Is Germany already in the grave or can they be saved?
How will the rest of Europe handle having a Middle Eastern/African shithole right next door to them?
Is Germany already in the grave or can they be saved?
How will the rest of Europe handle having a Middle Eastern/African shithole right next door to them?
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If that stat about 6/10 children in Germany currently are from a migrant background is true, it's completely fucking fucked mate, big time.
The guilt of the holocaust was too great.
It's suicide though. They literally demanded it. So I guess it'll just be a historical footnote about another indigenous people being colonised, but for the first time the colonials will leave the place in a worse condition than when they invaded.
That includes other Europeans though
All European countries can still be saved you fucking shill.
France is the worst one and its still 85% French
But how old is their native population?
What's the % of fighting/breeding age people there?
>The guilt of the holocaust was too great.
Obviously as the title suggests it gets closer to even in the younger generations. But if the total non native population is only %10-15 the problem can be nipped in the bud.
And if you really wanted to bolster the fighting age population you'd be focused on re immigrating to you ancestral homeland to save the European race
This is Germany in 2016.
America has similar problems though
pick one
I'm not unaware of the issue. I'm not saying its easy. But it is possible.
Massive, terrible bloodshed is the only way. We need a generation to make the perfidy and terrror of the Communist purges seem like a disorganized crackdown.
'Migrant background' also includes Spain, Greece, etc.
Although I will concede that it is indicative of a worse trend.
>first time the colonials will leave the place in a worse condition than when they invaded.
What about the Ottoman invasion of Eastern Europe?
Also, this will be by no means a:
Germans are perhaps the most important ethnic group in the history of mankind (think about it, they're right up there with the Chinese). This will be the stuff of Homer.
Can fucking anything make white people wake the fuck up that they are being replaced in countries they built... I feel like I'm going fucking crazy.
Surprise! Trump happened.
>Census: This is seriously the end of civilisation as we know it.
I read it that way.
Most whites in western countries have actually not been race-mixing and are being wiped out by immigration, its the browns and blacks who have mongrel blood. so what the fuck is the argument in saying pick one?
Thousands of years of struggle.
Just so one generation could come along give what had been built by their ancestors away to people who hate them.
I appreciate the banter ausanon, but there are somethings that are so dark that laughter only makes it worse.
It seems to be happening slowly. The left is absolutely out of control and hurting their own cause. Ten years ago would you have believed that Britain would leave the EU and the US would elect a president who promised to build a wall between Mexico?
Whites are becoming polarized, sure there are lots of fags and race mixing degenerates, but there are also more honorable whites who stand up for our culture and race. Things are changing, hopefully we can pry out brothers and sisters away from the Jewtube before its too late.
The plan for Canada is in full force right now and is sinister. I'm afraid the feminist liberal give everyone a medal diversity is strength generation has become too emasculated to stand up and do anything even if they did know the truth.
Sheeeit, I know that late 90's is when the flood started, but not the coordination.
t. white guy who made it in in 1992 with his family.
By 2100 Canada will be 20% white, all incoming immigrants are at the very least 3/4 non-white, poor and dumb as fuck. This will shrink the middle class, lower wages, increase crime, and increase housing prices while giving liberals more voting power.
and I thought the two walls thing was a meme
Hopefully in 20 years I'll have enough to retire out in the woods. Can live out the rest of my days away from the madness.
New world countries have whites in them, and they didn't race mix, which is true in my case and most everyone I know, but that was not my point. There are whites in America, New Zealand, Argentina, Canada, etc., but the countries are not white/European. My point is that they were never specifically white countries and they were built on land stolen from natives. Even though they weren't doing shit with it, stealing native lands is nigger tier. If you argue that as long as you can take a country you are allowed to, then you are saying as long as muslims can take Europe they should be able to
We should be re assimilating and taking back our ancestral homelands in Europe, let the rest rot in these savage lands
The Gemans finally found a proper method of cultural suicide, now that they're reunified and have nothing further to look forward to but endless barrages of Holocaust guilt.
The only question is will they take Europe with them, or will the madness yet again fade when Germany does.
Canada was 90% plus white European so seems you are just talking out your ass. You think building canada and the usa was "nigger tier" then you are a fucking retard.
the USA is a white colony, it just is m8
disease exterminated the injuns and left the land mostly empty
how do krauts rationalize destroying their nation?
> They wanted it.
How the fuck did your tiny upside-down criminal brain work that one out?
You mean Merkel invited them without asking anyone and before anyone knew what was going on a million had got in.
Just like all of you wanted those millions of Chinese migrants.
No. And more importantly, whites can't be saved. There is no such thing as White Genocide, but White Suicide, that is happening at full tilt. Now, this is where some sub-human snownigger starts screeching about Jews, Blacks, and Spics, but the fact is this gentlemen: white men have had control of all the power, wealth, and military might for 2000 years. And what have they done with it? I'll tell you:
>They have spread their bullshit Christianity and turned the entire white race into a bunch of pathetic, weak, cuckolded, men.
>They have embraced extreme greed and imported blacks/browns into all of their countries for profit and to replace white workers.
>They have engaged in every repulsive degeneracy imaginable, including usury, cuckoldry, traps, and various other sex crimes.
>They have willingly given women rights and then done nothing when women got out of control.
This is all on us. No one else is to blame. If white men don't swallow this red pill, and fast, the white race is utterly doomed.
fake news.
80 million white krauts importing a few million workers is not white genocide.
Total self-destructive virtue signaling whore of a leader that keeps getting elected.
Lets just nuke the euro/Islamist cunts already they made there choice
Oh please. Stop fucking LARPing. White men have lost control of every SINGLE institution of power. And 'lost' is a strong word, more like 'gave' up doing their fucking racial duty and fucked off into comfy bullshit trades jobs. It's funny how you blue collar faggots still shill for your shit jobs, even though the white race is heading for extinction at the hands of non-whites who hold all the power now. ...Here's the truth:
>South Africa is the future for whites. Which means: none. White men in SA haven't done a single constructive thing to saves themselves, their women, or children. They should have roving death squads murdering anything leftist and non-white, and what do they do? Spend all their time and energy seeking what little comforts they can find and LARPing.
Future you chose. I can't wait to watch it all burn.
yes but how does the average kraut rationalize voting for someone who is actively destroying their nation?
lol. it's the (white) hispanics who are the ones who will become the majority (over the white, non-hispanics). weird that they picked a black kid to be the poster child of white minorityhood on account of the black population being relatively stable on account of all the abortions and shooting each other
People keep forgetting that at least half of the Hispanics that come here are white.
I actually think Merkel is Hitler 2.0. The German people have become weak, cuckolded, leftist scum. The only way they are going to wake up is through severe physical punishment; this is the only thing white people understand. For the 4th Reich to come, we need Weimar 4.0, which Merkel is creating.
I wouldn't be surprised on her deathbed in front of a legion of press for her to hobble out of bed, stand as straight as she can, and then give a Roman Salute and say loudly 'Heil Hitler'.
At the birth of the US and Canada, was there any specific movement to make it European only? Was there any specific Canadian or American language, ethnicity, culture or history that had existed for thousands of years? The answer is no. We speak English and French, are made up of various European immigrants and are on shit tier savage lands. We aren't even nations in my eyes. This isn't our home, and if you'd trade thousands of years of European history for these shitholes, than you are no true white nationalist.
"Year of Mohammad 2200,Gerministan: Sadly the wh*tes who lived here first died out because we gave them all aids. Oh well, we squatted here longer so Europeistan is ours now" See where I'm going with this? At the birth of this country there were nigs and various cultures, and no mention of ethnicity in our constitution. Your smoking shit if you think this country was ever truly white. Europe is our true home.
I have no sympathy for these eurocucks
It's the bed you made, don't call it a grave
More like 75%, bro.
Black Birth rates are also below replacement levels in the US
thank god
They are cucks who feel, just as Dems do in the US, that they are making the right choice and sacrificing themselves puts them on the "right side of history". They are brainwashed.
Honestly, fuckem. Let them be the cause of yet another war in Europe after the other countries have enough and push back.
but he's right
if they didn't wanted them, they had to fight. fight against their goverment and put merkels head on a stick.
but good times create weak men and nobody would sacrifice himself for a bigger cause
yuri bezmenov tips his hat to you
For the 3rd Reich and the rise of the Nazi party, there had to be widespread dissatisfaction with the government. The Weimar Republic, the WW1 reparations, the inflation and poverty, all were necessary to make the population willing to embark on the crusade the 3rd Reich had.
