>be russian
>get poor and cucked by the cleptocracy
>be european
>get raped by ahmed and cucked by the government
>be american
>get shot and called a racist, get into debt you won't pay in 3 lives
>be african
>die of aids
>be australian
>suffer a painful death from a spider bite
World is a harsh place
You can't get shot if you shoot first
>be american
>get shot
not disappointed
Should have worked clapping in there.
>get cucked out of good looking kids even if you're not racemixing because 50% of young korean women have had plastic surgery
>be asian
>get cucked by corporatocracy
Literally a petri dish for America to do large scale psyop experiments. Literally ran by cultists.
Be south American enjoy a land without niggers ir pc culture while also fucking qt latinas