Is masculinity a meme?
Only gays like this kind of men.
How do you explain this, Sup Forums?
Is masculinity a meme?
Only gays like this kind of men.
How do you explain this, Sup Forums?
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it's not a meme, go work out you loser
Yes goy masculinity is a meme
Don't try to be stronger and better, fliunder in mediocrity
Just stay inside and masturbate -- 2D waifus are REDPILLED
Why only gays? Not every women like this type but most fo 100%
>Only gays like this kind of men.
What kind of women like ultra manly guys?
I don't know. Please, post them.
Your life is a meme
Your flag is a meme
I'm a fat bastard and do not want to change
All of them. Every single human on Earth respects masculinity.
Women like to fuck that kind of man.
Straight men want to be that man.
Homosexuals are a tiny figure.
Open borders for Israel when?
There are some women that are into hypermasculine guys. It's a fetish. Some girls are into really feminine guys like K-Pop idols.
Most prefer guys like Ryan Gosling or Brad Pitt. Somewhere in between.
Source? 99% of Women like prince charmings.
>a nationalist
>doesn't train
pick one
"Men love through their eyes, women love through their ears."
Of course girls like these type of men. But they don't give a shit about the pics like men do. Girls don't want dick picks. They want you to talk dirty to them and narrate stories through sexting. If that. What they respond to is different than what they tell you they want. Go to any gay club and you will realize this. Lesbians are all ugly serial monogamists. Fags are all promiscuous AIDS cumsluts with six packs and the most fashionable attire.
You don’t need to be a brick shithouse to be attractive to women
But you can’t be lardass or a lankett hungry Skelly
You need to be a health weight and shape and demonstrate that you have value economical and socially.
You have to be personable and fun, not poor and able to at least stand up for yourself if need be.
It’s not complicated just be a fucking dude
Gays fetishize the male form to the extreme so they are obssesed with physical appearence, they are men after all. They groom like crazy most diet and excessive like crazy and they are very specific about style and hair because they are trying to get other men who value loooks
Women don’t just value physical appearence, that’s not how female attraction works
>unshaved armpits
No. Just no.
The thing you're all missing is sport and competitive events. The gym is a tool, not the be all and end all. Many don't even bother with it.
You should have at least one team sport and one individual sport that you play on a regular basis. Attend events at the sporting club. Go trekking, learn to ski, go mountaineering, compete in road races. The greatest white men were sportsmen, but not professional sportsmen and crucially not one trick ponies. You should be able to attempt any mainstream sport and hold your own in anything outside. Obviously you can't be good at everything but you should be at least familiar with it.
That picture is wrong.
They want both.
>shaving your armpits
If you don't shave your armpits you're literally a faggot
germany everyone
Explain these flags, OP
i don't think that's how it works you emasculated smooth babby
holy shit how fucked are the women in russia for you to believe that they don't like musles or some form of masculinity? is it the alcolism or wife beating that makes women weary there?
>you have to be hypermasculine to be built as fuck
Fucking krauts love shaving their fucking arm pits jesus
this has to be bait
Brazilian provinces, they're Brazilian, I took this pic from /luso/ general.
I'm naturally smooth with the exception of armpits, pubes and lower legs.
I want that girl on the bottom, nawmean.
There are plenty of women that likes these kind of men
Thing is, girls are conditioned to liking immigrants more than their own kin
You'll find even more women who want to fuck feminine looking guys like Justin Bieber, OP is right.
Oh, and for some reason I have a few hairs on my toes lmao
doesn't make you not a faggot for shaving the hair you have, baldie
>You'll find even more women who want to fuck feminine looking guys like Justin Bieber
This. Here in Israel there are even girls that like female looking K-pop guys.
I'm sorry you look like a sasquatch
or just go MGTOW
>looks at flag of my state
Hahaha, no.
What does it matter what woman want? A door has no right to decide if its going to be open or not.
what are you 14?
With a body like the guys in OP's pic. Not walking blobs.
Those are the guys women ignored for over a decade while the spareribs still wanted them.
Only roasties settle for sisters.
whatever you say girlyboy
>A door has no right to decide if its going to be open or not.
Uhm sweetie, think again
>t. twink
Guiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilty :^)
>only gays like muscular men
Women like em too but typically straight men are nowhere near self obsessed enough to work out every day, just to look buff.
>faggots are as invested in their materialistic appearance as women because their world revolves around attracting sex and nothing else
hahahahahahaha are you fucking serious
I am serious. And stop calling me Shirley.
I'm not into feminine guys, but I find this over the top.
Also, you could call some of these guys bears. Only faggots like bears.
he's somewhat right tho, assuming you're not gross looking, most women will like whatever it is you tell them to like if you have the personality and status to go with it.
>Women like em too but typically straight men are nowhere near self obsessed enough to work out every day, just to look buff.
Think again. Pretty much every man I know goes to the gym these days and a lot are actually on gear. Lifting is basically a prerequisite for attracting women. You can't be a fat slob and expect to get pussy these days.
Because this is the age of feminism and women are the sexual selectors you retard. Men will usually settle for what they can get.
You're delusional. You place way too much importance on masculinity. Being attractive as a man isn't about being the most butch motherfucker out there. You don't see hot girls dating powerlifters and bodybuilders. They date tall handome guys with Brad Pitt's physique.
