AFD's Armin Paul Hampel says Indians are welcome in Germany
Is AFD just anti-Islam and therefore they have no issues with some Indian immigration?
Or is AFD 1488 as the media portrays it.
AFD's Armin Paul Hampel says Indians are welcome in Germany
Is AFD just anti-Islam and therefore they have no issues with some Indian immigration?
Or is AFD 1488 as the media portrays it.
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It's a ploy to revive the Aryan race.
Thats fucking sad.
Fuck it, import everybody and let the civil war happen. I can't wait to kill the rich liberal elite
To be fair there is not a significant rush of Indians wanting to go to Germany in the first place. Its most just a few thousand IT people and students.
Compared to Mudslimes, Indians are not a big issue. So AFD might just be trying to appear mainstream through this.
RIP the white race is dead
Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?
Immigration is fine if they aren't criminally inclined and are in numbers not big enough to challenge self determination.
I wouldn't mind Indian immigrants.
indians hate muzziez.
Don't be naïve. Indians are rapey.
Well krauts are done for, this just finalized it
What point is there in talking tough on the twelve Indians we get a year? This could possibly help dim the kneejerk race-baiting regarding the migration issue and position Hampel's professional contacts (he's a reasonably successful movie writer and worked for the state media in various functions over the years) against the worst of the shilling if nothing else. Somewhat a puzzling move certainly, but no neck-breaker - Weidel positioned herself very clearly on Muslims the other day, and her pull is significantly greater.
It's all kosher nationalism. It's the same deal with Trump. Trump focuses almost entirely on illegal Mexicans and Muslims because they either don't care about Holocaustianity [Mexicans] or they outright shit all over it [Muslims].
Atheist communist chinks and alcoholic, arch-zionist hinustanis are seen as the ideal immigrant group because they are fanatically loyal to materialist zionist ideals, support America's zionist foreign policy, and still hate and want to exterminate White people. They are the "no blowback" migrant wave.
Yeah...That's what I figured. Most Indians actually prefer to go to English speaking countries. And the few that land in Germany for IT jobs etc. are not really a threat.
They are alt light
Poos are Aryan according to snownigger nazi LARPers.
No one cares what your illiterate ass would mind, brainlet. We should not be fragmenting culture with these people.
You can always breed out, I suppose.
Read up on the statistics.
India and China have good law abiding citizens who contribute a lot to our countries.
White Americans who migrate back to Europe are the best though.
Muslims = cancer
I agree with you, that's why I said limited immigration would be okay as compared to mass immigration. When done with certain groups, limited immigration allows for assimilation instead of a full blown takeover.
Advocating for a 100% pure white state is unrealistic. Not even Japan or Israel for that matter is 100% pure, and they're more nationalist than Poland.
>India and China have good law abiding citizens who contribute a lot to our countries.
That makes them even more pernicious in large numbers. They're individually able have strong tribal instincts. They're not weighted down by any Western sentiments about universal brotherhood.
And the Chinese are certainly not law abiding.
If they are from the north and went to uni they are fine. Half caste Indians usually look white and don't have weird eyes like half chinese do.
They do not contribute a lot to our countries. They support zionism, the jewish establishment, and they want to subvert our nations to favor theirs. They want US/NATO support for their conflicts and they want the West deindustrialized and dependent on them.
I'm Indian, Hindu and "whiter" than average American.
north and high caste. Middle caste north indians will have aryan features, dravdian ones, or a mixture of both. Partial genetic dominance is a fickle bitch
inshallah. May shiva bless u with the power of the union between jesus and muahmmad
There is no need for even limited immigration. There is no need for assimilation.
>Advocating for a 100% pure white state is unrealisitc.
No, it is not. It just means we're going to have to kill you, too.
They were reading a lot of Savitri Devi and wanted to learn more about polytheism.
>aryan features
kek, every time.
