What are your thoughts on asian men being very emasculated? And why asian men don't get pussy?
Sup Forums 's thoughts Asian Men
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Worse than asian women.
They're alright, I'm not a race-mixer meaning they can have as many asian women as they please.
it is more of a difference of cultures than anything
>emasculated men
>still hold more traditional gender roles when compared with the west
Asian people are going to inherit the earth from western civilization in the next 100 years and it's going to be awful as they are a robotic, soulless people that will destroy anyone and anything to advance themselves.
It's mostly because Chinese and Japanese (and Indian too) way of parenting has gone pants on head retarded, and their diet was always pants on head retarded, resulting in a mess.
Mongolians and central asians on the other hand are chads
Also will changing an asian man's citizenship to (for example an american citizenship) grant that person a better place in the asian hierarchy?
You guys keep making fun of Asian men, they will have no mercy on you gwailo when China takes over the world.
When Asians chimp out. Its Star ship troopers. Get it.
White people need to fug and make bb anmm
My theory is that women will be attracted to the seeming "bad boys" of your culture. To us white men that's niggers- but to asians we're the niggers. We have smaller iq's and bigger dicks. Therefore asian women want us.