Should I watch this with subs or dubs? I usually watch subs but I hear that the dubs for P&S are particularly good

Should I watch this with subs or dubs? I usually watch subs but I hear that the dubs for P&S are particularly good.

i dunno man it's up to you

Dub then sub.

wait shit the dubs got piccolo as a black priest so watch that

The dub is indeed pretty good, but you'll miss some hilarious engrish and all the RRRRRUUUUUURRRRRRRRUS which is a damn shame.

I came into this thread completely uninsterested in watching panty and stocking, now I really want to watch it.

Both are good. If you want even more vulgarity, as is apt for the show, go with dub.
Gainax specifically asked the localization team to filth it up.

watch the dub

dubs are only okay if you check em

>he can't get dubs
What an idiot

Subs. Never watch dubs.

Not even for this show. There is nothing appealing about women being bitchy cunts in english.

Dub is pretty great senpai.

Watch the first half of the first episode dubbed and the other half subbed and choose which one you prefer. I personally prefer the dub.

>Never watch dubs.

Watch the dub, but switch to sub when the demon sisters arrive. The lack of RRRRRUUURUS in the dub is blasphemous.

It's one of the few shows with a dub that works. You'll be missing on the Engrish which is part of the fun, especially with the demon sisters. Basically you can go either way.


The random english swearing is fucking hilarious

Never ever.

Clearly you haven't watched the Baccano dub.

Don't try to reason with them, user.

>show set in 1930s Chicago
>japanese dub has formal japanese and honorifics
>english dub has period-correct accents and vocabulary
Yeah nah, fuck you both.

I mean that for you post, I just messed up! The PSG dub rules. The Baccano one is pretty good too.

S2 when?

superior dub coming through


honestly kill yourselves if you watch dub

How can you americans be such plebs


Always watch anime subbed. Otherwise fuck off to /r/anime.

Great post, MAL.

Dubs if you want to laugh
Subs if you are a neckbeard weebshit


There are literally people here that can't at the very least understand japanese, huh.

The humming scene was completely butchered. Nobody is in tune or sync and they only hum the first part of the melody.
Also, there's way too little variation. Everybody just goes full grunt instead of making a voice that would fit the character's personality and appearance.

>I usually watch subs but I hear that the dubs for P&S are particularly good.
I watch subs almost every time, but P&S is one of the scarce few shows I'd recommend watching the dub of. This, Ghost Stories, and possibly Baccano!

They pull off the jokes really well in the dub.
but the demon sisters don't roll their "r"s like they do in the sub so there's no point

For the love of God My Oh, this.

Watch just the dub. The sub was pretty generic, but the dub was outstanding. The english VAs gave the characters much more personality than in the japanese version.

>no personality


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