Are we headed towards a permanent collapse of western civilization, caused by liberals?

Are we headed towards a permanent collapse of western civilization, caused by liberals?

Why did you post this thread again, faggot?

Yes, you fucking mong.


Define "western civilisation"

It gives fuel to the right.

Everything is born of struggle.

Life is just a program.


She probably smells like Arby's.

First world countries

All cultures are equal.


>"berg" in the left side of the board.
So... yes. Weimar is a history lesson forgotten. Sweden was a socialist paradise that the women weren't biologically ready for. Ethnostate is the only form of government that can work for any people. Racemixing only creates a new sub class that can be ruled, and would take centuries to accomplish.

The only group with a playbook that has been working for them is the Jews. One guy figured it out, and we punished him for his insolence against "God's chosen people".

I'm glad Europe and Scandinavia are doing rigorous vetting so that none of those people make it in.


Yes it is. When Leftists gain control, civilization collapses. Just research the state Rome and Egypt was in just before they collapsed, they were in the exact same state we are in right now. Mass immigrant invasion, gays and trans everywhere, MGTOW all over the place from women being too vain, low native birth rate. It always happens to citizens when citizens gain too much "freedom", they grow lazy, greedy and degenerate.

Cute face and rare eye color. SAD behavior ruined her vagene with microchimerism.

It will collapse, there will be an age of strife and chaos, and if we are strong enough, we will create something better in the ashes.

Almost certainly, i for one hope i don't starve to death.


I bet her pussy looks like a firecracker blew up in it

No, just a rough patch. Natural selection will wither these faggots off the vine.

Permanent collapse, yes.

Liberals, no.

It's the work of the ZOG Machine. Give credit where credit is due, fuckwhistle.


THE question: do we try and save it, or plan to be one of the survivors?
I have been living on the edge of this question for some years now, on the verge of heading to the fields. But what if the west survives and you're busy being a damn farmer?

Camden, NJ?

What? No. Save your ethnicity, religion and what culture you can, form resilient bonds within a small tribe/community (preferably away from cities). Network with distant analogous/similar allies. When things fall and you can expand outwards, do so.

>damn farmer

Nothing more honorable, save a solider. And the possesion of land (/water/food) and the force to keep it is THE primal form of wealth and power. Paper, Gold, Bit, it's all memetic in comparison.


It's not "reverse." it's just racism.

EVEN IF you buy into the totally retcon, moved-goalpost, social engineering redefinition of prejudice+power, fine. Anti-White PREJUDICE is real and is a problem.


A BIG BLACK FIRECRACKER. Better yet, 60 of them.

I hope so... can't wait to purge them and rebuild

Retreat into the country with your people. Let the marxists and islamists eat each-other in the ruins. When the ages turn, we will return to cleanse.

That baby has old people fingers


No, because we'll kill them by the tens of thousands before that ever happens.

"""ANTIFA""" are arming themselves. They are pretty much asking to be taken the fuck out at gunpoint at this stage of the game. All it is going to take is for a few of them to massacre some """"""""""""""""""""Nazis"""""""""""""""""""" before it's just open fucking season on all of them, and on that day we'll hang them my their estrogen-wasted feminine penises. They do not win this country.


Dunno. I have mixed feelings to be completely honest.

On our ne hand you have access to instant pleasure! women are always down to fuck at a moments notice and cute girls are everywhere.

On the other hand you have kids losing their virginity by age 11 and doing drugs by the time they hit middle school.

>that big fucking boulder at the end


And their kids will probably be aborted.

I don't think the situation is actually so bad that those websites would qualify as moderate. The prof is simply trying to burst some aneurysms.

R2-Dindu leads the charge!



It's 9 am and I still haven't gone to bed. Otherwise this describes my life pretty nicely.

It's okay Tuomas, we love you.



Thanks. I like you as a friend

>uses gay-ass ascot to cover giraffe neck

Get sleep. You'll need it to patrol the Swedestani border.

Pol satire art has become real. I want off this ride.

Where is a NICE trucker when you need one..

say it with me Sup Forums



I'm so glad I got my humanities courses out of the way before all of this SJW shit tookover. My CJ professor is an out-and-open constitutional conservative and its so refreshing.


