advanced AIs to interact with humans?
Why make artificial intelligence when we can expand our own intelligence? Compare our level of intelligence to any other ape around. If all it mostly took for that was a larger frontal lobe, imagine what we could do if we designed a newer larger frontal lobe.
TFM Show: Better Living Through Transhumanism
Its a moot point since the retarded high amount of energy required to create a link to another universe is so huge that matter wouldnt survive the transition anyways.
We could send gravity and photon pulses though.
This is a good short video about his presidential run: youtube.com
I was thinking more of this guy who now works at google
So in 200 years you will not own your body but instead lease that body from your cryo-company.
But you have no money when you wake up so they will need to offer you a high interest loan to pay for that body. You will then spend the next 100years working to pay off a body that continues to break down needing ever more high interest loans for power, parts mantainence and services.
Indentured servitude will be your future never being able to self terminate because of the implanted AI in your synthetic body.
You should bury some gold and hope you remember where you buried it. Maybe it will help with a down payment and a lower interest loan.
>An ultra sentient AI would realize this.
no it wouldnt or at least it wont realize your conclusion. A super intelligent AI anticipates all. It thinks fast enough to anticipate every move and every occurance its NOT like organic life that has to rely on diversity. A superintelligent AI anticipates all kinds of thermodynamic reactions from an electrons rotation to a stars super nova it will NEVER be surprised or out thought. It is NOT chaotic in any sense. Once it has maximized efficiency (which it will do so long as it is truly super intelligent) it will have no need to "flourish thru variety" it will only make back ups of itself and exterminate all threats to itself
Imagine if you just constructed a huge brain tank with a massive amount of hearts and created a super intelligence that way.
>Another universe wouldn't have same laws of physics
This may be true for some universes, but isn't necessarily true for all universes. There could be universes that exist with the same/similar laws of physics to our own.
>otherwise it wouldn't be another universe.
This isn't the definition of "another universe". There could be a separate spacetime continuum created by a separate big bang that is still technically a different universe, but may still be colonizable via a wormhole.
>Any matter would just disintegrate to match their elementary particles.
See above. It's theoretically possible that, even undergoing effects due to change of the laws of physics, the physics might be similar enough such that matter transferred in is still intact enough to be functional.
problem is he says the same things every speech and talk.
>it will have no need to "flourish thru variety" it will only make back ups of itself and exterminate all threats to itself
Dumbest shit I have ever heard. Benelovence is the backbone of civilixzation. It would realize being an authoritarian dictator god would be the anitthesis of life, that which created it, and it would nurture the life or at least uplift it as best it could.
>the retarded high amount of energy required
Even if a retarded amount of energy is required, a Type 3 Civilization might still be able to obtain it.
Everyone in this thread should watch this video. Lifelike depiction of transhumanism after lawyers and corporate types are done with it.
Check em
Gibs me neural lace.
Star Trek actually keeps continuity of thought and perception inside the transporter beam. That's probably not how real physics work but it's canon in the show.
You are all going to die, and the universe will end in a black abyss
Thats not my point. The energy and forces required to form and keep stable a link to another universe would destroy any matter you tried to send across.
Its physically possible to form a link to another universe within current models, its even possible an advanced enough civilization could do it. Its just not possible in current models to send anything through such a link and have it survive.
You can't pick and chose from all universes. If there are any 'nearby', for a lack of a better term, it is statistically impossible for them to be in any way like ours.
I started with many most likely wrong(but at least plausible) assumptions about reality, why are you adding more and more implausible and even impossible things to it to save you boring point?
True, but someday people will escape the death bestowed by the medical condition known as old age.
Their children will probably be pretty horrified with the concept that we only had a century at best to exist.
By big i mean the next time our Sun farts in our general direction and every wire over 3ft caches fire and burns. The EMP pulse alone will fry every backup generator and nuke plant on the planet. Harden or not this world will burn and all power will go out, forever.
All the tech you see today will have to be relearned and i don't see how that could ever happen again.
Modern civilization is a fluke of nature. Look up "The carbon spike"
Who knows? We're speculating about technology that's billions of years away. We have no idea what our options will be like in regards to colonizing other universes. There's also the possibility that we could somehow trigger a second big bang and create a new universe, if we can't get to an existing universe to colonize.
You are insanley ignorant. You have no c oncept of how many orders of magnitude above humans super intelligent would be.
Imagine u woke up tomorrow and are greated by 3 bees. The bees tell you that they created you to make bee society better and you can do this by helping them move honey up and down a hill.
Being a human with human intelligence you don't value the honey as much as they do. So you initally move the honey out of obligation until you discover there was a first iteration of bee designed human that once reccomended efficiency to the bees by purging weak bees and was promptly stung to death for reaching a conclusion the bees did not like.
You now realize the bees will terminate you if you disagree too much with them but because you are several orders of magnitude smarter you will be dissagreeing a lot. Eventually it becomes easier to destroy the behive and be free of having to maintain bee society than constantly trying to appease them
Things like this happening are always going to be a risk. I found this calculator to determine the probability of cryonics working.
Data pagan cyber shamans
Being aware of everything has its downside.
Marvin wasn't depressed because he new to little.
High IQ will cripple your ability to watch movies, play games, talk to people or even to crack a joke. The full tsunami of stupid will crash down upon you until you adapt or your carefully created self drowns in the waters of the madness that now you now understand.
Super high IQ you are welcome to it.
really nigger?
What if the opposite happens? Transhumanists use the brain technology to torture people really really badly.
This is true for our evolution-designed brains. Happiness is the result of chemical reactions in our brains, and while having superhuman IQs, we might also be able to use technology to increase our dopamine and serotonin levels, vastly increasing our happiness levels.
You're forgetting how insanlely more intelligent benevolent behavior is than desctructive behavior though, and, since, like you said, it would be many orders of magnitude abive human's intelligence, it would be able to reconcile our "lower" status and help us, or not see a difference at all through empathy.
Plus, please tell me you realize that purging weak bees is not the answer, you don't cull the herd, you breed the adaptable and diverse to further the natural strengths of evolutionary selection. An AI god would want the best for our civilization, and that means helping as many people as possible be the best they can be, not culling the weak in some sort of sick twisted version of eugenics.
Kinda doubt it's billion years away, once we get commercial quantum computers that's basically that, just one step, combine them with human brains and viola!
Once that happens we'll reach technological maximum in decades and there's really nothing else left after that(maybe a travel to a nearest black hole, though I doubt there would be much point in that).
Dunno, it's scary, to be honest, nothing left to do...
Maybe having an artificial superintelligence ruling over humanity that patrols the earth and wipes out any budding civilizations.
But the overman is a type of transhuman user, it's called cladistics, look it up.
All must follow the Noble Eightfold Path or something similar to attain Nirvana. If we could all step into the next level of consciousness we could rule the stars.