Blue texas soon

>spics a larger % every year
>state destroyed by a hurricane
>hundreds of people without a house or a job and no money to fix this
>here comes bernie
>free housing and money for everyone
>massive hispanic and black turnout
>whites vote for housing and development gibs
>texas goes blue
>president Bernie

Other urls found in this thread:

>the state

I seriously cannot wait as a trans woman Democrat in Texas. Turn Texas blue!

Just wait and see

Says the increasingly nervous libtard for the third decade. Try hitting the GOP on a weak point next time.

>this meme again

Learn some facts, retard.

>In Texas, the very conservative Senator John Cornyn and candidate for governor Greg Abbott did well with Hispanics without ever calling for amnesty or open borders.

>Similarly, while Latinos form a strong Democratic bloc in California, in most states they don’t automatically punch the “D.” In Texas, Senator John Cornyn bested his Democratic opponent among Latinos in 2014 by a small margin, and Senator Richard Burr won 49 percent of the Latino vote in North Carolina last year over a strong liberal challenger.

>did well
Is that what losing by over 10% means nowadays?

If Sanders runs again he'll have the DNC by the balls, the only thing stopping him would be super delegates which would mean he would need to get at least 66% of the actual vote in order to negate the super delegate advantage assuming they all vote against him.

Did you bother reading further?

Cornyn outright won among TX Hispanics.

Theres not going to be a single spic left in Texas once Trump builds the gas chambers