Other urls found in this thread:


Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.

On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.

He's correct.

George W Bush should've said the same when Governor Kathleen Blanco and Mayor Ray Nagin failed New Orleans spectacularly after Katrina while at the same time trying to keep federal workers out.

Say the N word Donald we know you want to...

The shills are getting smarter yet somehow still obvious.


Is there a mod dicking around in here?

>watch me not runt run like a nanny to people who are professional beggars. ya goddamn right.
hes goddamn right. fuck off, wait till cali comes begging.

Fuck Puerto Shithole!! America first!!!
Let Bonor help em.

>Reddit spacing
>Thinking that calling out the existence of shills doesn't make him one

We can exactly who you are just by the way you type. Nice try. Sage.

This is why you need to support the traditional workers party. Heil victory!

Like a sore thumb

PR was a spic hellhole before the hurricane. They are selfish corrupt and lack any sense of duty. They are used to living in shit conditions because for them its easier than working.


>rural white voter
>that sophisticated writing
>posting on Sup Forums

Try harder. The time you learn to post properly will be the time you'll be assimilated into a Sup Forumsack and working as a double agent.


>ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives
That one got me, (You).

>Defend Trump
>Get called a shill

what an absolute loser


>meanwhile silent as Obama and Hillary helped topple Libya resulting in millions of deaths and the destruction of a functioning nation

b-but trump is r-rude

This is why Trump is important - Democrats always take advantage of these situations and will attack us whether or not there is an actual crisis. Most Cuckservatives would either remain silent or, worse, pledge to "do better." Trump knows that he's been responsive to the crisis, so he's willing to punch back against the people who unfairly characterize him as negligent.

>muh ad hominem

The absolute state of hobbits.

Can someone fact check this image? So far I haven't been able to find anything about the nuclear submarines, I don't know about the other stuff yet.

pls no

This isn't even a good point to pick apart, Keith has really gone past insane.
Look I'm giving help.
you aren't doing shit
How on earth is Trump the bad guy? He helped out a bunch of poor brown people.

This. The Left is trying the same bullshit they did to Bush after Katrina and Trump is brash enough to fight back.

Sorry, I mean to quote only the first guy.

2.8 gigawatts
that's enough for two and a half deloreans

KYS, faggots. No...seriously....KYS.

>America First
Puerto Rico is part of America you lackwit

they do this and the next president will make america a real empire

I tried, couldn't verify a single claim made.

Trying to find source at the moment, please post if you already have links.

And the migrant invasion of europe you see today, dontcha forget.

Is this man actually autistic? Even if you were this triggered, you definitely shouldn't be reeeeeee-ing out like this.

>Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.

Sadly, for you, I've seen that EXACT copy pasta in multiple threads, hear, today. Say hi to Brock.

>The travel ban is racist

Muslim is a race now. Nice pasta


You can't help those who do nothing and expect everything handed to them. After the hurricane there were so many volunteers helping in Texas, if those people did nothing and expected others to solve their problems then the situation would have been much worse.
There has been food and other supplies sitting on boats for days but they haven't got the man power to distribute it ffs. Everyone with a car should be helping to distribute supplies but instead their bitching about trump.
This is what's wrong with the left, as long as they have someone or something to blame for their failures they won't even fuckin try to succeed.

>ywn be as assblasted as this guy
feels good man

>Friends, Americans, countrymen, lend me your ears;
>I come to bury Trump, not to praise him.
>The evil that men do lives after them;
>The good is oft interred with their bones;
>So let it be with Trump. The noble Clinton
>Hath told you Trump was racist:
>If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
>And grievously hath Trump answer’d it.

Americans finally get a glimpse into reality: Puerto Ricans are lazy, violent, fiscally irresponsible, and corrupt.

Dropping so many red pills.


Anyone who doesn't support Trump needs to be gassed at this point

not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

>There are more than 11,800 federal staff representing 36 departments and agencies and including more than 800 FEMA personnel, on the ground in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands engaged in response and recovery operations from Hurricanes Maria and Irma.
>FEMA, working in coordination with federal partners, provided millions of meals and millions of liters of water to Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. Additional meals and water continue to arrive to the islands daily via both air and sea.
>26 chainsaw teams and one Incident Management Team (IMT) (23 individuals) from the Department of Agriculture's United States Forest Service arrived in Puerto Rico Wednesday to conduct emergency road clearance and manage logistics.
>A fourteen person team from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is supporting debris removal and tree clearance to help restore access to roads in Vieques.
>The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) debris experts are assisting FEMA with debris management strategies in Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. One of the first priorities is emergency route clearance in multiple locations to enable access to remote locations.
>Power is being restored to hospitals and all hospital assessments are complete. In Puerto Rico, 59 hospitals are operational to care for current patients or receiving patients with one hospital being fully operational. One Department of Veterans Affairs hospital is open and five are open for walk-ins.

