If Jews are subhuman, how did they reach such high positions of power? Also, how might they control everything if they are subhuman?
If Jews are subhuman, how did they reach such high positions of power? Also...
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Child Sacrifices to Satan.
The Righteous earn power through hard work and responsibility.
The Evil obtain it for the price of selling their soul.
I would like a source on these claims, please.
Also, how would a Jew sell their soul if they don't have one in the first place?
Look up:
Bohemian Grove.
Israeli attacks on Palestinians.
Everyone is born with a soul.
Not all Jews are Evil, but all Zionists are.
The Goyim do often participate in Zionism but will most likely quit when they find out what the end goal is.
What the hell do you think it would happen if Christians played tribalism at that level?
When you have no morals you have less limitations than others who wouldn't think of exploiting the rest of humanity to benefit their own people.
>if birds are inferior to humans then how did they manage flight long before we did?
Wouldn't their supposed limited intelligence assist in stopping them?
No, they're destructive, we're constructive.
Then why would they attempt to reach such high positions of power? Wouldn't it be easier to hide in the shadows and be destructive rather than hiding in plain sight?
One word. Usury.
These don't follow at all, can't you shitpost better?
Go back to the foundation of western civilization. Christianity had taken over the roman empire, radical social change takes place.
Usury, the act of charging interest is now considered a sin, one can only loan and expect the same amount in return, so nobody loans except for family. But business requires money to make money and so loaning is still needed, so what is Rome to do? Well Jews live in Rome and nobody likes them; didn't like them for not worshiping the roman pantheon and now they don't like them for killing Christ.
Why not have these hellbound merchants legally be able to conduct loaning with usury so good Christians don't need to? Success, Christians can now be pure by using Jews to conduct business with sinful money! Oh look the Roman Empire fell and it's the middle ages. Looks like Germanic kingdoms need to now tax their subjects in exchange, even though taxation is theft. Good thing there are plenty of jews to employ as tax collectors so the king and his men can remain pure! Why not let them also get involved in various jewler and rare metal crafts too while your at it, make them literally "money" the people so we can remain pure!
Oh no, after centuries of being given the power to be educated in the art of money, it turns out these hellbound merchants now actually have POWER over your people because you've made them into a wealthy merchantile class! Quick, kick them out with great haste before it SPREADS. Oops too late, no matter how many times you've given them the boot they have a cultural knowledge of how to jew people, maybe giving someone who believes everyone else is sub-human knowledge of a nations wealth wasn't the best idea?
I never said their limitations was related to intelligence. They're intelligent and immoral.
According to the Bible and Quran, they are the superior racist that god favored.
We are Mediterranean racially but better than other meds and all other races in fact. Think about statistics, ignore conspiracies. We have 200 Nobel Prize winners that are ethnically Jewish. We're only 16 million people. Swedes as a whole are 16 million too but have 30 Nobel prizes (half are probably Jewish). That means we're almost 15x better than the purest Germanic (statistically). I won't even get into the lower races. Also keep in mind most of our winners are in science, medicine and other non-business related subjects that require high cognitive abilities.
We're only 0.2% of the world's population yet easily make up 50% of the Western/global elite. If you could think of a perfect plan to take over every relevant institution of power and retain unchallenged power forever you couldn't execute it better than us. It's not even something we force, it's natural selection because we're that much better than everyone else so we naturally rise to the top. We let WASPs think they have a sense of control but if you look at say building owners in Manhattan you'll see 80-90% Jewish names, no WASPs. We only came to the US like 50 years ago. Let that sink in.
t. 100% Ashkenazi
You can be intelligent,immoral and unwise at the same time.
Highly motivated group with deep and undying in-group loyalty, infiltrates all other groups, offers help at moments of crises, spies for enemies, Yadadadada...
jews are no less immoral than your average european, chink, or sandnigger, its just that jews have the verbal iq to succesfully fuck people over. There is nothing malicious about jews except for the fact that they are the most urbanite group in history and are behind almost every single invention of worth.
