What caused you to embrace natsoc Sup Forums?

i need national socialism because the left has polluted cartoons, the things i used to love the most, with hatred for my people and their traditions.

Other urls found in this thread:


Learn from it, don't embrace it.



oh my fucking god! and people lauh when i say pedophile civil rights are coming. but we have to keep pushing the truth. god wont stand for this sickness much longer. hes gonna clean house and were the ones who are gonna do kt. dont forget how much jews hate christ

Have you read "Hitler's Table Talk"?

> dismisses entire regions as subhuman animals to be rusticated and sent to "benevolent" slave labor while their ancestral homes are turned into German vacation resorts and military proving grounds
> Believes he is a superior man entitled to slut it up with mistresses while the mass of men must marry his leftovers
> Believes criminals should be killed and all concentration camps liquidated if the war stops going well
> Believes might makes right without exception
> Hung up on the "jet bomber" meme in the 1940s
> Eagerly awaits England's coming war on America under his rule
> Makes speeches instead of scholarly writing because the mass of voters are too stupid to do anything except march blindly wherever they are told to march (he says this)
> Claims Russians have no culture

I strive to be like Hitler: an autistic bully who is hated by literally billions of people. This, in fact, is why I browse Sup Forums

Those Table Talks are heavily edited, the only good and true ones are in German. Not English or French.

Sauce? I got the 1941-1944, current edition, with intro by Hugh Trevor-Roper. How pozzed is it?

U got nothin, that's what I thought.
American-style Constitutional Confederation government trumps racist socialism.

you have a copy of his official diagnosis report ? Post it.

almost made me tear up a bit


Learning how wrong EVERYTHING I thought I knew was. Plus libertarianism can't coexist with the Jews. I see NS as more of a means to an end though; eventually it'll create a libertarian society just by natural evolution.

My struggle is that NS goes against the founding father's intent. So I'm torn between wanting to preserve the union and wanting to purify my nation-state

>what caused you to embrace natsoc Sup Forums?
if everything the world stands for is so wrong, then the opposite has to be right


My autism

A realization that Canadians are horrible and a desire to address the real cause of the problem. This unironically led me to today.

are you me
>have high functionimg autism
>leads me to question everything, come to believe in national socialism as it is irrefutably true and the best form of govern,ent we have created

Slow down

Christ I really need to read his work, I've been meaning to forever.
I would remind you that dualism/yinyang exists in the sexes for instance, but NS, like Buddhism, is a "third way." Just be mindful that not everything is a 01 10 issue

>concentration camps
Stopped reading there

high functioning autism is the missing mental component for the ubermensch. we can be supersteong if we hit the gym creating super smart aryans who can operate on the jews level, whereas most normies are average sheep. this of course scares the shit out of jews, so they keep us outcasted from society for the most part or brainwash the hell out of us. i was in a therapeutic school and the a,ount of leftist venom i recieved was unreal. i only learned lies. that pushed me here during the meme war. this i guess is actually a good thing

stop larping, it's not gunna happen

as a christian, i only view buddhism as a philosophy, which is quite a good one at that and should be implemented from a nonreligious perspective sgter the jews and shitskins are purged since it would support state interests, do wonders for the people and would be compatible with christianity and enhance it.



Ever thought about reincarnation? It's really just the belief that life or the soul extends farther than this life. Is dying and going to heaven not reincarnation then? And when God cast out one third of the angels were they not reincarnated into demons? It's not exactly the same, but it's good for thought desu. Another neat point is, among other great thinkers, Plato and Buddha both lived around the same years. I wonder what was in the air at the time. Apply that to today: we live in the same era as Donald Trump:master persuader. It's what I'd call "gambler's logic," but I take that as a sign that we live in enlightened times.

I didn't.

Shocking, but I'm capable of entertaining ideas without adhering to them.

Tocqueville, that's his name. I guess I'll unsave, but I still have his book on my list of works to read. I can't think of it's name off the top of my head though. Democracy in America? I remember it was basically a French government funded vacation to the USA. Thanks for giving me another name to learn about :^)

Race realism and the scientific data that supports the fact that all men are not created equally.


no. the angels did not die, they jjst cant go into heaven anymore. god wont reincarnate us, he will bring us back from the dead when he returns. kind of like zombies but not gross

i watched communists and abos mercilessly assault and destroy our country

we may have stolen this country off the abos, but they've done nothing but be violent savages towards people and forced their way into our country's culture (if we even had any to begin with)