Fuck Trump for not doing anything

I agree we can't let this madman keep hold of our nuclear codes (if he hasn't forgotten them already since he has a bad memory.)

Literally REEEEEEE the person.





The PR Dock workers needed to unload the supplies off the ships during this human suffering are ON STRIKE!!!!!!!

Its over for him. I dont know about all of you but im getting my US citizenship before the next election so that i can vote this MONSTER out of office

How are you doing fellow Kekistanis? This Trump guy sure is acting a lot like a KEK ever since he got elected, am I right?

>vote no against statehood
>we don’t need no stinking gringos, PR strong!
*rain intensifies*
>USA halp we are part of you!
>why you no take care of our every need?

i fucking love the protracted meltdown this guy is having. i can't wait until he has an aneurysm, recovers, then while in recovery where he's supposed to be taking it easy sees a drumpf tweet that sends him to the grave screaming FUCKING IMBECILE RUSSIAN PIECE OF FUCKING TRAITOR SCUM

BREAKING NEWS: Trump absolutely destroyed by the writer and star of the award-winning diverse Broadway musical "Hamilton." After this epic ownage that doesn't mince words, I'm going to buy a $500 ticket to see the Founding Fathers the way they were meant to be portrayed.

>On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives.

t. Being this much of a faggot.

This is Trump's fault! REEEEEEEE!

>Kraut and Dixie
>Premiering this Fall

>In a world
>Where all the minorities have been extinguished
>Only one thing can bring them together
>Hating an old white man
>Rated PG-13
>Starring Rob Schneider

expiration date 12/31/2016
> please read labels before posting


>We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters.
>>On top of his blatant racism,
so fucking much this, user.

I honest to God assumed this was copypasta. You people get dumber every fucking day.

Obvious bait is obvious

Forgot to use a meme flag

A fucking money hole

Meanwhile in Mexico

Cry about it

>Dixie flag

oh okay , i believe this story then!

>this is a sign of a stable, healthy man

Keith is on his last legs before he fades out. He realizes he wasted his life away being a raging alcoholic unable to keep a single woman to stay in his life leading a childless vapid life.

What a waste.

But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

I can't imagine why this guy has been fired from every job he has ever had because of attitude problems




Lmao how many layers of irony we on senpai?

niggericans are fucking lazy, the containers are just sitting on the docks. even niggers would have looted it by now but niggericans just sit on there asses and whine for someone to help them when they should be lending a hand.

i never thought I would say a people could be worse than niggers but they've managed to push beyond nigger tier

kys kike

I'm actually surprised we dont have a puerto rican dependents day
It would probably just make more people hate them, so liberals dont push it

1 post by this piece of shit, fuckboi shill

Kieth olberman has fucking brain tumors

Who would be Augustus then?

How the fuck does Keith Olbermann still have a job?
Who the fuck is satisfied with his performance and wants to pay him?

Does Keith just screencap anything and complain? Because I don't see anything contraversial in that tweet. Let alone something that is impeachable.

> Republicans unleashed
9 other Republicans couldn't stop him. This is what running Hillary unleashed.

PR is a island full of shitskins anything other than genocide is a waste of money



Octavian/Augustus: John Kelly
Marc Antony: Pence
Lepidus: Kushner

Someone should break his legs for daring to insult another man's mother.

He has RLS.

Seriously. Look it up.

a wet sock could have beaten hillary's campaign

Not that i disagree with what he tweeted, but there is a time and a place. I don't think he knows what a high road is

I'm supposed to believe you typed all of that in a minute?

Fucking shills

No, this is what 60 years of failed politics and ever increasing jewish control has unleashed.

Trump is just the beginning. Buckle up.

Can we not do a mass-campaign to get him fired from GQ already?

The "#Resistance" thinks they are going to get away with the Katrina-ing of Hurricane Maria.

We have had to major Hurricanes - Harvey & Irma, hit Texas and Florida.

Also, no one cares about Puerto Rico.

Complains about spacing
>Uses spacing

Nice digits.
This may be a joke, but shills are dumbasses. Very funny though.

This is the worst case of TDS I've ever seen.

They're always playing what worked years ago.

They're imbeciles. They're outclassed and the best part is they don't know it.

It's getting hard to know who is Jewing who anymore. Not sure if straight up shill or someone trying to use Poe's Law by shitposting such obviously retarded garbage.

Either way, it's easy to smell your lot a mile away.

meant to also tag this fuckwit: