Why did Price have to resign?
What did they (Price, Mnuchin, Zinke) do wrong, exactly?
Can someone explain this whole plane scandal?
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Using taxpayer money for private planes is sketch. He should have been using govt planes.
When the Govt is trying to kill you that's not an option.
Portions of the govt*
Mnuchin was using govt planes for personal activity, also sketch.
He is the government
Is it bad that I don't really care?
He betrayed Trump on Obamacare, so he got the can.
>On June 6, Price took a Learjet 55 — a $17,760 round-trip flight, according to a federal contract — that departed from Washington Dulles International Airport at 9:12 a.m. ET and touched down in Nashville at 9:44 a.m. CT.
You can't claim to be fiscally conservative if you're being chartered around in a private jet. He was basically living it up on the tax-payers dime. He is apart of the swamp.
This. His firing is a shockingly normal thing to happen in an administration that has bucked normality so many times. Any other president would have demanded his resignation. I think Trump is also pissed about the failure of the healthcare repeal effort and since he can't fire McConnell, he fired Price.
Yeah I'd say it has more to do with his failures with healthcare
This. If he was kicking ass and taking names, Trump wouldn’t give a shit.
Most people don’t. It’s not something that keeps me up at night either. But the knives are out for Trump from every angle so he has to be proactive.
Trump's administration is dropping like flies. The most incompetent administration in US history!
This user isn't wrong. For a CEO manager he sure sucks at...managing and making good appointments.
He always has. He basically just scammed and legal bullied people in the corrupt shitfest that was big city real estate. This was known far before he ever mentioned running for office.
Yeah. I think the word was out for anyone who would listen that he's not the great businessman he pretends to be. He ran what was a essentially a small family business, albeit with enormous holdings, that focused mainly on marketing his "brand" and image. Those clients of his who leased his brand paid him to stay out of whatever they were doing.
It’s terrible having someone that corrupt get into politics.
>rich people think everything is free
>poor people put a buck in the donation jar
He basically embezzled a million dollars of taxpayer money in only a few months.
I don't mind a bit of reasonable corruption, personally. Corruption gets things done. And if in the process of getting things done...well, maybe you take a taste. Right? I guess I believe there's such a thing as righteous corruption. My problem with Trump in this regard is how there's nothing to show for his efforts. Mark Cuban put it brilliantly when he asked, "Have you ever met a person who said, 'Trump made me so much money. We did a deal and he made so much money for both of us?"
And his Trump U gig? That's really hard to swallow. I'm convinced that most people simply don't know about that or they choose to not learn it.
No, no one understands the Trump U situation, especially the people that bitch about Trump U. Some people went to Trump and said hey I have a business idea, I'll give you money if you put you're name on it. That's the level of Trump's involvement in the by far and away majority of Trump's business experiences.
Exactly. His "brand" is his business. He's never actually produced anything. I remember the Gordon Gecko like about, "Fixing this malfunctioning corporation known as the USA..." I actually like that idea. I'd love to have that kind of CEO as President. But that's not Trump.
Price saw Trump is stealing from the American people and copy the same behavior. Price didn't realize he's not POTUS so he can't get away with corruption. Trump fired him.
you cant claim to be not fake news if youre being chartered around by politico
Exactly, once you realize this and hear about his business success, or his bankruptcies by either side you just have to laugh.
HHS is a bullshit government arm anyway.
Trump needs to end HHS, Education, HUD, SOS, Labor, EPA, and Interior. There is no need for these departments and the swamp could be drained tremendously by getting rid of em.
Fucking shills talking to themselves again.
Easy answer: He wasn't getting the job done on health care.
>Inb4 ctr shill thread
I voted for him, even acknowledging all his misdoings---however now based on the last 8/9 months I've been fully redpilled that the republicans are bigger idiots than the corporate democrats. When he danced with the Saudis I knew I wasted my vote, and no retard in the Fox News/Infowars comment section can tell me otherwise.
Enough with your little libertarian bullshit faggot....assuming you are still in high school because your too edgy 4 me, ever notice there's only two book manufacturers making all the shit the school is contracted with...in your utopia monopolies and oligopolies are the only option.
Why would Trump redpoll you on Republicans? He's not a Republican, and they only ever backed him because the other option was the death of their party as someone they don't share a single view with managed to take over their party. They did it solely to save face, and went almost overnight to be completely ridiculed and hated by Republicans, to backed by the party.
Both sides are so fucking stupid, corrupt, and generally unconcerned with the American populace as a whole that it's mind boggling either party has any Americans that are loyal..yet here we are.
...so this...is the power of leftism...