What would be a good name for women who are afraid of the coming sex robots that will make them worthless to men?
Clearly, we will still call them "Roasties" or you could be a little creative and refer to them as "Sluddites" as a derogatory name between ourselves but we need something for press material.
The consensus came down to "Robophobe" or "Autophobe". Final judgment. What shall it be?
Personally my money is on Autophobe, describes womens' attitudes quite well as it is.
>Autophobia is its own phobia that tends to be accompanied by other anxiety disorders and phobias. It is the specific phobia of isolation; a morbid fear of being egotistical, or a dread of being alone or isolated.Sufferers need not be physically alone, but just to believe that they are being ignored or unloved. Contrary to what would be implied by a literal reading of the term, autophobia does not describe a "fear of oneself".The disorder typically develops from and is associated with other anxiety disorders.
>Autophobia can be associated with or accompanied by several other phobias such as agoraphobia, and is generally considered to be a part of the agoraphobic cluster. This means that autophobia has a lot of the same characteristics as certain anxiety disorders and hyperventilation disorders. The main concern of people with phobias in the agoraphobic cluster is getting help in case of emergency. This means people might be afraid of going out in public, being caught in a crowd, being alone, or being stranded.
For bantz you could also call them Transphobic as well. Given the explanation of a MtF Tranny that having a neo-vagina aka wound pussy is itself an artificially made one, one could also argue that a sexbots vagina is basically the same thing, an artificially made vagina, and thus to be against it is Transphobic.
Now we need a meme. What is a good image we can retcon?
My vote is on XJ9 but open to others.