>Trump has updated his travel ban, includes these 8 countries - Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela, Yemen, Somalia - NO EXPIRATION DATE >Trump has signed a $200 million memo to boost computer science education in schools >Senators Lankford (R) and Booker (D) have co-sponsored a bill that would strip any taxpayer funding to professional sports teams for building their stadiums >Jeff Sessions says that the DoJ will be stepping up enforcement of free speech rights on college campuses >Construction of border wall prototypes have begun in San Diego, California >Trump plans to set cap for refugee admissions at 45,000 next year (less than 17,500 from the Middle East) - lowest number in decades >The House Judiciary Committee is once again requesting that Jeff Sessions appoint a second special counsel to investigate Loretta Lynch, James Comey, and Hillary Clinton >USA and Russia agree to cooperate on building the first lunar station >Trump is considering signing an executive order next week to allow people to buy healthcare across state lines >House Republicans next week will advance legislation that would provide $10 billion in funding for the border wall >US second quarter GDP growth has been revised to 3.1% - fastest growth in more than two years >China has announced it will cooperate with US sanctions on North Korea, will close all North Korean businesses within the next 120 days - severely limits North Korea’s ability to import food, fuel, etc. >ICE has conducted a MASSIVE raid on sanctuary cities this week - 498 illegal immigrants arrested >The S&P 500 Index has hit a 38th record high under Trump (2,514) >Optimism for small and large manufacturers over the last three economic quarters has averaged a record high of 90.87%, which is the highest seen in 20 years
John Foster
This is last one for me. Someone please take over. >NEW BAKER NEEDED
Owen Hughes
>the president >she Apparently Trump's a reverse trap, now.
Samuel Richardson
tldr out of the loop give me the trump news to know! Or else!
Jackson Campbell
Why did trump hire 3 different foreign agents to be in his campaign and administration?