>get red pilled on jews >whine and shitpost for 6 months as a NEET about it >start feeling deep shame for being on welfare because it goes against my newfound nationalist beliefs >get a great 9-5 by sheer luck making $25/h without degree >read 2 books a week, quit weed, booze, porn >start lifting >dress like a white man >fashy haircut >volunteer for my community >join alt-right group >meet fellow ethnonationalists irl. FINALLY have friends who hold me accountable and arent pothead faggot degenerates >dedicate life to saving European culture >want 15 children >realize I can be a driving metapolitical force and save leafs from diversity
It's been a wild 14 months. Thank you so much Sup Forums
How has becoming politically red pilled changed your life?
Doing great in such a terrible society huh OP? But oh wait no the system is not of the matter you did it all on your own.
James Powell
Oliver Evans
Ian Edwards
Christopher Sanders
>read 2 books a week I doubt this very much.
Ian Johnson
I read 80 pages a day. I use Stickk and if I don't make my goal it donates $10/week to the Liberal Party (Trudeau)
So yes its true fuck that kike
Samuel Peterson
Even 80 pages 7 days a week wouldn't get you through one real book. Stop reading Clifford the big red dog and read real books you brainlet nigger.
Zachary Barnes
I only read non fiction you jew. Recommend books if you arent ADL
Ethan Torres
If you like mythology this is a good one.
Jonathan Jenkins
I'll read it. In return have a real life tale of a forester.
Adam Carter
>start feeling deep shame for being on welfare because it goes against my newfound nationalist beliefs You Know what else goes against your newfound nationalist beliefs? The system you're keeping alive with your labor.
Have fun paying for Pajeet's kids while Kung Pow buys up your country.
with the exception of lifting and eating right I've really been slacking with the whole self-improvement thing
Samuel Phillips
>realize I can be a driving metapolitical force and save leafs from diversity
wait.... are you telling us you're speaking for a party now on rallies and on podia errected on potatofields to people ?
a greencard for a vote?
Luis King
>I doubt this very much it is possible, it isn't the amount of pages, it's the content and the style it's written in. some books go fast, some books read slow. i've red books in one day, i've red books in several up to a week and even longer. lord of the rings i've red in one week the hobbit in a busy weekend.
Josiah Perry
i'm red pilled too, OP!
Jonathan Thomas
lel xDD
Luis Thompson
>Wahhhh, is everyone else's fault I was a fuck-up but now that I'm "clean" and "responsible" I won't show anyone else compassion who was in my situation
Hudson Nguyen
>full on "ethnonationalist >reads non-fiction >"non-fiction" I highly doubt it
Nathaniel James
Reminder to post a link to the last thread when you post one of these:
Gabriel Davis
Where did you get this from Pedro? I help young men get on the path to Chad Nationalism every day
Jack Turner
This is a message for you all anons struggling with not giving in to temptations, like food or porn. You have to understand that willpower is just as much about resisting temptations as it is about making sure those temptations aren't there. A teacher of mine really put it well: "If you're on a diet, willpower is not about sitting in front of a cake and saying to yourself you don't need to eat it, it's about being intelligent and going somewhere where there's no cake".
If you're struggling with eating, throw non-healthy food away. If you procrastinate. go to the library and leave your phone home. If you fap, give your laptop to a friend. It's about putting as much distance between the temptation and you, so when you lose it you have time to think about it, and come to your senses. With time you will be able to resist it on you own, but this is key.