Black student impregnated 4 high school teachers. How will you compete Sup Forums
Black student impregnated 4 high school teachers. How will you compete Sup Forums
Teachers must have been desperate or degenrate
Fucking Personafags
Its over for the white man
The teachers were probably Latina or nogs
show us the teachers before you get your hopes up
the cuck mindset on display itt
i bet most if not all of them were black
You didn't even mention the fact that he made four single moms.
Based Blackman
>Four female prison guards impregnated by same inmate
>BALTIMORE Four female prison guards in Baltimore fell pregnant to the same inmate, according to authorities who have busted a major smuggling gang inside the jail system.
>Two of the women tattooed the inmate's name on their bodies and he showered three of them with expensive gifts including cars and jewelry.
He looks 25.
Let's not lie to ourselves we all know the teachers were white
Wait so what's up with mugshots of the student? The teachers "raped" him, not the other way around.
Looked it up on Bing. Article doesn't exist. OP should probably consider killing himself
We're taking their women.
Being this pathetic
>he fell for the oldest trap in the book
>he can't take care of his niglets
compete with that big of a failure?
There's nothing wrong with Bing, nigger.
So this is how they teach diversity in schools
this is fake
I am sure something like this happened in cuckmerica but this particular article is fake
He didn't fall for anything, it's a fake article.
Yeah the teachers were white in case you're wondering. Can confirm.
yeah we all know white cougars take what they can get
Confirm it with a link or fuck off.
>You can't because it's fake
Fake news
Why would they arrest the student instead of teachers.
This. I've literally never heard of one of these stories where the teacher wasn't a white woman and the student wasn't black. At this point, marrying a white woman is degeneracy.
I don't know why Sup Forums would be outraged by this
>desperate and degenerate
nice digits ese
dang user, good catch
>teachers fuck more than teaching
No wonder I didn't learn jack shit.
daughter is cute
white DNA is magic
Because he's black
>impregnated 4 teachers in 2 years
What can you do women just crave that black cock
I guess we'll never know because OP is a huge faggot that didn't post a link
Wtf they're on that cock like they haven't eaten anything in a long time
Only deplorable women "crave" negro cock. True Aryan women will always prefer brazen Caucasian men over smelly nogs.
>He looks 25.
Nope, 34.
Makes me wanna go back and redo highschool. What a pimp
American public schools, everyone.
captcha: DEAD FRIDAY
It's not real. Notice how no one links you to the article
Fuck you Op this is fake news cant find your story anywhere on the interweb
Fucking degenerate mongrel makers.
they never post pictures of the student you fucking moron
also why anyone would believe a screenshot of a news story or twitter post or whatever without a link is beyond me
Mixing YES
Why not both
Fake and gay.
All niggers.
In the US you can go to high school until you're 21. You can guess which demographic has the most 21 year old high school students.
>allowing women to be prison guards at male prisons
This needs to stop.
It would have been more but he dropped out
Underrated hue
there was just a story recently about some spic whore offering herself to an 11 year old and he said"idc". he had a nazi flag as his avatar
Talk about being the teacher's pet...
KEK works his magic and provides an answer.
spics are the same low iq subhuman as niggers and there's more
Why he looks 30?
Did he impregnate Yvette felarca?
l'm a pozcuck. You want to know what that is? Listen closely.
The normal cuckold wants just one gift from his black bull: a black child. But the pozzed cuckold wants more. He wants three gifts. We are greedy little bitches. But first, here's how it goes.
Normally I drive in my Mercedes to a street gym where ripped blacks train their muscles, their skin shining with sweat and the air filled with their musky scent. I am already a bit hard just from thinking about it. Sometimes I cum a bit in my pants. I get out of the car and ask who of them has AIDS. Then they know what happens.
The black man with AIDS gets into my car and we drive to somewhere isolated. Then I take a small knife and stick it inside the hole of my penis and twist it a litte. In the cuckold community we call this the HIV Twister. Sure it hurts and causes me to bleed. But it is worth it.
Then the black man docks me until we both cum and I contract his AIDS. I already have 4 types of AIDS from this. That is the first gift. Then we drive on to my house and he fucks my wife, who has also contracted many types of AIDS. That is the second gift. And then 9 months later the third and best gift arrives: a black child who also has AIDS.
Black male / "hot" white female is only a porn and Sup Forums meme...go to your local will see the few instances of black male and white female...the females are always overweight and very unnatractive...if the female is attractive...chances are she is a stripper/prostitute that only black men would accept their whorish lifestyles
this guy is a fucking legend
Let's say for instance this guy really likes her...why deal with the black community and their racist remarks
They also go after Asians frequently.
They are degenerates. I have had maybe 5 good teachers grades 1-12. All teachers give a fuck about its getting out of work at 3 and having summer off. Luckily for me I gave all the shit a good workout for the money. Ffuuckkkk them. Trying to bully me and shit..lmao...they had no idea.
that's not something to boast about, dumb fuck. racial purity is is Sup Forums 101. damn, who brought in the retards?
oh please, he went to some black school where all the teachers were probably sheboons.
This. Acceptable white women don't go after thug niggers. Its always the fats and whores
if the teachers are niggers then it is ok