The only person to reject Instrumentality other than himself

>the only person to reject Instrumentality other than himself
>he chokes her

what the fuck is wrong with this idiot

He's fucked up.

hes normall

whoops i just entertained the possibility that this thread deserved to stay alive. oh well burn out bright user

Asuka didn't reject Instrumentality, she was insulated from it by being in her Eva.

Why would you ever reject instrumentality? It's a perfect resolution to everything.

she had to reject instrumentality
for the child

He didn't think she's real. We've been over this shit for years now.

W-what child? The third child, Shinji?

>the only person to reject Instrumentality other than himself


>It's a perfect resolution to everything.

She's pregnant ;^)

He'd been alone for a long time and was kinda crazy by then.

hey, you wanna learn how to make a child?


How is instrumentality not a perfect resolution for all our issues?

Some people like individuality even if that means suffering.

>the only person to reject Instrumentality other than himself

Yeah, that's not how it works.

Bruh you know she like that shit even a dense mofugger like Shinji can see dat.

Unit 02 was at ground zero when the mass production Evas created a huge blast to unearth the black moon.

Asuka was vaporized

Some days I just want to genocide the fandom.

To confirm the resolve with that he rejected instrumentallity. Asuka confirmed it.

I wish something like Instrumentality actually existed. Fuck.


But the entire point of Evangelion was to open up and make connections.

I understand that, but Instrumentality is better for some people.
You can understand Evangelion's message yet reject it.

It exists. It's been available to you every second of your life.