See this in book store

>see this in book store
>"Manga Messiah"
>Christians heard those kids are hip to Japanimation so they decided to make some soul saving Chinese cartoons

I can already see the anime for this.

"I will judge you in the afterlife with my Stand, Two Winged Angel! I will also use my North Star Healing Techinque to save evil Satan worshippers!"

Other urls found in this thread:

Buy it and storytime it for us, OP

>It's full color and reads left to right

They had it on the church I went too. I'll dump it the next time I go.

I have this at home, me and my bro bought it for laughs when we were like 16

I wonder if this is when my mom started to think there was something wrong with me.

God this thing is old.

It's from more innocent times.

I read it
it's strong cringe material but loses its flavor pretty quick

it's basically nothing but "WOAH JESUS-SEMPAI YOU ARE SO SUGOI!"

There's a sequel though.

It would work, but they need a big name like Tite Kubo to draw it for them.

>it's basically nothing but "WOAH JESUS-SEMPAI YOU ARE SO SUGOI!"
That sounds awesome nigga.

But they called Jesus teacher, why do they call him Senpai and not Sensei?

My parents bought it for me when they figured out I liked manga. I wasn't sure how they decided that a Gundam manga and this were compatible. Judas is a ginger.

Shit, did the writers just spin off into fanfiction or something? Apocrypha?

Is Jesus considered a Gary-Stu?

My christian mother gave this to me unironically as a kid

So like Mahouka?

The proper term is "heresy"

I guess so, but it kind of makes sense if you consider him a self insert for god.





Is it left to right or right to left?

It makes sense both ways..


It is left to right

I think I saw this when I was in high school. Not sure though but it looks familiar. No idea how it manage to land in our school's library but I recall flipping through it and not being impressed.
I was also hard into my weeb phase.



:') my christian school has that


What the fuck is a christian school?

No, honestly, that concept is foreign to me, please explain.


>tfw I can't find a download to this
Kami why have you abandoned me ;_;

Fap fap fap fap


A school were you have christian values and learn about god and wut nots


thread theme


It's a school managed by a christian church or institution.


Jesus is so damn ripped.


That usually have bad education standards, considering one person in my year had went on to do uni...

It's a regular school except you have at least one theology course you're required to take every year, and you have to go to church once or twice a week. That's how mine worked.
I remember year 3 (apologetics) and year 4 (history of the Catholic Church) as being somewhat interesting, even if it was still mostly crap.

A school that was more likely than not founded by a religious order that still keeps to its roots by teaching christian values and morals alongside the normal school stuff

They should adapt/interpret Berserk level edge on Revelations.


Yoshikazu Yasuhiko also did Joan. It's a retelling (of sorts) about the life of Joan of Arc.
It's pretty unusual to see a manga made entirely in watercolor, the guy's very good

is this the manga were Jesus goes SSJ?

The pacing already horrible. Also jesus looks more annoyed than anything.



That's because most schools of that type aren't accredited. My school's administration was particularly proud of being accredited and it took me forever to realize that there's a lot of really shitty K-12 Christian schools out there.



>full color

Shitty Photoshop coloring attempt by some shitty assistant ≠ high-class watercolor work by the artist himself.

There's a reason other user posted a competing Jesus manga. The contrast is pretty stark.

Great info


Don't know about there but here they are considered among the best schools, perhaps because of the Jesuits.

7% of Japan are Christian


Private school run by a church


I thought I recognized the watercolor artstyle. No wonder the one jew looks like Amuro.


Did you grow up in the Soviet Union?


lol they really don't belong in the same thread, do they


most people at the time where pretty muscular i guess not eating tons of sugar and doing a lot of manual labor lots of walking did that to a human's body

plus he is the son of God you know?

My copy's gathering dust under my bed.
Let me guess, you're from the Flipland?


cute, i want to meet christ-chan when i die, not some filthy anglo 3dpd jesus.

In the original scriptures (Yashua Hamashiaj)Jesus was disfigured and naked


God's a limp-wristed pussy though, bad genes

He was a son of a carpenter, so he was rich enough to eat properly.

No wonder the art looks like Gundam Origin's.


Don't we all

There's a legionary who looks like Char

I'm sure you'd be annoyed too if people were taunting you while you were being painfully executed.



I came to evangelize at you


>Jesus coming upon you while you sleep
why is this manga so lewd


Cannot unsee.


>evil big nose



speaking of jesus I'm really sinnin' the shit outa this here mortal coil


I found my little brother jerking it to this books depiction of Mary a few years ago

Thats a good versicle, the abomitation in daniel was the roman empire and now roman spiritual


Is this the loli thread?

Is she hot?
