I think this dude was killed by the U.S. after transit

I think this dude was killed by the U.S. after transit.

(Coroner said he sustained brain trauma a year ago, so that's on North Korea, of course. But they kept him alive since that time.)

A much simpler explanation is that someone in the US suffocated him to make it look like North Korea killed him.

If North Korea wanted to torture him, or send a strong message, they could have simply held onto him - they did already sentence him to 15 years.

Think about it. North Korea is already seen as "crazy". What do they really have to gain by kicking the bee's nest and sending home a dead U.S. citizen? What's the motive? (To look even tougher? To scoff at diplomacy and try to get attacked?) It doesn't add up.

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It sounds like what he tried to do was commit suicide by falling backwards off a prison bunk and slamming the lower back of the skull into the floor. Given the kid's decision-making leading up to that he actually lets Norks off the hook.

so then what's up the photographic proof that NK was playing a year long game of Weekend At Bernie's with this kid's body ?

>warm beer

no wonder they kicked that family out of germany

>with this kid's body
>implying ol' Otto wasn't a spook on a mission

Come on, user. Does he really look 22 to you?

I think a guard did something to him.

I bet we can find a lot of similar cases to this guy in Guantanamo Bay. Waterboarding is our secret hobby afterall, right?

wow really OP are you just now smart enough to realize he was a vegetable and his parents OK'd pulling the plug

Heres now to suffocate and torture someone without leaving a mark, gg retard

>he gets a funeral on mainstream media

obviously this whole thing is being used to drum up support for the upcoming war

normies eat shit like this up even though NK has been brutalizing people, building nukes, and being aggressive as shit for decades

as if MAGA wasn't suffering enough already, it could get completely derailed by a war with NK

I feel as if the whole story is propaganda, there's conflicting stories of his arrival back in the US.
In some he is comatose, in others he is howling like an animal with his teeth pulled out and gashes on his body.


We took very good care of this common criminal.

They used a hose, which is why his teeth were fucked up.

>war with korea is bad

And his throat

I thought they twisted his teeth with pliers or something?

I can see that America doing this is the only real option right now, I'm just lamenting that in a sane world Japan would have been allowed to increase the size of its military long ago as they have proved themselves a stable and sane ally for the last 70+ years. NK is their problem too and without handcuffs they would be in a much better position to actually do something about problems in their own backyard. This would also free up USA to focus more on their own problems instead of being world police.

Yes, he looks 22 to me. Our 22 year olds don't look like little girls like they do in your nation

It shoudve been done a long time ago, when they were first building a nuke, now it might be too late, unless theres a plan to somehow destroy their nuke capabilities first, they know where they fire them from, so bomb those places first in a war?

>I think
cool story, but we don't have evidence to suggest that

To be fair, the japs kept this guy alive, but if they had moved him he would have croaked.

Warmbier is a jewish name btw.

t. monsanto CEO

CIA niggers did it. Otto Warmbier was euthanized.

His "family" also lied about him having signs of torture.

They didn't want him to tell you what he had seen in North Korea: a system that's put the american plutocracy to shame.

>defending the literal jew

For shame.

his teeth weren't fucked up tho retards that was a lie from his parents

even (((CNN)) admits it


>"His bottom teeth look like they had taken a pair of pliers and rearranged them," Fred Warmbier said. However, the coroner's report says, "the teeth are natural and in good repair."

Trust me dude, a few weeks in another country will fuck your immune system.

British coroner?

By the way the "family" didn't allow the coroner to perform an autopsy. They've got things to hide. He was murdered.

Caught me

Hamilton County Coroner


yeah I agree its sketchy as fuck

Crooked teeth joke.

Humorless commie bastard.

this IS the communist shithole that machine guns ex girlfriends. i'm sure they cared deeply about otto.

Nork apologists should be lined up and shot.

this. it was honestly probably some time release cyanide capsule or something. i'm not up to date on my communist murder methods.

I hate nork apologists, but the deep state's really been beating the war drums lately.

It's not incomprehensible that he was co-opted by the CIA to do some form of reconissance. CIA recruiting is active on major college campuses. In this scenario he got caught and paid the price from a foreign government who does not take kindly to spies.

the family pulled the plug
wow so hard


>I think this dude was killed by the U.S. after transit.
Sure thing Kim

You mean

NK was doing a suffocation torture that went awry and left him in a coma. When his condition deteriorated they released him so he wouldn't die in their custody.

I guess he hadn't learned a thing from his stint in the Phantom Zone.

>Militarized Nippon
You do realize everytime the Japs get assfucked they submit and ask for a bigger bull, right?

it's not our fault the third world is run by retarded iq-lets. the only acceptable attitude is so many to fight, so little time.

>American plutocracy
Fucking where faggot?

>implying he wasn't already dead when the Norks sent him to us, and they just carried him around Weekend At Bernie's style until we took possession of they body

That other kid, with the creepy haircut, didn't cry like a bitch when the norks sent him to their ching Chong alcatraz.

Pic of "other kid" please


>Trump flavored ZOG
>not a plutocracy

lmfao I am too tired I totally missed that