New chapter out.
Miyuki is so cute, CUTE!
Also Eric BTFO thread.
New chapter out.
Miyuki is so cute, CUTE!
Also Eric BTFO thread.
So close. Kimito almost figured it out.
So, Eri is going to be the second Shomin Sample now. That's cool.
Best girl, too bad she won't win.
Dank memes OP.
Next volume is the last.
Eri a shit.
Isn't it sad? Imouto and Eri are the true heroines and superior girls in this story, but neither one will win the bowl.
Obligatory Eri a shit post.
Eri a best. A BEST.
>Name is Miyuki and she's an imouto
MIYUKI a shit.
Eri a shit.
Mayumi a best.
B-but Norway is dead.
Haters still hating best girl.
All I see is a steaming pile of shit
You should clean your room once in a while user
That sounds serious. You might want to get your eyes checked, bro.
No matter how many cute momens Eri might get, the tsun always gets in the way and reminds me why i dislike her.
No matter how much i try to like her.
Miyuki on the other hand keeps getting better.
Interesting. The tsun is what makes me like her more. Too much dere doesn't suit her, it's too sugary.
Eri a shit
Miyuki better win this fucking bowl. Only her or Karen deserve this victory, everyone else is pure shit.
People with shit taste detected.
Eri have already won most of the other girls over with her sweet side and we know about what happened in the past, but some people still give her flank. Haters are being petty.
Dere may be sugar, but tsun is pure rancid feces.
Need more of Karen and her thighs. Also Eri an annoying shit.
It's usually the same couple of guys, anyways. The same people that instigate waifu wars in harem threads with non-stop a shit spams.
There are always uncultured commoners who can't appreciate best girls.
All these opinions, but at least we can all agree Reiko is worst girl.
Eri is objectively the shittiest girl.
Worst girl is Karen.
I gotta agree. Reiko is the most boring and meh girl in the harem. She doesn't have a personality that stands out, as a result she's super uninteresting.
Fuck off
Mad Erishitter
Miyuki and Eri seem to be pretending to be yanderes. I wonder why the girls pretend to be yanderes so often.
Her being an imouto really makes me want to root for her, but Eri is kicking the cuteness up.
Karen is still best girl, but I don't think any of the main four deserve to win the shominbowl.
More accurately, Miyuki is pretending to be kuudere with some yan on the side. Eri is pretending to be tsundere with also some yan on the side. And both of them are originally deredere.
At least none of the others pretend to be yanderes.
>school where every girl is an ojou-samas
>her gimmick is being an ojou-sama
Who thought this was a good idea? Her only purpose is being yuri with Aika, and she isn't even needed for that anymore now that Karen has joined the unpopular club.
Nah, that's probably Haqua. Well, I don't have a worst girl but Haqua is my least favorite among the main cast as I find her personality to be rather boring.
Honestly, she's really is redundant. But I guess she does serve that purpose.
She is the only non-possessive girl in the harem and isn't dick crazy.
>isn't dick crazy
She really isn't. Reiko is a good girl, it isn't her fault everyone is a thieving whore.
Eri a cute. A CUTE.
When did you learn to use a computer, Reiko? I thought you were too busy cockblocking better girls.
LoliEri was so cute
Utter heresy
YFW you realize idol persona Eri is actually facets of her true personality when she was a loli.
Thighs aren't a part of a woman that is attractive. Karen's are thick and ugly not only that her wearing hot pants is double yuck.
Well, plot wise, Reiko's family's wealth/prestige/connections is the prime target to wed into, followed by Miyuki(Kujou family) which can easily enable the author to pull off a harem end if he/she plans to.
>you will never play pokemon with a qt3.14 ponytail girl with a domination fetish
I-I'm not upset at all
>Thighs are thick and ugly not only that, her wearing hot pants is double yuck.
Go away heretic we don't need you here.
>Thighs aren't a part of a woman that is attractive.
>thighs aren't attractive
No you're wrong. You can't have lap pillow without thighs. You can't have lap dance without thighs. You can't have feet without thighs. You can't have leglock sex without thighs. Zettai Ryouiki exist because of thighs. When you are born, the first things you saw are beautiful thighs. Ass is shit if thighs are shit. Thighs accentuates a females hourglass figure. Thighs don't sag like breast.
Thighs are beautiful niggah. Thighs are wonderful bruh. Thighs are God.
/y/ here, we've been looking for some new posters to grace our board, you look like you'd fit right in! Check us out some time!
>playing ds
Either I'm older than I think or this shit is set in the future.
>best girl
>could have won but instead acts like a bitch
>multiple times including during this chapter
Yeah naw.
That's a DSi, which was released in 2008. So elementary schoolers whose first handheld was a DSi would be in high school and shitposting on /vp/ now.
Gays not welcome.
>Elementary kids when DSi was released are now teens
>Kids I used to tease and take care off don't need me anymore and are now crushing more pussy than I am
Being a baby-sitter is lonely.
She'll never win.
Only cumsluts wear this shit, do not want.
Karen only wears them for Kimito and no one else. It doesn't count if she's a slut only for the MC
>no pantyhose
Pantyhose are shit. Thigh highs are the superior legwear.
Yes, I do
Thighs can't achieve perfection if they are not clad in pantyhose.
Garter belts > pantyhose > thigh highs
Guys people are allowed to have opinions we don't need to have spergfests every time someone states an opinion different to yours.
>covering up perfection
Some people just want to see the world burn.
Am I allowed to like Eri? This is important.
>Guys people are allowed to have opinions we don't
That's just your opinion. Your shitty, objectively wrong opinion.
>ass ridges
>vagina bones
Karen is so yucky.
This was okay in the manga when the emphasis was on thighs. This from anime is embellished oversexualized shit.
So did they add nipples in the BDs?
>embellished oversexualized shit.
Eri is the best, just the best
Miyuki and/or Karen end or we riot
eri a shit
Harem end soon™
Yup. They are selfless girls who can share.
Why not? Eri is best in my book.
Katana girl a best.
>eri a shit
You're wrong mister.
Who Aika here?
You and only you
So how did his sister end up working at secret rich maid school?
The sister owns the secret rich school
That wasn't Kimito
>not having a good chance to win
Eri aside, Miyuki is one of top 3 real contenders to winnings the bowl. Judging from the preview lines of the last volume I'm guessing open/harem/friendship end, though.
For real?
How so?