They are the Synagogue of Satan, and the Jews who were the first to be contacted by God were not Ashkenazi.
They wuz wite n sheit.
>most unattractive people on earth
catchy semite song tho
They're not in all places, I actually believe they're in direct competition with other elites for the global hegemony. In democratic countries they just organized enough to get their people into power (plutocracy). In communist countries, they just took it by force, with the aid of useful idiots (who are a majority). In fascist countries, they got killed. In banking, they just used the money stolen, extorssioned, and manipulated for generations, i.e. The Slavery exchange.
how dis Aryan make you feel lil jew boi?
Lol Obama has a Nobel prize. So does the idiot physicist that created a shiny financial model that ultimately ended up causing billions in losses. The over representation of ashkenazi.says more about the prize commission than the prize winners.
>Nobel prizes
Obama has one for being the first black president. It is a circlejerk.
>Look at how much we prospered in New York in just 50 years!
When you'll do ANYTHING for money you'll find yourself going far.
1.The Crusades were necessary at that time.
2.European Christians from different countries still hated each other.
so no that wasn't tribalism at the level of the Jew
The obama nobel prize was just signalling. Look at what exactly jews won nobel prizes for and youll see the contribution to society. Einstein, Oppenheimer, Bobby Fischer, and Freud just to name a few.
Also keep in mind jews have been universally hated across europe and america until after ww2, so to think that the nobel prizes were run by jews is absurd.
christians cant play tribalism because chistianity is pretty much just judaism for the low iq masses. Even pure europeans cant play into tribalism because theyre r type unlike jews who are k type.
No, most crooks are dumb and so it is with jews. Dumb sneaky, lying, subversive, nepotistic, criminals. Pretty barbaric and NOT intelligent.
''International Jewry uses certain criminal methods to gain world domination that are not evident to uneducated nations. The same is true in private life. The Jews do not enjoy economic success because they are more intelligent than Gentiles, but rather because they follow a different moral code. They attempt to conceal their methods for as long as possible, until it is too late for the affected nation to defend itself. Then it takes a revolution to dislodge them. We know how difficult and tiresome that is.''
Universal hatred just encourages that nepotism. The nepotism has ALWAYS existed. You get into a position, and use your power to let more in.
I'm sorry, there is no inherent superiority. You're just a nepotistic cult who abuses potions to exclusively help your own.
The only thing worth envying of your stock is the importance of forcing your kids into being successful. Modern western parenting is a reason for the decline, being a strict parent like an Asian or a jew does equate to success.
I wish I was kidding.
The mental gymnastics in this thread is hilarious.
>there is no inherent superiority
about that...
>They're intelligent
Prove it...
>Jews are subhuman
Said no one ever
I believe humans are inherently prone to corruption. Jews gain power by selling perverted ideas and objects. Essentially they make the culture of their host country as degenerate as possible. As Whites buy into the perversion the Jew begins to gain wealth and therefore power.
Also Jewish nepotism. Once in power they only let Jews into their higher class.
I like your argument.
>verbal iq
You mean thieving IQ. WTF is verbal IQ exactly? I see that a lot on Sup Forums and it sounds like horseshit to me.
Israel is mostly arab, sephardic, and low tier ashkenazi orthodox jews. The fact that israel still manages to pull off a 95 iq with the current demographics is astounding.
According to curt doolittle, richard lynn, and many other iq specialists, the average ashkenazi iq is 115, which is the same difference between whites as it is between whites and niggers.
Even among the upperclass who arent maternally jewish still have jewish admixture, akin to how the succesful niggers have around 50 percent or more white admixture.
verbal iq is the most important of the 3 iq values. Whites have a mediocre iq in the 3 categories, and blacks have an esspecially high verbal iq but a terrible mathmatic and spatial iq. Jews basically have a decent iq in 2 catagories and an astoundingly high verbal iq. This is the reason why the people who really go off the beaten path in mathmatics and science are jews, because they have the ability to create and make a feasible plan.
