Announcements, Expectation and galore

Announcements, Expectation and galore.

This might be the most hyped conference

Is anyone actually excited for this? Isn't mostly going to be "x is going to get a dub!" or some shit?


>murrican cons
Do they actually announce worthy stuff there?

I'm interested for actual FLCL2 info

>western garbage
>normalfags weebs

Trash it.

>implying merch hall isn't THE place to be
Everything else there is for normie scum



caught the /tumblr/whale kill that fucking thing


It's the only place where normie autists don't stand out and fill the room with cringe. Dumb cuck.

Last year we go to see designs for Kiznaiver way before anyone else, before Japan even.

I can't wait to attend their panel this year and see Imaishi's next work

US Cons are a joke

Otakon going to be based next year when it heads to DC

I got an autograph and handshake from Kumiko's va last year

Fuck off

They wouldn't announce it before the movie even comes out.

fuck off danny cho shill

>Last year we go to see designs for Kiznaiver way before anyone else
So you got to see trash before anyone else?


You fuck off shoobie

designs for Kiznaiver are far from trash
say all you want about the writing, character design is far from trash desu familia


Just fuck off back to Sup Forums retard.

Wow, and you didn't even cum in your pants or anything?


Anyone interested in VNs is probably curious as to what (likely garbage) IPs will be announced.
Otherwise yeah, it's mostly for dubfags, so I don't imagine many Sup Forumsnons care.

>going to a fucking anime con on freedom weekend

>Hentai artists erect sawaru and napata are coming over

For what purpose?

Koiken otome soon


This is cancer and doesn't belong on Sup Forums.

Sunrise is going to announce Gundam: Frozen Teardrop right or they are going to piss away with more Gundam talk


Back to your containment shithole landwhale.

Hopefully Funimation announces plans to localize Dragon Ball Super.

They've got at least a years worth of material to work with.

eat your scaling skin neckbeard faggot

Your kind are not welcome here, tumblr.

Fakku bullshit

I was never welcomed to begin with, 9gag scum.

Chocolate Covered Cosplay looks great!

I remember my first day too

Its thing like this that make me really believe that anime was a mistake.


>SJW feminists shit in my anime

Remember when we laugh at Sup Forums because we thought we were save from this?

We need to nuke America.

Possible, I'm still for Sunrise to announce a new Mai Hime movie or series

Why is this thread not deleted?

Will the con be live streamed?

>No Covered Vanilla

Fuck this


Your sight

>awkward llama

Please kill me

>toxic masculinity
I'm dying

Who cares?
Nothing will ever beat the world premier of the oreimo finale otakon had a couple years back.

This is why I don't admit that I like anime

I hate normalfags. Why do you guys love to ruin everything?


No. Fuck You

Oh shit nevermid they do care.

You should delete this thread to be honest.

Incest is the purest form of love.



Can someone get an autograph from the mangaka of Sakamoto Desu Ga but have it say "to Sup Forums" or something similar

If anyone from Sup Forums is going to an animecon they need to consider suicide immediately.

True, but sometimes it might be worth sacrifice to meet a good manga artist

Just delete the thread

Trigger might announce something since they're fucking westaboos