Why do Japs keep using Hebrew as some kind of magical language?
Why do Japs keep using Hebrew as some kind of magical language?
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There are no jews in japan so its nice and exotic
The same way the west uses chinese and japanaese characters as some magical language
>there are no jews in japan
But thats 2D
Sure there are, during WW2 some ambassador saved thousands of Jewish lives by giving them visa's to leave Europe and immigrate into the territory of the Empire of Japan. Some left since then but some remained.
Maybe it's a Jewish spell?
It symbolizes their growing influence.
What Jewish spell? it just says "Honk"
it was suppose to be a spell to summon a crow but they made a typo since then probably meant ציפור (bird)
Then all we need to do is bring back the samurai.
The jews fear the samurai
Summoning a Chen.
>not making golems all days
>implying they weren't secretly deported for being whiteu piggu
The crows hear a honking noise and then look for the smoke.
And just to add variety to this conversation - Date a live. All the spirit "powers" are basically yelling out Hebrew words. Clock is basically saying the related alphabetical letter when pointing to the digit (Aleph=1 etc.)
Fun fact: Her finisher, Zayin, is actually how you pronounce dick in Hebrew. truly a slut.
Because historically it was thought of as the sacred language and used in all sorts of occultism?
Why do you know dick in Hebrew?
They want to use hieroglyph, but using hieroglyph very expensive so they use hebrew as a compromise.
To make it simple, they use knockoff and simpler version of hieroglyph: hebrew.
user is a slut too.
But who isn't?
Because I know Hebrew fluently, making me a arch-wizard by anime standards
a lot of it is also them spouting stuff from norse mythology
what bothers me the most is when they use the term einherjar and apply it to a single object when einherjar is the plural form of einherji
literally takes only a google search to fix, fucking nips
I never watched an anime using the term, but I shudder at the thought of Nips trying to pronounce it.
Because in the past people used to think words had magic in them and used them in rituals. Compare with the way we use our contemporary languages: totally like trash.
Old alphabets and syllabuses are certainly still charged with huge amounts of magic people used to cultivate in them.
actually the word for bird. So they actually bothered to look up an actual hebrew word.
Don't know if that's relevant, since I dropped boring witch a few episodes ago.
6 get
but its not the word for bird, its missing a י which makes the difference from honk to bird.
Eh, it counts.
yeah, the fugu plan
>get exposed to a bunch of nazi propaganda about jews
>"wow, sounds awesome, we should try to get them on our side!"
pretty funny desu
eh ok, my hebrew's rusty.
it's always like that with me... or I'll try for dubs then get them the next post after the fail.
don't forget JEW STAR ATTACK
The Yud can be omitted, this is technically not wrong, it's just uncommon to do that.
Yes, without punctuation marks It's hard to understand how the word should be pronounced. Hebrew is shit.
the Yud can only be omitted if you add a that dot in the below the previous letter to clarify pronounciation, which they didnt.
Yeah if you aren't native it's confusing, Hebrew is indeed shit.
Wrong, it doesn't have to be added. At least not in modern Hebrew.
I need image of Jew wizard in Magi
>This thread.
they actuallly pronounce it okay, they get the vowels wrong but other than that it's okay
That reminds me, is that spell in LWA "Ein Ein Sof" "Ein sof or" in Hebrew as well?
It means "There is no end" and "Endless light"
>At least not in modern Hebrew.
its like saying dafaq, noob, or something like that. it isn't a word. its a corruption and a typo of a existing word. sure it might be used occasionally but its not part of the English language.
Ein ein-sof isn't there is no end. Ein means no, Ein-sof means infinity (no-end). so it should translate to "no infinity" (there is no infinity, probably) meaning there is actually an end.
>punctuation marks
I think you mean "vowels" desu
>it isn't a word.
your mom isn't a word
Jew magic.
Huh, I thought they were repeating the word (Ein) for the cool factor but you're right. Ein einsof is indeed no infinity.
>tfw fucking up in my main language
its ok user, double negatives are always a pain no matter the language. I will never understand why someone would say something is not not something rather than just saying it fucking is.
Writing צפור instead of ציפור isn't exactly a typo, it's just that they would have to add a diacritic under the צ which they forgot. It should still be abundantly clear (to anyone who speaks Hebrew) that they meant "bird" and not the verb for sounding a horn.
Your silly excuses will get you nowhere.
I should add that even if it were "honk", it wouldn't be honk as a noun. It would actually be the command form of the verb, as in "Honk, Chen, honk!".
Some people call that the "imperative" form.
Actually it would be the imperative form where the recipient of the command is a male, so it couldn't even refer to Chen.
If you wanted to tell Chen to honk it would be "צפרי"
From that picture alone without any context? no you wouldn't. only reason you know its a bird was because they were talking about birds.
which makes better sense. who would write you honk the noun? if someone is telling you honk - he's asking/demanding a honk
I didn't mean without context. Clearly the context of it being a crow summoning spell is needed.
But if you know Hebrew then you should know that short standalone words are often impossible to interpret without context, if written without diacritics.
If I wrote "לך" on a piece of paper, would I mean "go" or "to/for you"? No way to know.
