>pol claims to be pro white
>is completely ok with millions of white babies being murdered each year by abortion
really makes you think
>pol claims to be pro white
>is completely ok with millions of white babies being murdered each year by abortion
really makes you think
And 10,000 nigglets aborted too, keep abortion, you raise your kids to act like adults, and not niggers.
Abortion kills much more nonwhites than whites.
It's low tier tailer trash whites and niggers. Good riddance.
I don't care what you Sup Forumscuck jackasses say, white babies are about quality. Quality > quantity. I'd rather have just a few high quality white babies than tons of shitty ones. That's the Way of the White Man.
Abortion is actually a benefit to society overall. Less black and Mexican people because they are in poverty and can't take care of their kids. Less white kids because lots of them are going into the lower class from middle class because of poverty.
>kills 37% of white babies
how is this good
Because it kills more than 37% of non-white babies.
either that or paying for hundreds of niglets on welfare.
you pay in the blood of white children
This made me pro-abortion.
>implying pol is one person
typical leftie hive mind drone mentality
I’d bet half of those white abortions are by coalburners.
This. Also remember that you need to bitch at people who leaves the mother to be alone with their child
Which means you will be bitch at 99% blacks father for quitting the mother
Is that mammy?
it is mam!
I find it odd that all of the white nationalist types are against abortion when any white baby that is aborted would have otherwise grown up in undesirable conditions and has a higher probability of being a degenerate as a result of this.
If you want the white race to be all that it can be you need to let the tards who cant afford a baby or who don't want to raise one just abort
Sup Forums is 66% nonwhite
37% of reported abortions =/= 37% of white pregnancies. Also, see
All it takes is instilling a little bit of traditional values in a young white woman to keep her from aborting. And obviously don't let her go to one of (((their))) brain washing facilities - I mean, universities.
that explains it
>another muh baibeeez thread
Reddit. you have to go back.
This, and also many of the "whites" are actually non-white but classified as white, and many of the aborted fetuses of white mothers are non-white.
more minority babies are aborted than whites, by percentage. So abortion is actually white supremacy at it's finest, they don't even realize it.
t. reddit
When did we say this?
We're okay with millions of dead brown/black babies, but not white ones.
Lrn 2 Sup Forums
Who ever said Sup Forums was pro-white abortion? We just don't give a shit when nigger or spic babies are aborted because that's one less that will burden our taxpayers.
Get a load of this Niggerfaggot, thinks Sup Forums is one person with one idea, Abortion is wrong.
The difference between murder and abortion is that the latter is legal.