I hear you, snake user. I recently returned to college, and was really spooked because my major isn't super hard STEM, but so far it has been incredibly based. All male proffs, centrist or conservative. Mostly male classes, lots of veterans. Good times.


wew lad have another one

"vibrant cultures"




"go to church" they say "it's the only place you can find a trad gf" they say.


Lolno. We'll get the birth of an imperium, but it will probably be a multicultural ruling class skewed white and a multicultural hourde underneath.

>Are we headed towards a permanent collapse of western civilization, caused by liberals?
Yes, and somewhat.

Democracy, and most forms of government are not permanent. Our founding fathers were smart enough to know this, and made sure there was ample leeway for a citizen to preserve the republic should need arise. Homogeneous cultures make it. Watch the EU fall apart as they try to make it work. You can blame whatever you want, but I think that there is issues ahead. Western cultures are so slow to anger...but when the red button is pressed, look out....they don't always win, but they sure do know how set high score records.


They must be ambush hunters...

Americans don't use computers in school?

This is an example of leftist framing. No one calls it "reverse racism". It's just "racism", which itself is so poorly defined that it can be redefined to only be projeudice or structural inequality directed at nonwhites.

It's worth being a bit pedantic about this stuff, as confused language is the friend of someone out of touch with reality, so you should favour clear language if you're right.

>He believed the images he found on a bhutanese silk-worm breeding forum, despite the pixels

Jews did it



My nibba, leftists got control in Rome with Caesar (40s BC), after a failed attempt at Gracci reform (perhaps analogous to Trump)in the 130s BC. This was followed by a reordering under Octavian/Augustus (20s BC) and further expansion until 117 AD. If we take Rome as an example, or the words of Oswald Spengler, who made a comparative study of cultures becoming civilisations, our peak may as far off as 2200. Global empire with Mars colonisation, although white people might all but cease, with global identity taking over, as it in some ways almost has.


She probably looks and tastes like it as well.

every time

but the easter bunny is real

could you tell me the name of that album? i've been trying to find it for ages.

How new are you? Yes, that is what's happening. I'd say it's rich anti-white Jews, though; the rest just blindly follow along.

No, but I'm only going to say that because the good guys are going to win

why did nobody else mention there is an anti-hate poster above the board that begins with
>ching ding chong ta la ching-ding kong

Moving to china ?


fucking mong.

The massive inertia of society is going to drag you all into the future. Liberals too. They barely have time at this point to institute the general subsidy program that's meant to keep us from bootstrapping into the transhuman era. They're not going to make it. There's still too much general sanity out there to let the UBI pass.

There's not going to be a racewar. The apathy coalition is winning, and tech is advancing in spite of the institutional pressures arrayed against it.

>Spotted the retard American.

Use the built in google image search you fucking retard.

Kiborg - Rabble

California 2017
Set up in a old shity college (osc) with a rainbow army, and squad of antifa
Its later in the morning.
Sitting on a pound of weed behind a (((buddy))), drinking my latte double express soy milk and talking to they while they is on watch.
The natzeeeees are nestled up between two civil war statues, giving me a good view of the street below, and the parking lot of cracker barrel across the way.
All of a sudden we see an army of boomers leaving the cracker barrel near the intersection of the street.
Transvestites, blue hairs and single moms all leaving the area.
This is clearly not a good sign, as it was not an order made by us.
At this point, everyone is high and has no fucking clue whats going on.
Someone calls out, "should we go see what they are doing?"
I hear no reply's so I exit the safe space tent for some donuts and to hit the bong one more time.
Not a minute later, two dragon dildos fire over us and the osc, one foes clear over the Starbucks behind us. The other slams into the furry next to me. Shit and bloody cum spray below and on to us.
And almost in unison, the sound of american dodge challengers sends a deafening roar across the street.
This is when I new paying 90k to go to school was a waist of time.

>blowjob photo on Facebook
>not removed by admins

Calling it fake

>implying NEETs even shower

I raged, good job.

It will collapse, the weak useless leftycucks will die be killed off, and the strong will rise from the ashes more conservative than before like it has throughout history.

nature does not like the weak


>headed towards a permanent collapse of western civilization, caused by conservatives

fixed it for ya....


Stay with random copulations, no guy will love you now.


Fuck off faggot

>Generation Rex