96% of Transgenders resort to "self-harm" indicative of mental illness

A new study reveals that virtually all transgender students are self-harming in Scotland. The pro-gay “Stonewall” school report for Scotland with the University of Cambridge shows 96 percent of the country’s transgender youth engage in self-destructive behavior, including cutting themselves. The report also found “incredibly high levels” of mental health issues in transgenders. Besides 96 percent of trans students attempting self-harm, 60 percent of homosexuals also self-harm, the survey found. While 40 percent of Scottish trans pupils have tried to commit suicide, a quarter of homosexuals have, too.

“The Stonewall Scotland’s survey, which found 96 percent of trans students self-harm, is consistent with high rates of suicides and mental disorders reported among trans people for 50 years,” Heyer said. “My analysis, '50 Years of Sex Changes, Mental Disorders, and Too Many Suicides', supports the study.” “It is false and misleading to say ‘bullying’ is causing 40 percent of trans people to attempt suicide. People who are emotionally, socially and psychologically mentally fit do not attempt suicide, yet 40 percent of transgender persons do attempt suicide. It’s because they have serious mental disorders.”


Are we still pretending transgenderism and homosexuality is normal? Are we still pretending these people don't belong in mental hospitals? Really gets the noggin joggin.

Other urls found in this thread:


>marginalized and disenfranchised group of people who are pathologically mistreated and abused suffer from emotional trauma because of it


funny how 'marginalized' and 'disenfranchised' people are the ones constantly demanding the world bend to their whim

That excuse was debunked in both studies separately. It's literally in the quote of the OP. Of course a fucking leaf wouldn't bother to read, just throw out cucked ass bullshit immediately.

Are you arguing that nearly 100% of transgenders are pathologically abused on a regular basis? Because if so, I'd love to see you post literally any evidence of that being true.

Who is that guy? I never watch abc


84% not 96% according to the study itself that you clearly did not bother to read:


kike that got BTFO on election night. Cheering for HRC all night and slowly had a complete breakdown live on television as the numbers rolled in and he realized it was a loss.

Poll dude
>said a baseball team that was likely to lose had more of a chance to win than trump
>that team he said would lose won
>"haha trump still doesn't have a chance to win, muh polls"
>hfw election night

96% ATTEMPTED, clearly it's you who doesn't know how to read faggot. Keep your bullshit out of this thread, because 84% somehow makes it better at all? You're a mentally ill clown and people are laughing at you everywhere.



i have no friends, all the family members i loved are dead.

i still won't kill myself or cut myself. If the world is a lonely place, it's because of people who thinks mollycoddling social policies are a substitute for personal social interaction.

So, for everyone's sake, please kill yourself.

This guy gets it.

>this is Canada

Yes, this guy is a dime a dozen here.

Its the only straw they have to cling to. They invent imaginary oppression everywhere. Every single thing is a hetero-normative reminder of the patriarchy and that oppresses them. They don't need evidence, asking for evidence is oppression.

You don't reason against the products of Critical Theory. They did not arrive where they are ideologically because they're susceptible to reason.

the DSM characterizes these individuals as having a mental illness only when they also have depression due to having overwhelming doubts and confusion regarding their gender identities. Because self-harm probably means depression you may be onto something... makes me wonder if the numbers from Scotland are indicative of the rest of the world, or if all Scotlanders are just depressed all the time anyway. Which is probably true... alcohol is a depressant after all

The DSM characterizes being sad for any reason as depression. Spouse died? You're fit for an anti-depressant prescription.

Relying on heavily politicized DSM guidelines isn't a good way to argue for anything considering they only removed homosexuality from being a mental illness due to death threats.

Isn't cutting off your cock'n'balls a type of self-harm?

>from moon landing and the creation of antibiotics to this

A sane person would say so.

You would self harm if you chopped your dick off and made a fake pussy that has to be dilated a few times every day to stop it from closing up.

Yeah I'd have to say, as a man with both dick and balls, it is most definitely self-harm.

didn't read the article or OP post
does this include -all- of them or just ones going through hormone replacement/genital mutilation

All of them
Stop being a lazy ass and read jesus christ


thanks senpai. this makes it a good talking point

wanting to cut your dick off has a correlation with self-harming behavior? say it ain't so

Somebody should make a film about a male to ""female"" trans person going hormones and genital mutilation, showcasing their distorted view of the world and sex. Then realising what a massive mistake they made, and ultimately killing themselves horribly.

That would top tier horrorkino if done well

They could make a documentary about a well known video game developer's inevitable future suicide where he blows his brains out on stage at a game conference.

Call it Wuing the Crowd.

this would be neat but you are putting the film crew at risk


Trans orientated people should be abused and ostracised. Their plight has now become heavily politicised, industrialised, and a weapon for the left to use to further damage decent and civilised family based cultures.

Saying that, it looks as though nature has already singled them out for death.

Globalists are putting chemicals in the water making people confused about their gender.

It'd be like if chemicals in the water gave people a third eye and instead of trying to stop it SJWs said they were a new race that was oppressed.

100% of homos and trans have committed self harm.
Shoving objects through the anus is harm. Cutting off ones balls is harm.
These researchers are too blue pilled to point out the obvious.

Are you fucking kidding me? Does this look like you as something mentally healthy people would do ?

>Ok guys its only 84%. they're fine. nothing wrong here
you should just stop talking.

what the fuck you mean cutting my dick off means i'm mentally ill?