Why are retarded losers so proud of something they had nothing to do with such as race?

Why are retarded losers so proud of something they had nothing to do with such as race?

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the same reason why I hate my race even though I had nothing to do with it


yes this is true race is a minor factor but the reality of the situation is that retarded losers beyond white people care about "their" race and that's a complex issue that leftists can't seem to respond to

you're going to need to provide sources and evidence that you even know what pride is, much less what it means to be part of something greater than yourself.

Why are retarded niggers so ignorant of the benefits of grouping complexities?

What's that? Your fucking faggot website?

Idk i think you need to reread the logical fallacy sticker though

this: the post

Lotta retards on the line tonight