Alright Sup Forums you answered the JQ. Good job, you realized society is at a worse point than it should be. So we need to decrease degeneracy and have more white children, but that won't stop non-whites from having children or stop pushing degeneracy onto society. How do you reverse the process or further our goals?
What's the next step?
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Spread the red
I recently graduated and have been telling my peers about this awesome communism thing. I think that will help.
How about we spread the message like webm related. What a brave alpha chad
neo nazis are the exact opposite of what Hitler even wanted. They are degenerate untermensch who use racism despite falling for the jewish memes: lust, drugs, etc.
If anything the nazi is the brave one. Only the weak use sucker punches. He should have challenged him to a duel like a gentlemen but instead he chimped out.
>racism is the same as these other bad things, k?
no fuck you, niggers and kikes suck and they always have
Better yourself as a man and study the sciences to get whites to the stars.
Control the media. Free speech should only be allowed in academic settings.
For the non-white population we can do deportations as well as offer free abortions.
We must fund the creation of White children.
This too.
Galactic Lebensraum
Through harsh laws. Fines for spreading pornography. The creation of a national news network. There can still be independent news agencies but they shall not be allowed to advocate for immigration, sexual liberation, or anything else deemed degenerate.
Also PBS will be given much more funding. Shows like Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Gardening, and woodshop will be shown everyday. This will inspire people and open their minds to new hobbies.
Build The Wall!!!
Bring the military back home and put them to work.
>posting this garbage in every thing
>using a meme flag
You think you're clever but you're not.
Also he's wearing the armband on the wrong arm. It's staged or he's a retard. Either way, no one here cares.
We just need to spread the word. If everyone know about a scam, it won't work and that's why kikes get so angry when you name the jew.
Just be a good person, have white children, better yourself and try to help those around you. The alt-right is a fad that's already jumped the shark and is filled with con artists and creeps, don't keep waiting for the happening or the day of the rope. Normies will never like Hitler.
Friendly reminder: there is no such thing as 'white people'. A long time ago the phrase held a specific racial connotation meaning anglos. In modern history, socialist jews during the civil rights era re-coined the term to propagate their 'us vs them' narrative. The recent iteration of 'white people' means nothing more than 'not black', and if you pay attention to the race baiting by semitic-controlled media you'll understand why
What does an anglo and a slav have in common other than skin color? Their cultures are different, their customs are different, their people are different; explain how it's not the very definition of racism by lumping them all together based solely on similar skin color.
When the potato-nigger irish and pasta-nigger italians were being discriminated against in America for being the subhumans they are from their respective shit nations, there was no subtle wink wink nudge nudge about being a similar color
>I'm not going to give you a job or rent you shelter because you're a filthy mic
>but hey at least you're not a nigger amirite
Never happened. Don't let census jews trick you into throwing away your heritage and culture under the guise of being 'white'
Shitpost angrily on the internet of course. Isn't that all we're doing?
And then we let a bunch of wetbacks invade and it became taboo to talk about it. What's your point faggot? America will still be a brown shitpile. Semanticsfagging does nothing.
Yeah, maybe more lefties and false-flaggers getting BTFO would help
You know what else is a waste of time? Blaming the Jew if we want to blame someone for Multiculturalism we need to look at the real culprit: The enemy is the white woman.
They aren't being "fooled by the Jews."
They were always the first to betray the side that seemed to be losing.
They have always wanted liberalization of the West.
They have always supported "equal rights" for nonwhites.
They have always supported mass immigration to the west.
They have always wanted higher taxes.
They have always wanted a bigger, more intrusive central government.
They have always been the enemy of the white man and everything he stands for.
yeah the 19th Amendment was a colossal mistake and Jews took advantage of it
what else is new?
That's why what we should do is:
1. Take away all rights and privileges from white women until they are only tools for breeding.
2. Sterilize all nonwhite males and force them to do manual labour as a slave class.
3. Nonwhite females and white males will live together for romantic relationships.
4. When the nonwhite female is pregnant, abort any male fetus and leave the female fetus.
5. When the white female breeding too is pregnant, abort female fetuses and leave male fetuses.
5. The new mixed race females will be given white husbands.
6. After several generations, the world will be completely white and the breeding tools can be gotten rid of.
Why do you think they're worth saving?
Now whites exist? Make up your mind. White women need to be put in their proper place again. Brown women should not be bred with.
>espouse these views
>lose job
>now an unemployed loser
brb moving into the woods senpai
>Jews took advantage of it
You spelled "orchestrated" wrong.
You don't. There will never be a reversal.
Take the blackpill, Sup Forums:
If you really think you're going to find a white women with "traditional values" or some bullshit like that you're completely wrong white women are so damaged that they've become irredeemable. Let them "have their fun" until they hit the wall. Once sex bots are affordable to all men and artificial wombs replace women's reproductive advantages, roasties will be eternally and irreversibly BTFO!!!
>Establish an authoritarian government
>Deport nonwhites to their country of origin
>Sterilise the half-breeds
>"it's staged, I swear!"
lmao, your butthurt is delicious