Fusion Dimension and Dennis Jobbing soon.
Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V
First for Shark as final surprise legacy character.
Spoilers ruining fucking everything. Are we really never allowed to be surprised by the actual episodes themselves instead of fucking magazine spoilers?
And Shun getting left behind ;-;
At this point i would prefer the writers to develop the original cast instead of another legacy character
>Are we really never allowed to be surprised
Not with the Internet around
Xyz is over next week and there's no duels. Yuya ain't getting an xyz, Yuto's dragons are his xyzs until the end of the series and they've completely forgotten about the Overload howling effect in favor of it's pendulum effect.
How did those spoilers ruin anything? We don't know who the "man" behind Dennis is and we don't know the outcome of Yusho and Dennis duel either.
I would say that people should keep their expectations in line and not overhype things like what usually happens here.
>How did those spoilers ruin anything?
>le Xyz dimension is already over lmao
>Completely forgot about Overlord howling
The fuck are you talking about? He simply hasn't had a chance to use it since 88
Anime OERD requires DRXD as material to activate it
Both anime and game versions of it can only destroy up to level 7 monsters
Sergey's stuff was all level 8
Kaito's stuff was rank 8
Should've been obvious since Edo was defeated and there was no one "threatening" left. I still feel Xyz shouldn't have happened in the first place.
artists need to stop dressing yuya in women clothes
I disagree. We needed a little bit of time in XYZ to get a feel for the kind of shit Academia did firsthand. And personally, I'm pretty happy with it ending at 13 eps. That's all it needed to show everything and have some skirmishes with Academia to act as a prelude for Fusion arc.
Every thread until he returns.
>get a feel for the kind of shit Academia did firsthand
I mean we've already seen what kind of stuff Academia has done in the XYZ dimension through flashbacks of Shun, Yuto, and Sora. They don't do anything else other than card people which we've already known beforehand too. So, I don't really see why we need to get more of a feel for it. If anything it hurts Academia's cred in my eyes since Tyler sisters and Edo were taken out rather easily.
Welcome to Denny's. Would you like to try our Rank 4 for 4 deal?
Only if it's maid to order.
My sister has fallen heads over heels for this entertainer kid. Please help.
We saw it, yeah. But I felt it was more gripping to actually witness the entire experience of watching the people of XYZ struggle to survive by relying on each other in the lone bastion of society while seeing their lone defender go on a borderline suicidal crusade to wipe out every academia soldier he finds
It didn't do any favors for the credibility of their named XYZ based forces, but it did make their past actions far more chilling and in your face, which I appreciated.
Sorry, the service is too kurosucky.
Its too late, she won't stop until she has a taste of the Tomato
>Aqua Actresses will never receive Xyz, Synchro, or Fusion monsters
Leaving Standard at all was a mistake.
She has a worthy boss monster now at the very least. Just a shame it doesn't share the aqua actress buffs.
It's too late. Nobody can resist his charm.
You will also eventually fall victim to it.
They should have just erratad Frog the Jam and made a ruling for it. Seriously. It's ridiculous and is only getting all the more ridiculous with each new frog support.
>Not liking the most fuckable fuccboi
Get the fuck out.
Just like Rampart Blaster being like the Superheavy monsters should of been done and Red Eyes B chick, Konami gives no fucks.
Legendary Collections was their last chance to fix this shit.
They can't. Frog the Jam has "kaeru" in its name, and the frog archetype is "gaeru". They both mean frog. How do you want them to translate Frog the Jam otherwise?
Jam the Frog
You realize that that doesn't fix anything right?
Croaker the Jam. I don't know. They could name it Rog the Jam for all I care.
Toad Jam and Earl
It fixes everything
It's not like it's the only vanilla monster whose English name made no sense.
Remember when Konami tried to convince us that these guys were so OP they couldn't have pendulum effects?
So they are headed towards the fusion dimension? Is there a chance that Edo will come with team EGAO? For those who duel irl and ygpro, do you guys use smile world?
Damn why are they so hot?
>Is there a chance that Edo will come with team EGAO?
Edo will most likely die next episode. Theres no all those soldiers will do what he says after losing. I mean could you imagine him saying " Hey guys don't kill this man please he just showed me how wonderful Egao is " nah. He will probably die while giving Yuya and Co enough time to leave.
They are.
Unknown. But, I feel like Edo's more the type to try to work from within the system and ask the professor things himself, so I'm leaning on the side of no.
I hope we get NTR end and Gloria steals tomato away from Yuzu. Bonus points if Grace joins in as a tsuntsun addition. Extra bonus points if Yuzu just finally fucking dies.
just do it
>do you guys use smile world?
You got the names wrong. Grace is the one who is thirsty for Yuya, Gloria literally doesn't care.
My mistake. I still want NTR instead of Yuzu.
Does anyone here want to kill themselves because we won't ever get 2 well animated episodes in a row
I mean that's one of the reasons I want to.
The other is Stratos will never be unbanned
Ayu's duel was super cute.
Stratos is essentially E and R with an Attack right?
What do you think of this as a balanced version?
>Elemental HERO Tropos
>WIND Warrior/Effect
>When this card is normal or special summoned: you can activate one of the following effects.
>Add 1 "H - Heated Heart", "E - Emergency Call", "R - Righteous Justice", or "O - Oversoul" from your deck or graveyard to your hand.
>Add 1 "Hero Flash!!" from your deck or graveyard to your hand, and if you do, add any banished "H - Heated Heart", "E - Emergency Call", "R - Righteous Justice", or "O - Oversoul" cards to your graveyard.
