What was her fucking problem?

What was her fucking problem?

Not having kissed the tip of my penis.

Craved for dicks.

Who is this pseudo-homu Homu?

Did she get together with Manager?

Just fuck already!: the Anime

Too much lust for such a shy girl.


the lowest amount of girl power



That couple is so fucking cute

She is hairy as fuck.


Prove it

Like any pure maiden should be.

She was a great character stuck in a shit show.

Kinda like my life

That's a bit conceited of you.

Not being best grill.

not enough joshi appeal if I remember correctly

picked up

I fucking hated that little bitch

>thinking you're going to get loads of replies
>thinking people with /thread your post

wow u look dumb

I fucking loved her.
Which means I fapped to her.

Worst fucking couple

>Got you to reply

Why did I drop this?

All the girls were shit

Because it was disappointing?

this show was perfect

If she's not voiced by the worst Seiyuu...


Did the anime show their confession?

Pick up the manga instead.

Does this show accurately represent the sex lives of average japanese young adults? As in nonexistant?

Yeah, pretty much.
