Am I the only one who's like this? Hitler's war killed tens of millions of Whites, and it almost destroyed Europe. However, killing the Jews was honorary.
Who else hates Hitler but loves what he did to the Jews?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you hate Hitler you are either a complete moron or simply haven't read his work.
The man's a fucking redpilled genius.
This just means you are results focused and not so interested in intent.
He killed way too many White people, and loved Muslims and Turks. I could have done a better job, to be honest.
Explain. Also, how's Straya?
I love Hitler but dislike him for what he DIDN'T do to the Jews.
You act like he wanted to do that.
If people had actually listened to him instead of sperging out things would have gone well.
He didn't want war with whites. He didn't view Anglos as different than Germans. He knew they were brothers by ancestry.
He was forced into war by that fat fuck Churchill and others.
This shit ain't hard to research. He wasn't the one howling for blood
worth a watch
>julius caser kills whites
>hitler kills whites and for more noble purposes
checked and lots of sauce at the end during credits that might be good to look into for further information
>hates hitler
>thinks the holocaust is real
>he thinks it was "hitlers war"
>he doesnt know jews orchestrated the whole thing
Only thing I hate about him is the socialism. All forms of socialism are cancer.
>inb4 nationalist socialist is not true socialism
He had the perfect economy. Any retard who thinks a complete free market and zero safety nets is a good idea is a retard. Same to anybody who thinks total government control of a market is good. A healthy balance is key.
Esoteric Hitlerism is the only way forward for us.
Fucking vegan
I think every sane person hates Hitler, but the holohoax didn't happen.
we will have our revenge
tfw idiots think Hitler started that war ffs
t. envious tyrone
To the Jews? Never. To the Gypsies? If he'd contented himself with killing them he'd be remembered as a hero.
couldn't he had done it differently in order for a war to not break loose?
''Capitalism and Bolshevism have the same Jewish roots, two branches of the same tree that in the end bear the same fruit. International Jewry uses both in its own way to suppress the nations and keep them in its service.''
>Hitler's war
You think Jewry would just let Germany continue to prosper?
Josep P. Kennedy Sr. (John F kennedy's father):
Kennedy had a close friendship with Viscountess Astor, (née Nancy Langhorne), wife of Waldorf Astor, 2nd Viscount Astor of the Astor family. The correspondence between them is reportedly replete with anti-Semitic statements.[46] According to Edward Renehan:
''As fiercely anti-Communist as they were anti-Semitic, Kennedy and Astor looked upon Adolf Hitler as a welcome solution to both of these "world problems" (Nancy's phrase)..... Kennedy replied that he expected the "Jew media" in the United States to become a problem, that "Jewish pundits in New York and Los Angeles" were already making noises contrived to "set a match to the fuse of the world".[47]''
The Holocaust didn't happen and you know nothing of Hitler.
He didn't kill a single kike you stupid mongrel.
Well if it really was socialism, sign me up for his form of it, the economy was amazing and they had the best technology and highest cost of living
you dont happen.. to know what system of economics he had do you?
>Only thing I hate about him is the socialism. All forms of socialism are cancer.
Oh, so you're a fucking idiot, then? faggot
>He doesn't know Jews orchestrated the whole thing
Hitler did not kill any jew. This board is completely intervened by the powers that be.
Where is real people going now?
>Falling for the "les joos r bahd" meme
Of course I'm happy for what he did to the Jew he should've killed x10 that amount,but It's time to surrender guys we lost they won the white race is gone. We will never eradicate the non-whites and Jews.
Hitler is the reason why pro-white nationalism became taboo and why it will forever remain that way.
Let it sink in.
But he didn't kill a single jew.
Why so much shilling? You're fake.
No, jewish lies is the reason why pro-whie nationalism became taboo. Let that sink in.
Then read what Hitler actually thought about them.
And forget about the holohoax, it's a fucking jewish joke.
This board is abandoned. Where real people went?
Yes he did that is what makes national socialism great we need to get rid of all the lower primates (nonwhites) and make the global white utopia once and for all.
Heil Hitler fuck jews #6millionmore!
either a complete fucking retard or you too much time to spend on b8
>Yes he did
the holocaust never happened. fuck off kike
i love hitler AND the jews
or at least i aspire to
as Christ commanded
You're ridiculously fake, or AI bot.
Fuck you anyway.
Hitler did NOT kill any jew. He didn't think that non-whites were "primates", and for sure he has nothing to do with anything "global".
He respected other races, specially asians.