I'm not planning to move abroad, not going to accept Islam or Christianity either.
by aryan features, i mean a slim nose and thin lips as well as swarthy-light skin. saying u arent aryan just cuz youre not blonde and blue eyed is just funny, cuz der fuhrer had brown hair
>Muslims decapitate a German
>Indian poos on their corpse
Lol no, the only "white" countries that aren't being overrun with nonwhites are shitty slav countries in eastern europe. They all have terrible birthrates and most people on Sup Forums don't even think slavs are white.
good, now go lynch muslims on the pretext of "cattle theft"
ok rape u next week
>AFD welcome Indian Immigrants to Germany. Whats going on
I hate pajeet as much as the next guy, but filling the immigration quota with poo-in-loos (who generally work or come with money and buy a corner store) is an OK strategy to keep out the mudslimes, haitians and somalis in the short term to appease the left, until you can get into a majority government and close the boarder. Assuming a majority gov can do whatever the fuck it wants like it can do here.
>And the Chinese are certainly not law abiding.
But our statistics say they are. Our government is usually very honest about this kind of data.
They always get published no matter how insulting they are to muslims.
From what I can tell, the Chinese are big on the blue bar, that means they mostly commit traffic crimes.
They rarely rape and murder others.
>But our statistics say they are
I thought you meant in general, not the handful who happen to dwell in Denmark.
And, no, they don't often commit violent crimes. But they're apt to use our system against at the very least.
I would rather have an all-white immigration policy, but Indians aren't too bad. Your average Pajeet Poohrajah is retarded, but the ones that come to the west are mostly educated, high IQ and high-caste. They don't commit crimes or leech off the welfare system, and they make a decent deal of money. They're also more conservative than any other minority group here in the US, although that's not saying much.
An open borders policy with India would be a disaster, but I don't mind the more Aryan ones too much. There's a reason guys like Evola admired them.
>our statistics say they are. Our government is usually very honest about this kind of data
Wait until they start buying up massive amounts property and fuck your housing market. This article is from 3 years ago:
The former conservative gov was worried about this, it is now hate speak under Trudeau's liberals, even though the housing bubble has gotten even worse. The liberals even shelved legislation to curb offshore buyers and agents that do multiple flips to drive up prices. Why you might ask? Well it's discriminatory against poor millionaire chinks of course, and fuck the born and raise Canadian that thinks a sub-million dollar house in the city should more than a dream.
What the fuck is with that picture? Creepy....
You fuckers have so much land & timber. Why not build a few more suburbs. How difficult is that? Yeah.... they will be a bit out of the city, but that's not always a bad thing.
"Aryan" is a hindu word. Wherever else the Aryans went, they were definitely in India.
This. Sell your land to foreigners and then just build new sites from scratch
>Wait until they start buying up massive amounts property and fuck your housing market.
We tax the living shit out of our most expensive houses and properties. Annual property taxation.
It's the best way to hit wealthy elite who otherwise evade the taxes.
That's literally a non-issue over here.
>That's literally a non-issue over here.
Because there are almost none of them over there you clown
what im saying is if one of the two previusly mentioned demographics were to consummate its unholy union with a white, the child would look like bashar al assad or straight up look white like the first pic in the thread
It was mainly in response to:
>and fuck the born and raise Canadian that thinks a sub-million dollar house in the city should (be) more than a dream.
>You fuckers have so much land & timber. Why not build a few more suburb
Why don't you fuckers quit with the softwood lumber dispute? After 35 years we still can't make a buck off cutting trees. Also I already live in the woods, but that doesn't mean it's fine to have enclaves of mandarin only speakers in all our largest cities
But even if there were, the higher prices would be taxed to hell and back.
Don't you understand what I'm getting at? If a Chinese dud buys a property for a billion dollars in our country, we will be feasting off of his taxes for a long ass time to come.
No moron, you see we have a thing called taxes. Unlike the donald we aren't offering golden visas to have them over and buy stuff.
Typical american tard
Indians are pretty chill. Within a few generations, they mixed into southern culture.
AfD are kosher nationalists, even more so than Trump. They only are against Islam to protect women and fags from da ebil homophobic and sexist muslims
>most people on Sup Forums don't even think slavs are white
Most people on Sup Forums aren't even White.
Indian women are hot as fuck, especially the more Aryan ones. The men look like shit, but their women tend to look pretty good.
Yeah. This is pretty common. South of the Mason-Dixon, especially around the cities.
t. southern white-white.
Is he retarded?
Implying top right isn't white as fuck
Lol the guy on the top right looks like something off a National Socialist poster
Non-Germanics can't contribute to Germanic built societies because those societies are built by Germanics and all immigrants, other Europeans or non-European, come to Germanic lands to enjoy money and society. They all must go back. Is Steve Jobs a "subhuman sandnigger mongrel"? No. But he should have never be allowed to be a citizen in Denmark, Germany or whatever European land.