We probably will towards the end. I would assume they're gonna want the last few eps to look good and I don't think any YGO has ever had a bad looking finale.
Reminder that Reira has both Ayu and the brown Synchro girl ready to give him a pity fuck.
Reira you a busta
I can't wait until Grace and Yuzu meet
>there will never be a "Yuzu has to save Yuya from Meiru and Grace" episode
>We're prolly gonna get a Grace/Gloria vs Yuzu/Asuka duel
I can't wait.
The reckoning is coming
>What is this entertainment duel?
>It reminds me off that sweet Yuya kid we meet over in heartland
>Yuzu's face
Holy shit she's got a citrus fruit on her fan
I doubt it, unless they want Asuka/Yuzu to look shit and actually struggle against them.
There isn't a Slowpoke slow enough for you.
They will meet at Grace and Yuya's wedding
>Your face when OCG print a Kaeru archetype.
This should do
Kaeru = Toad
Gaeru = Frog ?
Treeborn Frog = Yomi Gaeru
>character centered around creation and life
Frogposting namefag kill yourself
Am I doing this right?
I-im sorry
Is it actually...
>Dumb Frogposter... Etc
You can change Frog for whatever.
I get that people are obviously going to be a bit biased in a general, but is this one worth picking up?
Pokemon recently stepped its shit up, but as someone who's been turned off of this series since the abominations that were GX and the one with motorcycle racing, is it worth picking up?
Not anymore. Give us a year and we'll post a guide on which episodes to avoid.
Exactly, it would be perfect poetic irony. I am glad you see my point.
That's it for the filler.
Don't fall for the card games on motorcycle meme, littlekuriboh regrets even saying that. Give this series the 7 episode trial, don't be fooled by the colorful lights and immediately dismiss it. Once you pass the 50 episode mark, start marathoning it or it will seem extremely slow.
Thanks for giving it a shot.
Opinions may vary. I think that this definitely has the potential to be the best series. However, one thing that no one can deny is that this is the most heterosexual Yugioh series yet. In case that matters to you.
Absolutely. At the very least, watch the first 7 episodes, by episode 7 you should know if it is or not.
Imo not really, especially if you couldn't stomach GX or 5D's at the least.
The animation is a lot worse than Pokemon XY, so coming in to see some visual spectacles with giant monsters is also not really a good reason.
How the hell did Pokemon get such an amazing budget?
>abominations that were GX and the one with motorcycle racing
GX and the first half of 5Ds are infinitely better than any of the trash that is the pokemon anime which didn't get better it just has more budget and added more generic anime tropes.
GX and the first half of 5Ds are legitimately good anime that got butchered by dubs and because funny internet meme man makes fun of them everyone in the west thinks they are bad. There is a reason GX is probably the most beloved series in the franchise that can rival DM nostalgiafaggotry. And its not JUST because of how handsome Judai is.
When we get the right animators, it looks gorgeous. The problem is it's super inconsistent.
Forgot to mention the number one rule.
SKIP 19/20
I wonder why Yuya wasn't based on Ono like how Judai was based on KENN.
With the main series games, Pokken, the card game, increased sales in general, and soon Pokemon Go, they have some money to spare for the show. It gives them a huge source of new merch, so it's worth shelling out big bucks to improve the writing and animation.
Because Kenn didn't drain the budget like Ono does. Arc V's budget mostly goes to paying their high profile VA's and at times struggles to pay their MC's VA which is why we went long stretches with little to no Yuya duels when the budget was getting drained by the movie. Let's not even mention how they couldn't afford Reiji's VA period.
Having only 2 out of 113+ episodes to be considered skippable filler so far is very good, especially compared to the other 3 spin-offs at that point. You could watch them after you catch up.
Don't forget about Mieru, that was such a fucking waste.
She could've been used to further the DRAGONS plot more.
Mieru a shit
I'll be honest, I'd take a worse VA for Reiji if it meant we got more duels.
The biggest problem is that the show struggles to reach even a passable level of animation quality when it isn't one of their in-house ADs directing (of which there are like 3 out of a dozen).
Inconsistency and some QUALITY is normal for a Yugioh anime, but even when so many of the stills are poorly drawn, something stinks.
Even trying to ignore the animation problems, the general art direction is somewhat more generic than past series (besides GX), especially after the show abandoned unique action duel fields.
Some of the first round Friendship Cup duels are skip able. I think Dennis vs Shun is the only one that really has any impact in the near future.
only 26 eps left
XYZ arc so rushed
>xyz arc so rushed
Agreed. I'm glad they didnt stretch it like Synchro.
I don't get it though. They had the budget for Reiji and Mieru at the same time all through standard arc, so that explanation doesn't make a lot of sense to me as an excuse.
Synchro was too long and Xyz was too short. Hopefully they don't ruin Fusion arc.
Sauce? Or is this just another case of an user presuming he knows how seiyuu contracts work with their own baseless assumptions?
They would have been working out what they can't/can afford during the pre production process, and all this 'VAs take the budget' nonsense immediately has holes punched into it by the fact that there are almost always cheaper 2nd choices they could have decided to go with.
There are always seiyuu who out there who could use more work, including newcomers trying to break into the field, which ultimately keeps most salaries low. A lot of the more famous seiyuu supplement their income with events/interviews/character songs and other additional things like that related to what they do, rarely do they get lavishly paid from the actual job, since charging astronomical (relatively) prices places you out of the competition.