Exact opposite for me. Hitler was a fucking brilliant leader. If he stayed out of war beyond the annexation of traditional German lands prior to WWI he would probably be considered one of the best statesman. Europe wouldn't have lost some 20 million people.
The empires would still be alive and kicking.
We wouldn't have been flooded with shitskins, and Germany wouldn't have had such a stain on it's public image to this day.
>”bbbbbut muh muslims and Turks!!!”
They’re a far better ally than a subversive kike. At least they don’t let filthy JEWISH values infect their culture or fall for Jewish tricks. They’ll be instrumental in exterminating the last of you and I patiently await the day Iran goes nuclear.
Get out of my here kike our movement has no place for faggots #pullthetriggeroneverynigger we need to exterminate or enslave these savage non-white muslims
"Shitskins" would never be part of a real national socialist vocabulary. They are negroes, indians, etc. Not "shitskins". Hitler respected all the races.
The "racist" Hitler is a jewish myth. Hitler was a racial realist.
#HeilHitler #Sixmillionmore white brother
Hitler wasn't the one that caused millions of white deaths.
Nice try, kike. You're nobody here.
Do you show off your beliefs in national socialism (Example: swastika tattoos, T-shirts?)
It doesn't matter. That's what they are to everyone today. All because Hitler decided to go into total war. And I know my history, please don't try to cite that the Allies pushed him into it. It was mutual.
Nigga that's dumb. You are dumb. You wouldn't have to deal with those savages. My homeland in Europe was invaded and conquered by the dirty Turkish Muslim monkey for over 500 years. Barring the fact that they invaded and destroyed my nation for the foreseeable future, which is alone justification for hating them, they also just generally suck. I never knew Jews until I came to America and I must say, so far they haven't given me a reason to hate them. It's always these retarded conspiracies. My city is filled with Jews and they do nothing but good for the community. Some of them are assholes, but who isn't. Now Arabs have started making their way in and I see retarded Americans like you trying to pet rabid, maniacal dogs.
Alt-cuck be gone.
Either you're being delusional, or a AI bot. Hitler worked with people all around the world. After the war, he and his closest collaborators were refugees in Paraguay. A country ruled by a "shitskin" (according to you), the last national socialist government in the world.
This board is dead. Where is people going nowadays?
Don't listen to alt-cuck faggots who don't even know Hitler.
You're 100% fake.
Prove that you're not a fucking bot.
Fascism or more precisely National Socialism
So you're a Nazi.
Get the fuck out of my country and go blow your brains out.
Hitler understood that we were divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the shitskin races goat fucking monkeys and kikes as they are from insects they're all inferior races.
Nice try guy.
We're going to give you faggots a nice place in the camp into the oven we're going to finish what we started nigger. 14/88
Nice try guy.
That's actually a very jewish way of thinking. Jews are supremacists. Hitler preached exactly the opposite to supremacism.
This goy gets it!
Have a you!
Lol You would know, kike
i hate hitler because he's actually not white
dark hair and dark eyes = mudshit infestation.
I'll have fun shooting you in the head when you try nazi fuck.
God bless the second amendment!
This is an obvious AI bot.
What the hell guys... they're paying to spam this board...
Any alternative?
No mud. Remember fellow whites non-whites are like dogs. Even the best of non-whites deserve to die.
Damn it, that's so fake.
Obvious bot.
Beep bop no nigger, not a bot
Who program this shit? an 12 years old?
Damn it, man, even its "I'm not a robot" argument sucks!
Hitler proved that Jews are superior and Russians and Americans are the greatest friends of Jews because they protected them from the German anti-Semitism.
Hitler didn't want the war, the allies did. He literally did nothing wrong. It was the English ZOG
Hitler was a rightful man. The jews are superior, yes, in evilness and greed.
Churchill didn't force him into war.
Poland did, by refusing to just hand over Danzig.
You're not reading between lines.
Churchill was always part of the plan. The jews planned it to the detail, for a long time before the war broke up.
Einstein did nothing wrong.
>hurr durr my homeland in yurop
Fuck off faggot. You live in America, you're supposed to be American. Stop whining and importing your trauma and mental retardation from your parent's shitty little country.
Fuck off shitskin the death squad is coming.
White people are too nice that is our greatest flaw
>6 hours
You're a shill for sure, but be careful. You just might actually realize that we're all right and everything you've learnt in school is a lie
Well, less a flaw, more a weakness...
Hitler didn't actually kill any Jews.
We don't need to deny it if we display our true thoughts every white person hates non-whites deep down if we just tap into that by reminding them of our true intentions that way we can rally many more people to the cause.
As fake as it can get. This shill is too obvious. Doesn't qualifies for the simplest job.