I think they've seen sadder days.
Its always happened in India .
Soon there will be anti muslim riots here , if roachingyas are found damaging national security.
Screencap this .
are u guys removing the bangladeshis, or are the bengolis and south indians being fags
I thought it was pre-sanskrit for "people, us, idenity."
Iran= Land of the aryans.
Correct me if im wrong. I don't care enough to actually research it.
>No moron, you see we have a thing called taxes. Unlike the donald we aren't offering golden visas to have them over and buy stuff.
Great, that'll surely stop them from causing any harm at all.
This is why you shamefully hide your flag and have no unis in the top 20 lol
aryan means noble in sankrit/ancient persian. The relationship between the two is like italian and spanish, essentially the same language
also, are there even rohingyas in india. i sear if modi lets them in im gonna rape my dog
. Do not give em a home to multiply
You can't be ethnonationalist in Germany, the party would get banned
It pisses me off so fucking bad how he has sold out his own fucking people, He is taking away investment opportunities that would allow Canadians to build and prosper and giving them to foreigners. How can someone care so little about the future prosperity of his own people.
Heil Hitler fuck jews #6millionmore!
It's time to surrender guys we lost they won the white race is gone. We will never eradicate the non-whites and Jews.
Indians are pretty chill. They assimilate well and don't shit on the street. As far as immigrants go they're pretty dope and their women have dick sucking lips.
It wasn’t enough to defeat the National Socialist party. They had to extinguish the German bloodline. The Jews are a special evil.
Look on the bright side: maybe the arranged marriages will help you lose your virginity!
>scat fetish people want street shitters in their nation
Well color me shoxked
They literally make up 99% of the reside ts in my apartment complex and they cause no issues and keep to themselves. They are also very friendly for some reason.
They are not German, Germanic or European
Indians are a net benifit. They are the top income earners in the US. Honestly anything is better than the trash you have been getting. Do you really see Indians a threat to your white women?
That's just it. If they're not specifically pro-white, anti-Jew, nothing else matters. Hating is easy. Standing up for your own nation and people is hard.
Better than the rapefugees though. They don't cause trouble.
>tfw high caste indian but white women still ignore me
We're the best non-whites in the west desu
I look forward to seeing an AfD member breaking ground on Germany's first designated shitting street.
Equally bad. rapefigees are even better because they mostly cause trouble for other shitskins or immigrants. plus they heat up the racial tensions
which is good
no such thing as a "good (genetic) foreigner"
t. slav who's probably more (((genetically diverse))) than half of this board
Nazis have always had a kind of obsession with the Hindu caste system as the Aryan ideal. It doesn't have any of the Abrahamic baggage and explicitly justifies supremacy by birthright.
Savitri Devi was a French Nazi who grew obsessed with Hindu mythology, Julius Evola invoked the Hindu concept of the Kali Yuga in his own social theories.
Western civilization died at Stalingrad.
t. genetically foreign element in Northern European built society; has abbo blood
And, no, ethnic Russians are solely Finnic-Baltoslavic-N.Germanic - which is a very consistent and homogenous ethnogenesis
hint: Hitler lost. Indians don't belong anywhere in Europe and should be banished for good
Northern Aryan Indians are basically Caucasians.
But northern India is also filthy whereas the south isn't
So go figure
Poos HATE Arabs
>the enemy of my enemy etc etc
I think it's so that they can't be seen as racist. And it's obviously skilled immigration, not open borders.
It's a dumb move by AfD though, because the media will still call them racists.
Parts of North India are fine, particularly the Northwest. It's the Gangetic belt that's the worst.
There is sort of a stereotype in India that North Indians are loud, obnoxious morons and South Indians are clannish, quiet eggheads. To some extent that's true
>implying that I want to live in yurope
Non-whites aren't going to leave the west. Like one poster said here, it's impossible to be a 100% homogeneous country/continent, and it ironically has to do with the technology that whites have created in the past 200 years.
That's a meme. It's the eastern part of India that's more filthy than the north. When people say "north", they refer to Punjab and Kashmir, which is relatively clean.
A country can recover from war, famine, plague, poverty, even partition, but once the ethnic makeup is muddied and the culture is erased,