Sauce? Last stat I have is form 04 WorldPopulationReview. Theyre not allowed to take ethnic stats in French so im genuinely curious.
good to see this.
unless the surplus men marry german girls
there would be no "browning"
thy can't reproduce with themselves...even tho they try
Yes, laws were enacted for that purpose. Stop typing out paragraphs if you're ignorant of the very basics.
They just voted Merkel back in you know...
>unless the surplus men marry german girls
that's exactly what will happen though, German women are the biggest race traitors in Europe
Yes they did. Thus the reason I say fuckem. If they want to self-destruct... why not help them?
You made no relevant point of any kind and just made yourself sound even dumber.
good god you are a fucking retard, "shit tier savage lands" Europe isn't worth pennies in resources compared to north america you fucking moron. Go back to Europe faggot.
Temporary Immigration Acts. Doesn't change the fact that this place was always multicultural and le %56 now.
Where does your heritage lie?
>What about the Ottoman invasion of Eastern Europe?
That wasnt colonization. It was conquest.
>was always multicultural
Compared to what? Name a five european countries that began with one language, one legal tradition, one predominant religion, and any law whatsoever outlawing nonwhite immigration.
Which is why the gdp(ppp) of the EU is 20.8B and the US is 19.4B. Worth pennies huh, you illiterate fuck? Go read a dictionary and expand your vocabulary past retard and faggot, faggot. The only land you can use in Canada is along the border anyways, thats where all of you cities and industry are. The majority of it is frozen Tundra. And I'd love to go back to Europe, fuckstick.
They didn't appear out of thin air, they developed naturally from genetically and culturally similar tribes. For thousands of years they've been nearly culturally and religiously homogenous. Your argument is invalid. Stop shifting the goalposts to make excuses for America. Any nonwhite that came would have been unthinkable and slaughtered on sight.
I wish half-literate traitors like yourself would stop running their mouths and actually run away to europe already. We'd probably be disburdened of many recent peasant immigrants without any brains.
>.t solomon goldensteinberg II
The world needs one of the pozzed countries to dramatically collapse, rendering further diversity propaganda ineffective. Looks like it's going to be either Sweden or Canada.
It's weird to see a country like Germany collapse in your lifetime, wow.
Funny that Christianity will be the only thing standing between the Islamic armies and total domination
Except that's absolutely wrong. The British are a mix of Celtic, Gallic, Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Danish, etc
They were once ruled by a minority of a foreigners, who altered the tongue so that original english is largely unintelligible to them. Their laws were foreign in origin to the native population, etc
And Britain is probably one of the most culturally homogeneous countries on earth.
>your arguments are invalid
Brilliant! Too bad you couldn't refute them.
Almost all the German imports I see here in Taiwan are written in Arabic. Get your shit together Germany.
Oh have you actually encountered more people like me on this American circle jerk of a board? I'd love to meet them so we can save Europe, the actual white homeland together.
Comparing current GDP is irrelevant. Canadian resources alone never mind all of north american "shit tier savage lands" are extremely underdeveloped. Anything else you want to say to make yourself sound like a fucking retard?
That refers to Scotland, England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, currently. Pick one retard. And in the past ~1000 odd years since norman invasions, they've formed an ethnically homogeneous English people.
That's right, not everyone wanted.
Just 87% of them.
This is why I find white, black, sand and yellow power movement so hilarious and so easy to troll.
Even in their own organization, there are a lot of different cultural groups/cliques with different norms and standards.
Why do you defend a country with no identity?
Yes they do.
Because your rhetoric and screaming don't pay bills nor put food on the table.
Those migrants do and their cost is acceptable to the benefits they bring.
Pick one yourself, it doesn't change the argument.
And they had french speaking kings as late as 1200, so try less than a thousand.
Anyway, I still haven't seen your argument. Show me a country whose birth coincided with one legal tradition, one common language, one predominant organized religion, one common purpose.
You cannot. And the burden of proof rests on you; intellectual foreigners like borges, coleridge, etc, all thought of America as having a culture. Tell me why your half literate ass is right.
they did it to themselves
My point about "legal tradition" is unique to the US. The french are genetically similar enough to be french. The germans are genetically similar enought to be german, etc. They all have thousands of years of history, culture, language, and religions (even if certain parts of a country practice different sects ie protestant/catholic germany they are still the same religion) that make them de facto nations. They are still those nations even if they have been altered over time, as is the course history and evolution. This is not the case in the US. There is no American religion, very specific in the Constitution. There is no American ethnicity or people. This is where I mention the "legal tradition" that you have been hung up on. As a result of a lack of these natural criteria to actually be a nation the US would have needed some actual specific declaration of ethnicity or culture to become one. But it has not. It has wallowed in civic nationalism since its inception.