>The over representation of ashkenazi.says more about the prize commission than the prize winners.
This says it all. This is exactly how jews operate. Set up some bogus prize commission with (((experts))) and prize mostly jews. Then point to that and say. "look see how wonderful we are!" it's all bullshit like jew TV news
>According to these three jews Ashkenazi IQ is 115.
iq whites 103
iq blacks in america 85
difference 18 iq points
according to you IQ Jews 115
Difference in iq points between whites and jews 12 IQ points
Your conclusion: Muh difference between blacks and whites and Jews and whites is the same.
My conclusion: Your IQ definitely doesn't come anything near 115.
Also, whites are 70% of the nation, Jews 2%. So even if Jews have an IQ of 115 on average there will still be way more whites in the US with a similar IQ.
If Jews are smart, why were they nobodies until the 19th century? Whites are responsible for civilization, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment. Jews are evil tribalists who spend almost their entire day talking to one another to transfer information they shouldn't be transferring and plotting actions they shouldn't be taking. Jews are not objectively accomplished compared to whites. They are just extreme tribalists who toot their own horn, and even Leo Strauss said he didn't believe the new notion that Jews are an accomplished people...he believed that supposed Jewish achievement was silly propaganda...that was around mid-century. Now all of a sudden Jews are supposed to be accomplished because they take over institutions and reward themselves while freezing out whites. The truth is America has gone to hell since Jews took over American institutions. Jews can't do the job, and that's a fact. They can steal and reward themselves, but they don't have the ability to maintain a civilization.
>blacks have an esspecially high verbal iq
Fucking lost it.
Nope, Brits are.
Father of the nuclear bomb, yes that's such a wonderful thing!
Was a plagiarist and beat his wife who was the real genius
>Bobby Fischer
Hated jews with a passion
The father of modern degeneracy
You kikes are so special. Fuck off with your jew bullshit!
The middle-east is a bit like prison. You have to choose a side. We are not personally responsible (socially maybe and not entirely whatever the case) for the unholy cluster fuck over there. However, we have to choose sides. I choose Israel because the alternatives are worse. They can be absolute cocksuckers but they're our cocksuckers.
Oppenheimer wasn't the father. Neither contributed to the theory nor the practical design. He was brought in to run the program.
>Modern western parenting
(((Modern western parenting)))
>is pro jew
>posts picture of a NAZI
>thinks he's smart
Nice try kikeboi, but I'd call that a giant fail..
Someone you trust is one of us.
>According to these three jews Ashkenazi IQ is 115.
And as we all know, a jew would never lie about that Senpai. Who know's? Maybe these three are the real (((experts)))
>we have to pick sides
No we don't.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
JIDF please read the rules and stop reposting the same god damn "pol btfo" spam over and over.
I don't trust anyone
We had ZERO enemies in the middle east before Israel came along. Muzzies couldn't give two shits about "muh freedums n sheet".. They just want to be left alone! Israel along with the JEW-S-A created those terrorists who now hate us. Can you blame them? We killed 1.5 million in Iraq which had NOTHING to do with 911.. The weapons of mass destruction lie was told to Bush by (((CIA/Mossad))) Fuck off with your pick sides! We don't have to pick sides. If I were forced to pick sides I'd side with Muslims. At least they believe in Jesus Christ.
>However, we have to choose sides. I choose Israel because the alternatives are worse. They can be absolute cocksuckers but they're our cocksuckers.
Just admit to being a jew you fool, it's pretty obvious. Who do you think you are fooling?Fucking idiot
under-rated post. Have a (((You)))
>unironically believing jews are subhuman
gas yourself, jew hate is a Sup Forums meme.
Jews are Uber Human, the goyim are just jelly.