Does this series get less pretentious after first episode?

Just watched the first episode and it is the definition of tryhard to the extreme. I get that they're trying to create atmosphere but it looks like it's directed by a director who just got out of film Academy.
>Dude use of muted colors lmao
>Dude use of close up on the faces lmao
>Dude establishing shot through only obscure angles lmao
It won't turn me off the series but it is trying way too hard.

Do you get less pretentious after the first post?

>trying way too hard
it succeeds pretty hard too. I mean it's trying to create an atmosphere and the atmosphere is there: it's suffocating, harsh, and cold as fuck.

they all die

The first episode is slowest and most cryptic of them all, but include lots of foreshadowing.

in general, if you dislike slow-burn type of shows that don't spell things out for you, you better avoid Texhnolyze, and just about all the director's works.

adhd kids can't appreciate these types of show without calling them pretentious.

The plot doesn't kick in in the 1st episode, you need to apply the 3 episode rule to judge this one.

I actually really liked how it started tbqh but by the end of the episode it became way too noticeable.

If you're the sort of retard who takes issue with innocuous shit like muted colours then don't bother, there's lots of 'fun' and 'comfy' anime out there for you.

>anime is story focus
>It's pretentious

Dude if you don't like it don't watch it lmao.
why the hell do you have to ask Sup Forums for its opinions?

If you're a retard who can't actually read the post, don't bother replying. I don't have the problem with the premise or the setting.

Yeah fuck being drawn into a series lmao atmosphere is for pretentious shit.
Kill yourself.

Frankly, anime as a whole needs more pretension. Something being good and pretentious isn't mutually exclusive, by the way, despite it usually being that way.

People actually have dialogue afterwards for what it's worth.

I read your post and it's obvious you're nitpicking for the sake of it. If you weren't, you'd be able to explain yourself better than just saying 'dude lmao' after simple observations as if that's an actual criticism.

In any case, if you don't have the patience for the 3 episode rule you probably don't have the patience for the series full stop.

yeah, your post explicitly states that what bothers you is the muted colors and direction style.


It's a shit-tier anime for edgy kids and MAL-tier 'elitist' teens.

It's not typical of the genre as it relies of visual imagery and reading in between the lines to understand the story unlike the seeming endless exposition present in a typical series. Sobpaybattention when watching this and develop your own opinion about what the decisions of the characters mean to you.

I loved technolyze, and even if I didn't like pretentious, I'll take it a thousand times over anything from the harem genre or a series where the protagonists main problem is how he can't decide who best girl is.

yeah but pretentiousness is when you try to come off as better than you are. So an anime can be good and pretentious, but not VERY good.

My problem isn't with creating atmosphere or slow burn. Or it being almost silent. Angel's Egg has all three of those things and it's my top 5 movie. My problem is with the direction. It's trying so hard to be noticeable. It's literally director saying I know all these visual tricks and I'm going to hammer it on your forehead. It's quite noticeable and jarring.

honestly Texhnolyze is kind of a de-edgifier.
Its main message is anti-nihilism despite the heavy use of nihilistic themes.

Not necessarily, particularly when something is purposely self-conscious and uses it as a veneer thematically and aesthetically.

No, pretentiousness is literally when you aren't as good as you're trying to look.

>just about all the director's works
>Blade & Soul

try to at least not look like trolling

Pretentiousness for art is trying to fake a theme and aesthetic, you can't use it itself as one without being comedic since they're completely contradictory.

Look at like this. It can mean making an exaggerated or deceptive outer appearance of great worth, but this can actually be a deliberate choice. An example would be being purposely deceptive in this way to acknowledge the unreality of the work or art itself, enhanced by something like the delusions or crises of the self experienced by characters in the work. Maybe I'm not explaining this well. Think of something like the film Persona.

I only gets worse, you probably won't like it.

Would have been nice if mc atleast fucked the doctor


You can't pretend to pretend something has actual value when it doesn't.
Maybe if you had two completely separate entities in one person but when otherwise only one instance of pretending can take place.

It's about being deceptive in a particular way and not as a whole. Like a commentary on the nature of artifice by exhibiting itself, deceiving viewers by emphasizing something that isn't actually important to the interior, and making the audience aware of the unreality of the work in a variety of ways.

It's meta, but it doesn't have to be wholly a comedy like you said. It's like the self-referential nature of Utena and the unreality of Ohtori Academy, the self-awareness it displays while characters are ensnared themselves in delusions mostly of their own making with their own pretensions. I think you almost get what I'm trying to say, but I'm doing an awful job at explaining myself. Might as well drop it.

I meant to include this. Think of the people who get preoccupied with stuff like in the image.

Still in the end your work can't have the opposite intention from you, because it's not intending anything even if you intend for it to. If someone else sees it as the creator and the story to have to separate intentions then that is their own intentions placed on the story. The characters have no alternate allusions from the author even if they pretend to.

>your work can't have the opposite intention from you

That's not what I'm saying, dude. It's whatever at this point.

Come on and help me understand. I've been up all night on Sup Forums and this is the most worthwhile conversation I've perceived.

>Maybe I'm not explaining this well.
It's not that so much as you seem to be misunderstanding the literal definition of 'pretentious'.

Something can affect importance without being pretentious, and what you're in favour of is that rather than an example of actually pretentious work.

Life must be really painful for you living like that.

Yes, but in exchange it gets dull with its poorly written characters/interactions

>>Its main message is anti-nihilism despite the heavy use of nihilistic themes.

Yoshii entire plan is to return the will to power to Lux and cure it of its nihilism through struggle.
The gnostic overtones are also neat

sorry everything isn't fast and furious as you like it

All right.

Affected displays (or seemingly so), but then self-consciously zeroing in on the tricks themselves as a form of commentary on something else of actual importance and turning them outwards. I thought pic related was a good example of this.

I was linking self-conscious art with pretension, but obviously not in a negative way. To be more specific then, I was talking about clever use of facades, or rather pretenses, and highlighting the artificial.

First episode isn't even pretentious. The last few are.

I too had a hard time getting past episode one. I never did, I just watched something else.

My thing about an "older" show being pretentious. I tend to think... Hmmm Maybe I'm being cynical because I've seen similar newer shows, which may have indirectly or directly been inspired by the classics.

I mean to say OP, perhaps you're a bit spoiled, and you don't want to give the classics a fair shake?

>Okay mood
>nice world
>mehh story
>horrendous shit characters
Texhnolyze in a nutshell.