Only pornstars or whores that want a daddy go after hypermuscle like that. Most girls go for the moderate strong guy that has son muscle and definition but doesnt need to workout constantly or eat 7 times a day to produce enough carbs for "muh gains"
Just take a look at any male celebrity who has a significant fangirl following and you'll probably find that he's a lot more feminine looking than the bears in OP's pic, it's true that gays are lot more into that body type than girls are.
We call them states, actually.
everyones a fucking retard here. women do drool over very masculine men, there just arent many like the ones in OP's pic.
and the examples of brad pitt etc dont really count. they also like ugly male stars. female sexuality is different than male one.
Yes, you are a literal subhuman and girls and guys can sense that alike if you arent masculine/dont work out.
Women want strong men, not weak ones
>Not wanting to be a hypermasculine dom-daddy and have rough, degrading sex with loads of daddy issue sluts
I thought being a twink faggot would get you sent to the gulags in Russia?
True, and if they say they like buff guys they mean someone like Channing Tatum who looks like he barely works out.
even most dikes love manly women
the real question is who love feminine men beisde faggots ?
What kind of women? WOMEN.
if you're some 17-24 year old your probably looking at a demographic of "girls" that think hair and muscles are gross. They want those androgynous skinny jean twink looking dudes that sit around in coffee shops. They like guys like that because they're submissive and can be bossed around, and if she wanted to she could actually beat him up in a fight because his musculature rivals hers.
pic definitely related
Nobody likes that waifish fag look unless they are a pop singer
OP your fucking GAY
only the vapid kind of sluts that rides the cock carousel are into those equally vapid chads that have nothing to offer other than muscles and money
Never shave. EVER. However, if you're a literal sasquach, you should "trim" away abnormally long arm pit hair especially if it sticks out when your hands are down by your sides.
No? Are you kidding
You can be feminine or fugly. As long as you have control over yourself and other people and never feel bad about things you've done even if it's all wrong, pussy should come easily. Think about why are the top female fetishes vampires and billionaires.
how is it "over the top? The only thing that stands out on these guys is they have a built physique. The body hair and beards naturally grow. Hell, some dudes look like them and they don't even go to the gym, they just work blue collar jobs.
Wtf kind of straight women are actually attractive to this faggot-looking skelly?
>jew doesn't believe girls like masculinity
like pottery
>he doesn't even lift
I bet you're a manlet, too
Wow. this is a new low for you guys
As a woman, I will pretend this is bait and move on.
Men, do not shave your arm pits.
>dem rare flags tho
> (You)
>Wtf kind of straight women
Exactly, none. Girls are attracted to the twink physique not women.
>naturally smooth
>doesn't realize he's a soyboy low test faggot
No wonder you guys are so pozzed over there
Those are the prime age girls you cuckoo
There is a very big difference between the kind of muscular guys faggots like and the muscular guys that women like, and just like fags also like skinny or fat guys, women aren't only into muscular guys either.
You can look at OPs pic and tell that every single one of those guys is gay.
There are different kinds of masculinity. Some ooze gayness, others attract pussy.
So, we have a gay russian? watch out for the gay patrol faggot.
I meant the working out just to take selfies thing.
I don’t waste my time taking a lot of selfies and posting them on the internet so I don’t like guys that do this.
Working out to stay healthy or having a blue collar job is different.
>All these hairy bastards
Feels good to be ripped and have smooth skin, man.
>he's not /fit/ and /fa/
Get a load of these faggots. All the bears in OP's pic look like extras out of a gay orgy. At least this guy looks like he has personality and is cute to top it off.
______ or_______.
Seriously though, how far into your transition are you?
>Hell, some dudes look like them and they don't even go to the gym, they just work blue collar jobs.
t. deluded natty
Most of the guys on the picture are on gear
>Is masculinity a meme?
being a roided freak is not masculinity
>when a women plays with your chest hair after sex
Cockfags are missing out
Less than half, maybe 50% of them.
I trim my armpits once a year. I never shave them.
What kind of nigger cocksucker are you?
Even Kings and Princes are basically just mass murderers (or at least have the capacity to do so with a word). Even when women dress up their fantasies, it still doesn't take much to see the sad, disturbing truths that murder an idealistic soul.
Women usually don’t get like guys like Tony Ramos though.
This is fairly accurate
Needs more forearm development for dat dere proportion, also medial tricep but otherwise looking good user
>tfw your body only lets you be a bear at best
>tfw even other Italians consider you hairy
>tfw can't tell where armpit hair end and chest hair start
>tfw hair quality doesn't extend over the head
I'm gay and I don't like bears, what's wrong with me?
What is Prince Charming? What are the fundamentals of this guy?
Prince: power of life and death both in words and strength of body, handsome, wealth, status.
Charming: superficial charisma.
"Prince Charming" is not, fundamentally, a Prince, or charming. He's a mass murdering psycho with stolen resources who fucks hard and plants his psycho DNA in an eager woman's pussy.
Women, left to be themselves, love what we would consider "evil" men. The destroyers of worlds. This is why I appreciate Feminism: it completely destroyed every comforting, idealistic notion of women that we as a society told ourselves was the truth, and exposed women for what they are.
Fuck off, slut.
You sound like you have a hairy back. You probably look like an animal.
>I trim my armpits once a year.
Being a Brit, that's also how often you brush your teeth.
Evry women is fine with it but bar sluts is what you primarily want to attract when you run around with your body slim shirts.