Probably because it's easier to use an existing language rather than creating either a conlang or a cypher language. Anything using the Roman alphabet wouldn't look mystical enough, since everyone was taught English in school. Chinese and other asian languages would also be too familiar. Of the remaining languages, Hebrew's probably the easiest to replicate the letters of.
you could easily pick a word with dual meaning but it isn't the case with צפור, that only has one singular meaning. your brain corrected that mistake automatically because of context and the similarity to the correct word. but the fact it was so easy to spot and correct that mistake that your brain did it automatically does not make it any less of a mistake.
but anyways, this thread is getting off track, its suppose to be about Japs perception of Hebrew, not grammar. moving back to topic, why are even some katakana similar to Hebrew? most glaring example ユ and ב
Isn't Shalltear's clone ability in Overlord called Einherjar?
Thats actually a pretty good excuse. still I'd love to see some Nordic runes or better yet Akkadian. cant go more exotic and mysterious and an dead language of an extinct people.
The Nords didn't have a whole lot of interesting stuff to write down though.
>why are even some katakana similar to Hebrew? most glaring example ユ and ב
Coincidence, probably. Hiragana and katakana are descended from written Chinese, so I can't see how there'd be any direct influence from Hebrew.
I could swear I've seen some anime that had Nordic runes in it, but I've got no idea which.
Wait a minute, that card
I don't know, demon language seems to be quite a good choice for magic.
Nonesense, Norse had a longstanding tradition of raping pillaging and killing all over the northern shores of Europe, especially in Britain.
I seriously dont get why people are so fixated with the word Goy. all it means is not of the Jewish faith. its no different that a Muslim calling non-Muslims Kafir, or Christians calling non-Christians heathen.
It was Sup Forums forcing their "I wonder who's behind this post" meme until it caught on.
There is nothing particularly martial about "Allah is great" either, but nowadays it's considered a battle cry (or a suicide shout).
>I seriously dont get why people are so fixated with the word Goy. all it means is not of the Jewish faith. its no different that a Muslim calling non-Muslims Kafir, or Christians calling non-Christians heathen.
It's just the persistent suspicion fuckwits have that "The Jews" are doing everything possible to screw over anyone not Jewish.
Maybe because Jewish priests are using it in sermons in order to hate speech everyone not Jews, just like other Abrahamic faiths.
English speakers do the same with Greek though.
hebrew is a magical language duh
in that case: תעשה אנימה לאמיתית did it work?
let's try it differently:
אנימה תעשה לאמיתית באופן מיידי
This should do it.
begone from this place evil jewgicians
But the spell is to make anime real
אתה חושב שזה גרוע? תראה מה יש באושיו טו טורה
>A recently published study into the genetic origins of Japanese people does not support a genealogical link
Don't scare me like that, user
Because it is a "magical language". It's the language of G*d, who created the world simply by speaking the correct Hebrew phrase. On a smaller scale, you can even do things like animate inanimate things (a golem) by using the correct phrase.
Because the jews do not fear the samurai.
The samurai are the jews.
>all it means is not of the Jewish faith
Goy means "nation". Goyim means "Nations". The trend of using the word to mean non-jew is new and incorrect.
Even in the bible, God tells Abraham that he will turn him into a "big goy", and I am pretty sure he didn't mean turning him into a massive christian.
That's clearly vowel-less script, which is incredibly common for old hebrew text.
>different imperatives for males and female recipients
And I thought Japanese was retarded.
I heard most of them are in Manchuria, Kobe and Shanghai?
כתיב חסר =! vowel-less
Those are two different things (and pic related is both at the same time)
>On a smaller scale, you can even do things like animate inanimate things (a golem) by using the correct phrase
So it is possible to make my waifu real!
You think that bad? every object has a gender, even if you're talking about a sock you need to use the proper gender imperative.
>every object has a gender
But that's not just Hebrew. French and Greek are like that, aren't they?
>every object has a gender
This is exactly why I refused to learn French
and italian and spanish
I dont speak French or Greek so dont know about them, but it is the case in Russian also
Hebrew is a ridiculously difficult language, to be honest. Every possible quirk a language can have, it has. It's virtually impossible to learn and get right if you don't do it from birth, and even then no one speaks it truly correctly.
You can master the English language to the point where you can speak/write entirely correctly without too much trouble. The rest is just fluff; learning how to be more descriptive, learning more words, etc. In Hebrew, if you want to speak entirely correctly, you have to be a linguist. It's filled with so many weird rules and exceptions that people just don't bother any more. Spoken Hebrew is a very broken form of the "correct" form of the language.
The level of Hebrew that the average Israeli can speak/write at is *much* lower than the level of English that any native English speaker can read/write at, or level of German that a German speaker will, etc.
But user, how else will you know if your cumrag is female or male (ergo, making you gay)?
p.s. Rag is male, so use a sock instead, its female.
the West has used Hebrew as some kind of magical language for millenia
Many languages are gendered. It's just one of the million different things that make Hebrew annoying as fuck.
Actually, a sock is male. It doesn't sound natural at all but it is.
I guess a sock is the best choice for trapfags.
This is about ten different kinds of wrong.
There are even jewish yokai
This is deeply troubling news.