>the US is a white colony. it just is m8
you made the original claim, prove this yourself, prove there were no nigs or natives, that we weren't doomed to multiculturalism from the onset.
what benefits exactly?
they do not have debt so german banks can give them loans and inflate the economy like pseudo jews they are
>The french are genetically similar enough to be french. The germans are genetically similar enought to be german, et
So what? An person of English descent born and raised in Germany can become a German.
>They all have thousands of years of history, culture, language, and religions
No, they do not have thousands of years of anything. They are completely cut off from their old pagan ancestors. And your point about age is wrong anyway. There were already Englishman a few hundred years after the norman conquest.
>There is no American religion
The french constitution is secular, yet the French are a Christian people. You're weaseling around with technicalities.
>As a result of a lack of these natural criteria to actually be a nation the US would have needed some actual specific declaration of ethnicity or culture to become one
We already have a culture. Our ethnicity was diluted by recent peasant trash stock like yourself, but we can overcome that.
>you made the original claim, prove this yourself, prove there were no nigs or natives, that we weren't doomed to multiculturalism from the onset.
That wasn't me, but I'll destroy this argument too. Natives weren't citizens and were foreign to us. Blacks were not citizens and did not have cultural or political input.
I wish you could make just one point I couldn't demolish easily.
Are you seriously a civic nationalist? gtfo this board. An englishman is english no matter if he's in germany or not
youre literally just plugging your ears and pretending all of european history never happened. I'd prefer it be pagan too, but pagan and christian europe are both europe
The constitution that literally came after our revolution? Unsurprising, fagoid. The French are a distinctly catholic people and have been for more than a thousand years. America never had one.
Literally no American culture or ethnicity. you've pulled that out your ass. thanks for the adhom too fagoid
Any protestant land owning man could be a voting citizen at the inception of America. there were natives who were literally citizens at the time.
You've proved nothing of America, only tried to rewrite the history of other countries with whataboutisms
>An englishman is english no matter if he's in germany or not
What's English about him? His mother tongue is German, he grew up learning German customs and manners from German peers, and he has never lived abroad. Tell me what's so special about his blood? Can it teach him English or how to think like an Englishman? Until you prove that it can, your arguments aren't worth anything
>youre literally just plugging your ears and pretending all of european history never happened. I'd prefer it be pagan too, but pagan and christian europe are both europe
Who says? The West as we know it was formed during the middle ages. A modern Englishman has nothing to do with Odin worshipers.
>The constitution that literally came after our revolution? Unsurprising, fagoid. The French are a distinctly catholic people and have been for more than a thousand years. America never had one.
Again, why should it matter what's official? We come from a Christian tradition.
>Any protestant land owning man could be a voting citizen at the inception of America. there were natives who were literally citizens at the time.
Only very rarely could a native vote. You're nitpicking from desperation imo
>You've proved nothing of America, only tried to rewrite the history of other countries with whataboutisms
Yeah, yeah. The fact is that Mark Twain, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt were all distinctly American figures. I'd like you to show me that they weren't culturally American at all.
Whites must forge an ethnostate in North America.
Not all Whites will be involved in this. In fact, the vast majority won't. But we don't need numbers. It is only a question of will.
>The ethnostate is a given. It *will* exist in ~2 decades.
The important part is the Whites who remained behind in the US, Europe, Canada, Australia, NZ, etc.
Their descendants will be a valuable fifth column for the great grandchildren of the founding generation of the ethnostate, who will reconquer all lost territory in the true RAHOWA.
Esoteric Kekism will the Scientology of the ethnostate. Digits confirm.
Look to the history of Egypt for a lesson on what the future brings.
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it....
Dude seriously, this level of complete retardation and delusion is NOT welcome here. Like the other user said, get your civic nationalist ass off this fucking board.
If it can be turned non white in one generation through non violent means
It can be turned white in much shorter time through violent means
Anyone stating self defence in a time of existential crisis is wrong is up for grabs, you're the enemy
Only the bad ones though
All the germans are silent, I wonder why